Chapter 7

Loren -

" S~shut the hell up M~Maxie ! " He let out asoft moan as he was being kissed on his neck . Loren wrapped his arms around his neck before pulling him in a kissas he slide his tongue inside his mouth , whining a little " Y-you know I am going through a heat cycle right ? worst of all butler Shi isn't here"

Maxwell -

" Why do you need that man when you have me Nox "

Loren -

" He have my meds !! What else are you thinking ~ i got a heat cycle because of your pheromones ! ". He groaned a little as Maxwell bite on Nox's neck slightly leaving hickeys " d-d-don't leave hickey ..... I have work tomor

" Do you know what kind of faces you are making Nox ~ I have only kissed you so far ~ " Nox got up as he pinned Maxwell as he removed his clothes vsat on his crotch blushing " Fuck me ALREADy ! "

Maxwell -

"How impatient ~ tell me how you want ne to fuck you ? " Maxwell placed hus hand on his face smiling

Loren -

He touched his stomach leaning back " That your dick reaches up here ~ make me forget my past tonight! ..... see i am already hard "

Maxwell -

"Fuck..... who taught you to say stuff like that ? " He laid Loren on the bed before removing his clothes as well. He lifted Loren's legs and placed them on his shoulders " You are Totally soaked Noxb! How lewd " He stretched Loren's asshole pressing his dick against his hole and pushed his tip inside letting out a soft moan

Loren -

He gasped holding onto the sheets whining and whimpering , breathing heavily . He moaned louder eachtine he thrusted inside

__________ CURTAINS_________

*Goshh it's my first time writing such stuff so i decided to go easy at first but dw dw you will get to see the whole P-R-O-C-E-S-S*

----------- Back to the storyyyy-------

Next morning Loren wakes up besides Maxwell didn't expecting him to be next to him as ue lifts his blanket and found himself completely naked " Fuck !! Maxieee !! I have work todayyy and my back is fucking hurting like it's gonna breakk ! "

Maxwell -

" Who was the one asking for more last night ? Deeper ~ ahh~ it feels so good ~ Maxiee rip my insides ~" Maxwell teased him as he kissed his forehead smiling

Loren -

" Keep it a secret .... Maxie ~ that i am an omega"

Maxwell -

" Don't worrry Nox ~ you can trust me "

Butler Shi opened the door as he looked at Loren with his clothes in his hand didn't expecting Maxwell to be there as well " Greetings Maxwell Long..... Master here , I have brought your medicine. I apologise for being late . If you want to punish me you can... "

Loren -

" It's fine ! you don't have to apologise somehow i am glad you came late so what delayed you ? " He looked at Him as he noticed the letter in Dhi's hand

Maxwell -

" Butler Shi ? right you can leave the clothes vhere ~ your dear master can't walk let alone stand up" He glanced at Loren smiling

Loren blushed as he cleared his throat " Shut up ! Shi you can speak infront of him ... He knows everything"

Butler Shi placed the letter on the tabke as he stood there not making eye contact with Maxwell " Some people stalled me from coming here , they had a mark of on their neck , I wasn't abke to see their faces since it was dark , they were well trained in martial arts.

"A sword mark" Maxwell remarked as he got up before getting dressed " You know that sword mark on the neck is supposed to be a symbol of loyalty to their master and the only one who marks his all servants is Ruo Zuan , it's a really suspicious thing that the only one who wasn't suspected for Noé murder was Ruo Zuan..... Money can make people go crazy but fucking his servants make him crazy . The head of Investigation department... from what i think , he is helping Ruo Zuan to get over from his crimes"

Loren -

"Do you hate him ? i cab make him disappear if you want afterall your omega isn't as simple as you think and the head of investigation department will be behind the bars sooner or later "

Butler Shi looked at Maxwell as he didn't hesitated to say " Sir Maxwell , if you will try to hurt kr take advantage of master... i won't hesitate to kill youand i forbid you from marking master as well..... he is a fashion designer and needs his reputation and he's an alpha in public , please keep that in mind."

Maxwell -

"Dare lay your hands on me ~ your master is mine ..... what can you do about it ?"

"you asked" in a second butler Shi was behind Maxwell with a sharp knife placed on his throat as he glared at Maxwell. " I promised him to make him the best Alpha !"

Loren was still sitting in the bed as he pulled the sheets away " Shi~ the clothes u gave me are exposing and that man left a lot of hickeys all over me ~ what now ? Shi bring Maxwell's clothes to me and i'll wear them ! they should be able to cover the mess he made"

Butler Shi -

"But master !"

Loren -

" enough - give me the clothes..... i'll wear them to work" he touched Shi's hand removing the knife from his throat as he hugged Maxwell " Don't you dare lay a finger on my man"

Maxwell picked Loren up and placed him on a chair as he helped Loren wear the clothes before fixing his hairs and traced his hands down his thighs

Loren -

"Stop ! i have work ....." He looked away all flustered as he went to Shi and waited for Maxwell to get dressed " Tell Zuo Ming'er to leave Maxwell to his company ~ I'll go to work with you.