how is negative people and positive people

in this page we will talk about negative people and positive people

negative people are like they always complain about other they always think they are the good one and they also hurt people.

positive people are like they always thank what they have and they don't complain of their life they use their life carefully positive people they don't care about money they just want to be happy every day and negative people only focus on their Business and they always care about the price, Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better. They understand that failure is an event, and doesn't define who they are. Negative people are emotionally disabled by failure because they allow it to define who they are. They fail to understand that it's part of the learning and growing process, Positive people know that the only thing that doesn't change is change. They believe that they can change, and that other people can change. Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore, they don't try to improve because they believe, "What's the use?" Additionally, negative people don't allow others to change. Once a negative person puts a label on something, it's very difficult for them to see it in a different way. Positive Attitude

Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather than bad in people, situations, events.

A simple example of a positive attitude; when you are having a very bad run of luck but you still say "Good Morning" rather than "What's so good about this morning".

Well, Good news; you have a positive attitude.

Negative Attitude

People with a negative attitude ignore the good and pay attention to the bad in people, situations, events, etc.

For example; when a guy has so much power, wealth, and influences with great luck; but still complains and goes on a rant; well that person has a negative attitude.

do you have any negative friend they always hurt you and if you make friend with positive you i'll feel that their are your true friend