
life is a very hard to said it life maybe fair or unfair in this chapter i will tell you how to be the winner Since the beginning of time, society has always praised and applauded winners. Winning is and has become the central core of society, and everything that we do revolve around this one dynamic.

if you want to be a winner you must not be afraid of anything and don't argue with people that who has bad attitude you must try your best to bit them show your talent we all have own talent try your best don't give up if you give up you can't get anything at the last you still are a loser so don't give try your best that you can do try to show other that you are winner don't ever afraid of anything try to think you are a winner when you are almost a winner try to not give up because you are almost their but if you really can't just give up but when you give up don't complain because is your own choice every one can be a winner because if you work hard don't ever afraid of failure their is nothing to afraid just try your best don't be afraid they will laugh at you people that laugh at they don't know how much you work they only look at your result they don't look how hard you work no matter what they said to you don't listen people only look at your result they never see how hard you work try your best don't give if you really can't you can give up but when you give up don't complain because that your own choice god always bless the people who work hard we all are god child they always give us the best try your best that you can do god believe us that all of us can be a winner we are all the best try to not be afraid to be a loser if the most you afraid the most you are a loser only loser are afraid of being a loser winner never think about it because they always think that if they try their best they will still be winner no one will ever laugh at a winner,show how talented are you try your best!god believe you can do it every one believe you can do it.if all of the people try their best i can believe everyone can be a winner!!!!!try your best work harder and harder we all believe one day you can be the winner god bless us now we must try our best to show every one that you can everyone have their own talent maybe you did not find your talent is ok life is still long you still have time to find your talent not everyone who born are intelligent they try their best to become a intelligent if other can you also can nothing is impossible you can try your best to become a intelligent you still have time if you try your best you can be a intelligent find your talent,you guys know that i am a not famous author i just want every people who read this book to believe that they can do it i write this book not because i want to be famous i just want you to be brave,life is very short find your talent and show to everyone that you can be a winner the time that you try your best you already are a winner is ok to fail if you fail this time try your best next time don't be afraid they will laugh at you at least you try your best do you know how Kobe Bryant become very famous he always try his best he don't give up,if you try you also can be a winner class like him don't give try your best be brave believe your self!!!!! we all can be like him if we try our best you still have time if you believe me,we all an be a winner class don't give up no matter how hard we stand strong and brave!!,believe me try your best you also can be a winner class we stand us a group i believe you!