is studying important



because if you work hard now you will have a lot of choice in the future and a lot of people will be be proud of you and jealous at you,study give you knowledge and it will help you in the future and maybe some of you are thinking that fraction will not be help when you go to the market but it will decide that are you the buyer or the seller,if you are a kid now the thing is you must work hard so when you grow up you will have a lot of choice to choose job.


life is something hard to say it doesn't have it real meaning and life maybe unfair or life maybe will be hard but the exactly thing you must be happy or smile it better then money (life just to be happy) if your life is boring try to do something,and do you know why we live because their is people who love us and we love back and don't force your self to do something you can't life may not be hard us you say but you must try your best too nothing may be impossible try your best to ,are impossible thing to possible i wrote this book because i want everyone who read this book to try their best but if you try your best but you can't hold it any,are you can give up but when you give up don't complain and i want you guys to smile is better than every thing,things may be impossible but make it possible try to invent something life may be bad but you still have time to change you can change your old life to new life stop struggling try to change be yourself don't matter how hard you try just hold until the last if other can do it you can also do(if other can you can too)don't be shy try your best let them see how talented are you be yourself and be honest and polite so that people will be polite back and people will find out that you are a polite person,and people will also feel warm because you be polite to them and why i tell you to be your self is because you may force your self to do thing that you can't do and you will think that why other can why you can't is doesn't matter every people have their own talent you may also find your own talent so i tell you to be your self it okay that you can't at least you try people have their own talent don't force your self to do things that you really can't no one will laugh at you,you can find you talent