life of people

life this thing is really hard to said maybe life is just a dream life is just to have fun we live just to have fun we live not because we earn money money can't buy anything it only can but things you want,people now are very crazy they work until midnight because they just want to earn money,world is really big if you are reading this book please money can't buy anything try to have fun we live because just to fun with your family or friend now people getting crawly and our earth is also polluting,people now is really crazy they even don't have time to have fun and they even don't have time to care about their child people always work until midnight just to earn money but when the time you got money your body is. very weak already money doesn't stand anything first thing is to be healthy second is to be happy third is to be safety many i hope everyone who read this book to be healthy and happy that is my wish i wrote this book also is because i want you to be happy also if you have time try to have fun enjoy your life,life is really short when the time you are old and you have money where can you spend the money that time you already are very old so when you have time just spend a little bit of money to have fun with your friend and family i know every one want to be rich but if you are rich how you will spend the money on things that you want can it buy your lover can it buy your friend can it buy your happiness so what is the matter of getting rich just buy expensive stuff and drive a expensive car to show off rich or poor it doesn't matter at least you are happy and fun it doesn't matter rich or poor at least you still survive and a human rich or poor is nothing matter with people we just need to be happy,have you ever see poor people they are poor but they are happy and they still survive at least you are happy heathy it doesn't matter rich or poor