kidnappers brought her back home(2)

"Huh, who the hell is ringing the door bell at this time of night?" The man called john who was pulling off his stinking socks showed irritation and asked suspiciously. Without caring about whatever nonsense he was speaking Mrs. Sovuyer ran to unlock the door.

Seeing that she was about to open the door, John sprang on his feet and blocked her. "You can't open the door." He threatened her. He was shaking slightly like as if he was afraid.

"Stop this bullshit John, I am letting you in my house and now you want to act like owner?? Hah…I really have to salute your guts.." She tried to push him away and open the door but was stopped again.

'What if it was Lucia?' She wanted it to be her. Nope she hoped it to be her even if the chances of this happening were very slim.

She reached her hand forward but was forced to retreat back again. "What's wrong with you, you lunatic?" She screamed at his face losing control over her anger. John was shocked by this outburst. Taking the opportunity, Lucia's mother opened the door.

"Lucia..." But she stopped in her speech looking at the uninvited guest.

"Who are you people?" She looked warily at the three or four bulky men who stood at the door.

"We will like to excuse ourselves mam, sorry to bother you." They spoke polite but acted opposite as they forcefully entered the room. The door locked behind them.

"When are we going to reach my home?" Lucia was getting impatient by every second. She was already getting bad feelings in her heart.

"I shouldn't be telling you this missy, but we were outside the city. That's why it is taking much more time." Rob was a soft hearted man.

"Don't speak unnecessarily." Jack scolded Rob in his normal neutral voice. "Be thankful that boss is not here." Jack reminded the rule to Rob.

Rob nodded his head and once again the car was filled with silence.

"Missy, we are finally here." Rob finally stopped the car and cheerfully informed Lucia. Lucia who was like a salted chicken sprang to life and hurried out the car still blindfolded.

"Can I take off this?" Lucia pointed out to the cloth that was blocking her vision.

"Now that boss is not here, its fine to take it off." Rob replied happy for her but Jack as always interrupted in middle. "Our identity is connected with the boss so it's also better if you don't see us miss. I know it is a little irresponsible of us but you can only take off your blindfold after we are gone."

Jack further added, "The identity of our boss can never be revealed so I hope you cooperate miss but even if you don't want to we have plenty of other ways to make you comply with us.'

'If that's so then it is logical.' Lucia didn't argue with them after all she really didn't want anything to do with such a dangerous group of people. One encounter was more than enough.

"Well then have a good day miss." Rob and Jack started the car and went away. Lucia finally loosened the tight blind fold and opened her eyes. It felt like as if she had been in dark for an eternity when she saw the finally saw light.

"Will she be alright?" Rob asked worried. "We have done our duty. Now whatever happens is her own fate." Both of them looked at Lucia who was taking off her blind fold and running upstairs before finally taking off.

Lucia hurried upstairs to her apartment. She knew the password to her apartment so without even ringing the door bell she entered her room with tears filled in her eyes. She couldn't wait to see her mom.

"Mom…." She called for her mother as soon as she entered the house.

She got no reply.

"Mom?????" The scene of the house made her stop halfway. "Mom, where are you???" Lucia didn't want to believe something had happened but she could not deceit herself when the whole room was thrashed.

"Mom??" Lucia called over and over again while she checked the rooms.

No sign of a single soul. What was happening?? In her last life this series of events had not occurred. Lucia stood in the empty house unable to think anything, unable to do anything.

"What the hell is happening??" Lucia thought she could finally have a nice life free of any troubles by avoiding all the previous happenings and correcting her mistakes but why were the incidents that were happening in this life even crueler.

She crouched down on the floor clutching her hair as she tried to think things that could give her hints regarding the disappearance of her mother.

"Lu-Lucia?" A male voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Huh??" Lucia looked towards the source of sound. "Who are you?" Lucia felt flat on her butt startled. "Who are you and why is not my mom here?" She looked at this stranger who looked more suspicious than the man who had kidnapped her.

Coming out from under the cupboard he looked like a homeless vagabond.

"Lu-cia..It is you." The man beamed looking at her.

"You don't recognize me?" He pointed at himself but before he could speak anything else Lucia spoke. "I don't care who you are but where is my mom? You did something didn't you?" Lucia eyed him with suspicion and fear as she picked up a broom and took a defensive stance.

She didn't trust the man one bit.

"Listen to me first..let me explain…"The man tried to make her listen to his side of story first but was interrupted by Lucia. "I said I don't give a damn to who you are..don't you have ear?"

"Now tell me where my mom is before I call the police on you?" Lucia threatened him while she really took the telephone ready to call.

"Wait, don't..I will tell." The man burst out into sweats. "You mom…Your mo-om she….she's been taken away." He finally opened his mouth.

"Taken away??By whom??" Lucia was wide eyed. "Why would anyone take her away??" Lucia looked at the man realizing something.

"It was you, wasn't it??"

The man suddenly stepped forward and caught her hand. "Please, you have to help me..I mean your mother..She was taken away by the sharks." The man had sweat hands and he looked even more shabbier while he begged.

"Sharks??" Lucia's first thought was of big sharks that roamed in the vast oceans.

"Loan sharks.." The man repeated as if he could understand what was going on in her head.

"Sharks?? Why would they even take her?? She has never owed anyone anything…hey man tell the truth." Lucia didn't buy what this man was saying.

"I am telling the truth…here take this." The man handed her a phone that was already on a call.

Lucia took it cautiously and put it on her ear. "So you bastard finally had the guts to call me?" A coarse and hoarse voice spoke. "So when are you going to pay your debt?? You think you can run away after borrowing that much money?"

"Who are you and where is my mom?" Lucia directly asked the man. "Ohh, a girl?" The man was taken aback. "Your mom you say?? This woman?" The man on the other side looked at the woman they had taken hostage and put her up.

"Here, someone is asking for you. Your daughter??"

Lucia held her breathe, her heart beating faster.

"Lucia???" The kind voice that's she could never forget entered her ear immediately breaking her down. "Mom…" She cried. "You are safe.." Lucia knelt on the floor since her leg gave away.

"Silly, don't worry about me..I was so worried about you.." Mrs. Souvyer finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"if we are done with this touching reunion, shall we move to our main agenda?" The man snatched his phone.

"What agenda are you talking about?" Lucia's attention finally shifted towards the man.

"I don't know what kind of relation you three have but that man, John, he owes us a debt of three million excluding interest, so how about deciding the payment, Hmmm?" His voice had a touch of sarcasm but It was unnoticeable shrouded by his heavy voice filled with greed.

"Three million?? Are you ripping us off? We don't even know this man." Lucia was stupefied and surprised silly.

"Ohh, then I guess you don't know but that man and your mom are related. Its' not like I care but missy since I like your voice let me give tell you something important, we sharks don't let go unless we get the money back even if we have to search for their relative's seven seas and continents apart."

"So its either you mother who stays with us and work to pay off the debt since that man is always running off with his tail between his legs or you become the one to pay it off." The man gave her choices but neither of them were actually choices. It was either take a poison or take another poison.

"Just let my mom go, I will take up the work of paying the debt." Lucia could never let her mother rot in a place like that not even for a second.

"Good to hear that, we will be arriving there shortly. Make sure you prepare a warm tea for us." He chuckled dangerously. "This girl, she wasn't there when you went to bring this woman, was she?"

"No boss." His subordinates replied.

"Back in home at 2 am??" The man with a deep scar running through his right eyes had a slight dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Let's go." He stood up and ordered the men. "Boss you are going yourself?" One of them asked since he never took matter in his hand himself.

"Let's just say I am bored to death."