Glimpse of Past(1)

"Are you all better now?" Sam sat beside Lucia on the bench. He took off the bag he was carrying and placed it on the desk while looking at her complexion. She actually looked healthier than ever.

"Huh! Hey Sam, morning." Lucia who was lost in her thoughts looked up and greeted Sam with a smile. "You can see for yourself. I am as healthy as a horse." Lucia laughed showing her undeveloped small biceps.

"Guess my food did magic after all, you look even better than usual." Sam smiled at her slyly.

He felt relieved seeing that she was much better than he had expected. 'She went through such a traumatic experience after all.' Sam felt sorry for her.

"Yes,yes..Your food is the best." Lucia complimented him. "that's why I said I wanted to marry you, after all a man who can cook is everyone's dream after all." Lucia added flirtily.

"Whatever, I am not marrying you." Sam scoffed at her and turned in front since the professor was about to arrive.

"Hey, What about you friend?" Sam remembered something and again looked at her. "I don't see her today." Sam looked at the empty seat beside Lucia's seat.

'True.' Lucia herself had not seen her today. She was thinking about the offer made by the scouting man, Ash that she met that morning. She was in dilemma whether to trust his capabilities or not. She had many things in her mind and did not have time to take care about about some bitchy girl.

"Natalia must be sick. She did look pale when she left." Lucia tried remembering her and that was all she could remember.

She had already blacklisted that backstabbing woman in her heart. Even if she came back trying to soften her heart she was not going to give a dime amount of care to her.

" Still…Are you worried about her?? Oya oya..I smell romance in air.." Lucia was giving him teasing look her eyes and lips forming a sharp and annoying smirk.

"Oh..It's fine. I was just asking. It's not like I am worried about her or something." Sam was neutral in his expression and voice as he replied to her teasing. "Professor is coming. Pay attention now, you spoilt brat." Sam flicked on her forehead.

"Owww…You!" Lucia frowned looking at him who still had 'I don't care what you say to me' expression written on his face.

"Tch…not the reaction I was wanting. Bummer." Lucia pouted looking sideways acting spoilt. The professor entered the classroom so she could do nothing about Sam who was suppressing his desire to laugh at her.


"Sam, have you thought about the upcoming audition?" Lucia asked when the classes were over. In her last life, she, Sam and Natalia had joined the audition together since they were all from the acting department.

'My last life huh?' Lucia felt bitter remembering about her past life.

[A Glimpse Of The Past.]

[The day after her birthday.]

Last life had been one hell of a drama for Lucia especially since things were heading towards worse for her. Her mother had been admitted to the ICU as a result of the shock to the brain. She was in Coma and had no sign of waking anytime soon.

Lucia opened her eyes slowly, her ears ringing. She could hear few voices that were whispering to each other about something. With a great effort and pain Lucia opened her eyes, wrinkling her eyes brows.

"The girl is up Doctor." A lady in white dress stood up from her seat and went to call a doctor.

"A nurse!?" Lucia tried sitting up on her bed with the support of her hand.

"Hiss….." Lucia felt a twinge of pain in her left hand. An IV drip was attached to her wrist. "Am I in hospital?" Lucia observed her surroundings. "I guess I am." Lucia looked at the hospital gown she was wearing.

Exactly at that time the doctor too appeared there with some files. "Good to see that you are awake." The doctor smiled a warm smile at her. "Hello?!" Lucia was both lost and surprised at the situation she was in.

"Can you not remember anything?" Seeing the confused look in her eyes the doctor asked her just to confirm her status.

"You have been out since yesterday night." The doctor gave her few hints.

"Yesterday?" Lucia was still lost. "Yesterday…." Lucia tried tracing back her memories to the latest one.

She was partying yesterday since it was her birthday and on occasion of turning 18 Natalia gave a toast to her. She drank some cups and there were one cup after another until she could remember no more.

"I only remember some of the event from yesterday.....But Doctor Why am I here?" Lucia looked at the doctor hoping he would answer her queries. How did she arrive in hospital from a party in a bar.

"I guessed so." The doctor looked at the file in his hand. "You can't remember certain events, am I correct?" The Doc raised his eyebrow. Lucia nodded her head in confirmation.

"What a stupid lady you are," is what the Doctor wanted to say but he was a respectable man in a respectable profession so he could not scold her.

"I do not know the full details either but you were brought to our hospital yesterday night along with another seriously injured lady." The doctor closed the file he was holding. He could always tell her the cause but letting her take rest came as priority.

"Just so you know the lady was calling your name just before she lost her consciousness." The doctor added before taking his leave. "Take rest for now..I will come check up on you later."

But Lucia was not listening to him. 'Injured lady? Someone came along with me to the hospital…Arghhh..' Lucia clutched her hair in a cluster on her head trying to remember the night before but all she could remember were blur and fuzzy images.

She knew there was something important she was forgetting but she only felt a splitting headache when she tried to do so.

"Hey, young miss..Are you okay?" The doctor handed the file to the nurse and went to help her. Lucia looked up at the doctor with a heavy eyes. "Doc, Can I go see the lady you were talking about?"

"Currently she is in a critical state.. Sorry I can't comply with your request."

A bad premonition entered her heart. "No, Doc I need to see..P-please.." Lucia begged him in urgency.

"I…" The doctor was going to refuse but he remembered the words he was told when she was bought in. 'Make sure she gets everything.'

"Sure…But you can not do anything excessive." The doctor signaled the nurse to help her up from the bed leading her to another VIP room.

A Frail and weak looking lady slept on the bed, her chest moving up and down slowly. The room was too quiet and one could hear only the beeping sound of the monitor.

Moving closer to her, taking one step at a time Lucia reached beside the bed all the while praying in her heart but the god never liked her after all except the god of misery.

Frozen stiff, she looked at her mother's pale face.

Facing the monitor which showed the weak vital signals of her mother, Lucia felt her eyes brimming with tears. "M-Mom." Lucia's hand trembled as she slowly took the weak hand of her mother clasping them together in a tight grip.

The nurse was about to go and stop her from touching the patient when the doctor caught her by her hand shaking his head. 'Let her be.' He whispered to her. He looked at the mother-daughter reunion with a complicated gaze.

'If she is her daughter then why didn't her blood match hers?' The doctor was puzzled but decided to save it for future since it was not an important issue by any means.

Lucia herself was not in a good condition. She had IV drips connected to her hands while her body as a whole looked as weak as a beanstalk. A rough wind could break and blow the beanstalk any time soon.

In her hoarse and suppressed voice Lucia called her mom all the while looking at her who had white bandages all over her head, "Mom, …." She could not speak another word. Everything got stuck on her throat. All she could do was tightly hold her hands afraid if she let goes of it, she would never get her mom back.

"Ok, its time for you to rest and for her to rest as well. Let's return." The doctor informed Lucia who pretended as if she did not hear him. She wanted to sit by her side until she woke up or even just opening her eyes was enough for her.

Lucia did not remember a thing but she knew everything was her fault. She did not deserve to rest when her mother was fighting a life and death war.

"Doc, Can I stay here a little longer?" Lucia helplessly looked at him but was cruelly rejected.

"No, this time I can't. Nurse please help her to her room." The doctor was a man of principles after all. His job ethics were also priority.

Feeling the strong female hands around her body Lucia struggled to free herself but in vain. "Let me go, please Doc..Just for five more minute.." Lucia could not shout so she begged him whispering in her low and hoarse voice.

Ignoring the painful expression and heartfelt request of Lucia's the doctor hardened his heart letting the nurse forcefully drag her away. "Sorry young lady but.." The doctor rubbed his temple. He too was a man with heart after all. Seeing her like that did break his heart.

Looking at the scene, a tall man who stood near the door had veins pop on his forehead while at the same time his heart broke for the young girl. 'I am sorry. I will be responsible for this.' Ryan apologized in his heart.

All this mess was due to his uncle and he had to clean up the mess whether he wanted to or not. He watched the thin figure of the girl struggling until she disappeared behind the door of the room.

"We are leaving." He took a deep breathe and said to Jack who was standing beside him. He did not have time to dilly dallying on the hospital.

"Yes, Sir." Jack replied. "Are you going home directly for rest?" Jack looked at his boss who had not slept a wink last night.

"No, we are going to the old mansion right now." He answered without letting Jack refute him.

"But.." Jack wished he would take a rest first.

"No buts...I need to take action now before he does something else." He gave a demonic sneer which looked terrifying on his cold face. He was fed up with the nonsensical obsession of his uncle. It was time to put it to rest for ever.