Kidnappers brought her back home(1)

She did not know where they were now or for how long they had been on the car. Blindfolded she sat on the back seat of the car completely unaware of things around her. In her mind the only thing that was running was the well being of her mother.

Now that the conditions have changed, she was sure her mother wouldn't get hurt like in her past life.

'But I am still afraid since karma is always following us and now this butterfly effect will surely lead to another misfortune.' Lucia had turmoil of emotions brewing in her heart.

The journey was too silent to the point Lucia felt it was stuffy and suffocating. "So where are we exactly?" Lucia cleared her throat slightly before starting the conversation. She wanted to clear her mind and think something else before she lost her mind.

"We are in the car miss." Jack replied without looking back since he was in the seat beside the driver.

Of course she knew that they were in a car. She could never mistake the comfy seat of the car for some truck. Lucia couldn't help but roll her eyes hidden underneath the blindfold.

"I mean location..umm you know place." Lucia asked specifically. "Well miss, we are on the road at the moment." Jack spoke seriously so Lucia couldn't even figure out whether he was joking or being serious.

"That's not what I meant…you know…arghhhhh…let it be. I will stay quiet." Lucia gave up directly. She knew she was going to get some twisted answers in response. It was better not to waste energy.

"Pwahahahahaha…" Suddenly someone burst out laughing in the car. "I can't…..haha hehe..Why are you bullying this girl Jack?" It was Rob, the driver who spoke.

Lucia pretended she was deaf and blind. "Hey little missy, we can't tell you that. There are things to be kept secret..Just rest assured we will bring you back home." Rob spoke in his joyful and cheery voice.

Rob was about to add something else but he was stopped by another voice that came from beside her. "Just drive the car." The voice was cold, yes it was even colder than winter breeze.

"Oh shit, you startled me." Lucia had thought she was the only one on the back row but hearing such a dangerous voice nearly made her heart jump out on the spot.

"Sorry boss." Rob apologized to the man who was mean and stingy. He was the only one who was keeping lively atmosphere in that chilly car. "Meanny stingy jerk." Lucia whispered under her breath. She was not brave enough to get on his bad sides so she made sure to lower her voice while cursing.

But, yes there is always but in things such as this. "What did you just say?" Someone suddenly whispered in her ears and that someone was without doubt the boss. Lucia hurriedly leaned to the other side and moved to the far corner of the seat. Even from there she could feel the aura and momentum of the man.

'He is a bad news.' Lucia didn't want anything to do with any other person so she decided to just shut her mouth. Silence after all was the best medicine. Lucia gave herself a thumbs up in her heart for remembering that quote.

"This silence, can I take it as you accepting that you did say something?" The man spoke, his voice flowing naturally.

'Who the hell said silence is the best medicine? Bring me that fraud….' Lucia cried tears of blood in her heart. She was more surprised at his capability to interpret things in his favor.

The ones who were even more surprised were Rob and Jack who for the first time saw their boss speaking to someone. He was holding a conversation with a girl at that. Was the world going to end??? They were doubtful.

"Why would I say anything?? Nope I definitely did not speak a word ..I am actually dumb hehe.." Lucia showed the sign of zipping her mouth turning towards the source of voice. She turned silent even slowing down her breathe.

'Stupid.' Jack face palmed in his heart as he watched her stupid excuse.

'Idiot.' Rob gave her a RIP sign in his heart. He would have made sign of cross only if he was not driving.

'Dumb.' Even the man didn't think that would be her excuse but what could he expect from an eighteen years old kid.

All the three man present there gave her sympathetic side look. The unaware Lucia felt satisfied with her excuse when she didn't hear another sound from the trio.

"Boss we are here." Rob spoke as he stopped the car.

Lucia was delighted at this news and sprang up like a little fawn excitement written all over her face.

"Are we home?? Did we reach?" Lucia asked. She was not going to take a no for an answer.

"No not yet." It was Jack who gave her the news. "Sir, I have called Emma. She will be here in a minute."

'Emma? Who was this new person now?' Lucia lost her temper seeing those men doing whatever they wanted.

"Hey, you said you will take me home but you stop midway and ask for some girl??" Lucia shouted at the man who was not even there anymore.

"Missy, please co operate for a little while." Rob tried to coax her like a little kid. Lucia felt stupid for relaxing for even a little bit. They were also her kidnappers after all.

Against her will she was made to walk out and she entered an air conditioned room.

'Now where am I?' It was one thing after the other. A very ladylike and professional voice reached her ear. "Is she the one?" She seemed to be whispering with the men with her.

After taking for a little while Emma shook her head with pity looking at Lucia. "Poor girl and its even her birthday." She sighed taking Lucia's hand.

Lucia was shocked speechless when someone took her hand but relaxed when she felt it was a woman's hand and it was warm against her cold hand.

Lucia was again led towards somewhere else. She felt like a cargo shipped from here to there. "Sorry little girl but endure with me for a while." There was a sound of locking a door.

In one swoop her dress fell on the ground leaving her naked like a baby. Before she could cover herself and shout at this insolence, a warm an soft fabric touched her body. "You are changing my dress??" Lucia felt embarrassed.

"You can't go and meet your mother in that dress looking all roughed up now can you?" Emma pulled a pair of knee length skirt and helped her in them.

Lucia felt it was kind of the man for worrying about her mother. 'He might not br that bad after all." Lucia gave him a few positive points.

"He also asked me to choose the dress for you. He said your choice was a little too bold." Emma reported his words to Lucia who had veins popping on her clenched fist.

'He is a jerk after all.' Lucia was never going to think this devil was a good man.

She had been a dressing assistant before and she had never seen anyone with such a beautiful body and proportions. She was neither too tall nor too short. She had a little belly fat but that did not hide her well crafted small waist and hourglass shaped body.

Lucia felt her eyes on her and subconsciously tried to shrink her body. She still remembered that pervert kidnappers gaze on her. She still had the blind folds on but that didn't stop her from feeling the gaze.

"Errr…is anything wrong ??" Lucia asked Emma who snapped out from her thoughts.

"You have really nice body, ever thought about modeling?" Emma wanted to recruit this gem before her," I think you have potential to pull it off." Emma added a little more compliments.

Lucia had never in her wildest dream expected some one to approach her saying she was a good fit in Fashion industry. She had one or two endorsements in her past life but they all ended up being utter failures so she was not really sure about her modeling.

"I have plans for entertainment industry but can we talk about this sometime later…I can't decide now. I have to many things going on at the moment." Lucia felt her head might burst now that all those painful memories of past and present came rushing in.

"There is no hurry just take you time." Emma patted her back showing her concern and understanding.

"Beautiful" Rob was the first one to compliment Lucia but she didn't feel thrilled being complimented while she was blind folded. It looked rather peculiar.

"Emma, boss just left. He will contact you soon. Thank you for coming down in such a short notice." Jack informed the ladies.

"No worries, I am always at his service." Emma replied with a hidden pride in her voice.

"Sorry for before but missy we are taking you straight home." Rob hit the gas and they were soon on the way to her house.

Mrs. Sovuyer sat in the kitchen chair with her hands on her head. She looked drained out and empty.The police station had asked her to go back home before further inquiry was made.

She tried calling Natalia again but she was only directed to voice message. She had called Harith but his phone seemed to have died . She could do nothing else except pray to God.

"My baby daughter…ple-ase Good keep her safe." Tears rolled down her face as she looked at the photo frame. Her daughter was smiling like an angel.

She looked at the clock on her wall. It was already 2 am.

Suddenly the door bell rang to her house. "Is it her??" She rushed to open the door but the person there was not the person she had expected,

"John!!!??" " What are you doing here??" She looked with a dark face at the man who stood on the door in shabby appearance. He smelt of alcohol.

"Let me stay here for a while." He entered the house as if it belonged to him. If she wanted she would love to kick him out of the house but she didn't have strength for that. at the moment.

"Please go back for today…just not today.." She was almost pleading him with her hands, eyes and mouth.

Before she could speak further, the doorbell rang again.