A Glimpse Of Past(2)

Lucia was unwilling to stay just inside her room. She wanted to visit her mother. "Please just a little bit would do….I just want to check up on her." Lucia pleaded with her whole heart to the nurse who was making her sleep on the bed.

"You need to be considerate of others as well…Do not act like a spoilt brat." The nurse was sharp on her tongue. She hated the patient who tried to weasel their way out and tried being stubborn fool. As an upright and uptight nurse she gave priority to discipline.

Lucia wanted to say something more but she felt her head spinning. It hurt like crazy. The light slowly disappeared from the surrounding until all she could see was darkness and feel the splitting headache.

Clutching her head she crouched on the floor. "Hey, what's wrong?" The nurse was afraid if she did anything wrong to her. "You okay?"

Lucia could barely her voice. "Umm..I am alright." Lucia nodded here head showing she was alright even though she was not. She did not want to be a burden to anyone else anymore.

Lucia felt some of her memories returning back from the night before. The bar where she was partying was dark with only dim lights illuminating the place.

"Arghhh.." Lucia clenched her teeth when the images became more vibrant and less blurry. All those sudden images made her head feel heavy.

'Remember Lucia..you have to.' Lucia forced herself to remember the night before. She wanted to know how did things escalated from a simple birthday party to not her but her mother being admitted in hospital.

"Stop torturing yourself girl." The nurse realizing what the girl was doing she looked at her frowning in worry but Lucia paid no heed to her word.

Lucia was drinking and having fun. The cups of wine came at one after another, each people wanting to toast to her. 'What happened after that?' Lucia tried joining the puzzles in her head.

"Ughh…." Lucia applied force to the hand that was gripping her head which was throbbing in pain even more.

"I can remember.." Lucia gasped when she finally remembered a very important deal.

A fat bellied man came and collided with her. Since it was dark she could not see in face and neither could she see it now. But she knew he was the culprit behind all this.

'But, how did mom get caught up in all this…???' Lucia sat there on the floor crouching pressuring her brain more than ever to remember the details.

"Huh??" Lucia suddenly fell on the floor her eyes closed frowning.

"What are you doing?" The nurse looked at Jack who just hit Lucia on her neck making her lose her consciousness. She did not evne realize he was inside the room until Lucia collapsed.

"It's the order from the boss." Jack calmly stood up picking up Lucia with him and carefully placing her on the bed.

"And also its for the best. She is in too much pain. Let her rest for the time being…Other things she can thinlk about them later." Jack quoted what his boss had told him.

"What boss?" She looked at the door where a dark figure stood, the expression on his face as cold as ice and the emotion unreadable.

Wasn't he the same man who admitted this girl and the lady? The nurse was curious about the relation between these two people especially when one of the person involved was actually THE HOTTEST MOVIE STAR.

Seeing that the work had been done Ryan entered the hospital room.

'R-Ryan..I mean Sir..Is there any problem?" The nurse who was a fan of him almost jumped up on him. Seeing him up close she was flustered but she quickly regained her composure as a nurse.

He did not speak anything just looked at the sleeping girl with a complicated emotions. Extending his hands he slowly touched the frown on her round and smooth forehead. His heart pained looking at the face which looked so familiar and yet so distant.

"Sir?" Jack felt he was acting a little different so he called out to him.

"Let's go." He turned around quickly changing back to the same stone faced devil as if the emotional person a moment before was not him at all.

"Please take care of her." Jack bowed down at the nurse before following his boss out of the room.

"I will." The nurse bowed down in response looking at the receding back of the two men. Ryan turned back to look at the hospital room once before he left.

The sunlight poured out in the hospital room, warming up the curtains and furniture. Laying on the bed, with her hair open and free spreading on the pillow Lucia with her pale face and swollen eyes slept restlessly trembling once in a while as if traumatized by some kind of nightmare.

"Shhhh…you will wake her up." A male voice whispered in a low voice.

"But..that's what we are here for..too cheer up her." Another timid voice responded in an extra careful manner.

"Let's just wake her up. We have our assignments to do as well." A shrill and sweet female voice whispered to them which was not that loud but loud enough to disturb her sleep.

Lucia felt it was a déjà vu since when she first opened her eyes she could also hear some people speaking. 'Was it dream?' Lucia wondered in her head as she slowly opened her eyes but the pain in her head and hand reminded her it was not a dream but a freaking reality.

"She is awake!!" Harith was the first one to notice her opening her eyes. He had a relieved look in his eyes which quickly got replaced by a look of guilt and apology.

"L-Lucia…umm..we are sorry." Harith looked down on the floor unable to meet her in the eyes. They were there with her but they could not do anything for her.

Her birthday which was supposed to have been the best ended up being the worst day in her life.

'If only we had been there..' Harith had to take Sam to his home since he passed out drunk real quick.

"Huh, why are you sorry for?" Lucia never once blamed anyone else except her. He looked at the sorrowful Harith filled with guilt and felt overwhelmed by his consideration.

"It's all right. Everything is fine. Isn't it?" Lucia forced out a smile squinting the corner of her eyes. Its not that she was forcing it out, she just could not smile at anything and anyone.

"But you mom…" Before he could finish his sentence Sam gave him a knock in his stomach. He shook his head indicating him to not to talk about that. Sam felt even guiltier about being such a wuss in drinking and leaving her alone there.

"Ahh…about her…" Lucia had already heard Harith so she wanted to reassure them again but she did not know what to say. She needed someone else to reassure her everything was going to be okay.

"Awww….you have been through so much.." Natalia who had come with the two boys felt left out of the conversation and so she jumped on Lucia hugging her.

"I am sorry, I could not do anything." Natalia pinched out two drops of tear from the corner of her eyes. They were totally crocodile's tear.

'How the hell did you survive out of that bitch..But it's okay since your mom was the one who is comatose. You will suffer more that way after all.' Natalia rolled her eyes snickering inside her heart.

Lucia who was unaware of all the conspiracies and plotting of Natalia felt her heart warm up at the hug. Just as she was about to return back Natalia quickly pulled away, Her hand left hanging in the air.

"Sorry, it's just that I might hurt you if I squeeze you for too long." Natalia quickly made up a lie and naïve Lucia believed her as well.

"Here, take this." Natalia handed her a bag of apple.

"Don't just hand that to her. You need to peel it for her." Harith reminded Natalia who just wanted to go away from this sickening hospital. She hated the smell of it since it reminded her of her childhood.

"Oh right!" Natalia laughed a little embarrassed and peeled the apple before handing it to Lucia.

"Thank you guys." Lucia looked at the unevenly peeled apple but still felt warm in her heart. She gave a slight smile before taking a bite.

"The visiting time is over." The nurse who was in charge of Lucia informed the three people.

Standing up from the chairs they were seated Sam patted her in her head. "Take care silly." He looked at Lucia once more feeling guilty.

"We will get going now." Sam watched Lucia who was a little sad seeing them leave. Unwillingly she nodded her head. "Okay…Take care guys." She gave a smile waving to them.

"We will try to find the culprit for you." Sam whispered in her ears before leaving. That was the only way he could ever earn forgiveness for the mistakes he committed. Then only the guilt that was killing him from inside could be washed away.

"You do not have to." Lucia rejected almost at once but Sam walked away giving her a slight smile. "I m saying you can't Sam." Lucia widened her eyes as she shouted at Sam who was about to exit the room.

"Bye bye." Sam and Harith waved at her while Natalia had already reached out the door in speed of the light even forgetting to say goodbye.

"She might have some work." Lucia put down the hand she was raising and sighed. "I need to get back soon as well."

Lucia finally felt her mind clearing up. She could not remember the night but she had her present and future before her and she needed to take care of her mother as well.

"Get a grip on yourself." Lucia slapped her cheeks to cheer herself up only to have a swollen cheeks.

'Welp, it was a bad idea.' Lucia regretted slapping herself especially with both of her hands. The nurse almost let out a chuckle looking at her actions.

'She is a kid after all.'

Lucia finally had time to observe her surroundings. She looked at the private room. "Oh, a private room I see." Lucia turned around to look at the other things.

"Wait!!!A PRIVATE ROOM???" Lucia felt her heart skip a beat. What was she doing in a private room and it was one of the expensive ones at that.

"Why am I in a private room?" Lucia questioned the only person in the room.

"About that…." The nurse was about to say something when she got interrupted.