Chapter 8

as soon as Maxwell left the company Loren sat down on the bed with a letter from the king

Leon Wolfgang

The one who have the ability to bring darkness upon the world , who have the ability to create chaos in the word , who killed his own people to get to the top

" Did you went to see his majesty last night ? i wonder what the king wants from me ... "

Butler Shi -

" The king's slave , Robex gave me the letter ... He must know something behind those masked Assassins who came to kill me....."

Loren -

"It's obvious ~ The king has planted a lot of spies in this country.... Spies even in his own mansion ~ he made a lot of enemies so he's scared someone might come and stab him at night or poison his food... The king is the title the old king , his father gave him... i was there that day when his father was threatened by his own son to write a degree of giving him the title .... it was just before he breathed his last "

Butler Shi -

"It was a coincidence..... you being there"

Loren -

"Coincidence ? it wasn't a coincidence....The king have the power to rebel , My presence there was as a pawn of the king , we serve him and we are caged in a game in the king's mind...But i hold the freedom under the king....I walk beside him unlike others who follow the steps of the king because I hold the power to bring mankind and bring justice in this world , the king ... we must not make him wait"

Butler Shi -

"The car is already outside"

*soon they leave for the Royal Palace , where the king resides*

At the stroke of the midnight hour , when the world is sound asleep.....the king , the Wolfgang comes out and makes their cruel strategies, to accomplish the biggest and cruel world. The most trusted Ally MC Loren Ryuu also known as Royal Slave guard , The Hidden decendant of the king and a royal treasury. The king will soon rebell against Emma Charlotte, The Queen of the Charlotte...The king will keep doing justice until the day of his death

Loren -

"We are here..... Wolfgang"

King's Slave

" We have been waiting for you .... the king is as usual in his room , the game of chess has been prepared. Don't disappoint his majesty, he have great faith in you Lorie "

Loren -

"It's Loren... John ! i am tired of telling you , so do you know why the king called me here ?"

John -

" I don't want to get involved in the political and mental health of the world ~ it's troublesome... his majesty already gives me a lot of work and as his regal slave i have to do more than just work- "

Loren -

" More than work ? ah you shouldn't use the word regal slave ! you should call yourself the "BOYFRIEND" of the king....more or less , that's true and i am not wrong right ? "

John -

"The king is waiting....."

Loren smiled at John before going straight to the king's room and without knocking he entered the room and looked at the king as he shuts the door and bows

" Your highness....The Royal Slave , MC Loren Ryuu is here as per your request ! "

Leon Wolfgang [ The King ]

" Why do all the formalities when you didn't even knocked at the door before coming.... how impatient of you, can't wait to have the next mission ? Shall we play the game of king and queen again ? "

Loren -

"You mean chess ..... why use the complicated words ? So who occupied your heart this time ? is it about persuing your lover or Leif Locklyn ? the old fox who rejected your purposely miserably ?"

Leon Wolfgang -

"Shut the fuck up Lorie ! I made a mistake and Leif ended up rejecting me ..... i didn't gave him much time because I was busy building up the strategies to take down the Charlotte ! you can't blame me for that. But this is not the end hence i'll continue to woo Leif."

Loren -

"I have found my Lover ... Maxwell Long , you know the one who runs a huge company right ? you must know him ! anyways personal talk aside ! tell me who is the next target ? i am clearly being impatient "

Leon Wolfgang -

" What happened to your slave ? The one who is always behind you ? wasn't he your lover ? "

Loren -

" Maybe my second lover ! Just kidding..... he's my friend and my family "

Leon -

"The night is still young....why the rush ~ you DEATH DRIVE "

Loren laughed at his joke as their game of king and queen continued until the moon was out and people were sound asleep