Glimpse Of The Past(3)

"Ahemmmm…." The doctor entered the room right in time. They could not reveal the identity of the one who brought them to the hospital.

"Oh, the doctor is here." The nurse stood up.

"Mrs. Smith..would you mind if I talk with you for a sec." The doctor pulled her to the corner.

"What is it doctor?" She could see the urgency in his voice and action.

"You can't tell her anything. You almost spilled the bean ou…t." The doctor was glad he was right on time.

"You can't tell her anything." The doctor looked at the nurse who was confused. "He has asked us to keep things secret from her and the fact that he brought her here is only known to you and me."

The doctor was also the head of the hospital. As a person in a powerful position he had connections with some really powerful and dangerous people. Ryan was one of them.

So he knew the truth about the identity of the man who the world worshipped as the god of entertainment industry: RYAN NICHOLAS. He was among the few who knew his true identity.

He had an old history with Ryan which would be told some other time. As for now back to the corner where the doctor and the nurse were whispering.

"Opps…I almost let it slip out." The nurse placed her palm on her mouth. "I guess he would not want his identity known after all." The nurse nodded in acknowledgement.

"Yes, so if she ever asks about this incident again just make up something believable." The doctor said before heading in to check up on Lucia.

"Good to see that you are looking much better." The doctor gave a cheerful and encouraging smile to Lucia who was sitting on the bed waiting for answers.

"I feel much better thank you." Lucia returned the smile in response. She felt much better now than she did when she woke up in the morning. After clearing up her mind and meeting up with her friends she had become a lot more positive.

"Glad to see that you are okay." The doctor smiled at her while checking up her pulse and other vital signs. The girl had a deathly aura around her as if the death was hanging right above her head when she regained her consciousness in the morning.

But now she looked a lot lively. She reminded him of her daughter. He slowly patted her head. "You know, I once had a beautiful daughter. She was around your age, as happy as lark all the time." The doctor smiled as if remembering something good but sad at the same time.

"So where is she right now?" Lucia asked him but regretted it the second she heard his answer.

"She is dead. She went somewhere far away leaving this poor old man behind." He replied bitterly.

Lucia did not know what to say to comfort him. She looked at his eyes which were filled with deep love for his daughter. She did not have any word to say to him. She took his old and wrinkled hand slowly patting it as if comforting him.

"Hahaha…you are one interesting young lady." The doctor felt touched with her small effort to make him feel better.

"I should not take your time." The doctor held back his overflowing emotions in his heart. "Thank you girl. Everything will be better. Trust yourself." The doctor thanked her sincerely.

"I will." Lucia had regained almost 25% of her usual cheeriness.

"Take a good rest then." The doctor looked at her with a nostalgic eye before finally leaving the room.

Lucia watched him take his leave while she touched her head. She never had a father but she thought if she had one maybe he would also look at her with the same amount of affection. Whoever the girl was she was lucky to have such an amazing father.

"But I also have my mom. She is all I need." Lucia waved off the emptiness in her heart as she remembered her mom who was lying in the bed in the room right next to her. 'Mom, please wake up soon.' Lucia pulled up her knees and curled up in a ball burying her head inside the gaps of her knees.


"Hey, Lucia…" Sam tapped her on her shoulder waking her up from whatever she was thinking.

"hellooooo….time to rise and shine." Sam snapped his finger right before her face.

"Oh my gosh…" Lucia almost fell from her seat startled by the sound of the finger snapping. She took a while before adjusting to the environment she was in. 'I am in the university..'

"Why do you keep getting lost in thoughts these days?" Sam looked at her worried. Sometimes she seemed as if she was not there and sometimes she did not even feel like the Lucia he knew.

"Sorry. He he.." Lucia who was jerked back to reality looked apologetically at Sam. 'I am still making people worry about me.' Lucia cursed herself in her heart. 'I need to grow up.'

Although her body was in the present she always kept on getting lost in the past. Her soul precisely seemed to be still stuck in the past.

"What was I saying?" Lucia looked at Sam absent mindedly. She suddenly thought about her past that she did not even know what was reality and what was not.

"Tch…you are getting sillier by the day." Sam frowned looking at her but it soon turned into a laugh when he saw her pouting in guilt.

"You were asking me about the upcoming audition." Sam reminded her as he packed his bag. "We can talk about it later with Harith. First let's go and grab something to eat." Sam stood up from the seat.

"Huh?? Why now?" Lucia looked at her watch. "We still have time before the classes ends."

"I guess I did not tell you." Sam watched her confused face being reminded of something.

"The class president messaged all of us last night. There won't be any classes for the time being since the professor seems to be really busy and stuck with something."

"That means we all are free." Sam gave a happy smile.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Lucia jumped up from her seat. "Let's go." She picked up the bag which was almost empty and sprinted towards the door.

"The last one to reach the café will pay for the food." She shouted from the door at Sam who was walking in his own usual pace.

"This piece of.." Sam swore at her but he decided to let her go this time around. "Gotta let her act spoilt."

Outside the university, Lucia walked in the front with Sam following her from behind. "Ohohoho….a free meal." She giggled all the way to the café they usually walked to.

She was walking when she abruptly stopped when she noticed a familiar black hood. Hiding behind a pole she looked at the person who was facing his back to them standing near the café.

"Isn't that the shark??" She squinted her eyes to see more clearly. Noticing his side profile she looked at him even more intently…


"Holy shit…that is shark." Lucia gasped in surprise. She had not expected to meet him of all people and at this time in front of the fast food café.

"B-Boss are you sure about this?" Jeff looked at the café, his mouth watering seeing all kind of foods there. "I cannot afford all this." Jeff wanted to taste them but he also knew he did not have the means to pay for it.

"I am paying for this…Tsk..little kid. What do you take me for?? A heartless boss??" Liam ruffled his hair. "I take good care of my people. So just splurge on my money when I am being nice." Liam laughed heartily once again reaching out to rub his soft and fluffy hair.

That feeling was addictive.

Feeling the intense stare of someone Liam instinctively turned back meeting the curious gaze of Lucia who was hiding behind the wire pole. She did not see him but Liam could clearly see her.

"Boss what are you looking at ?" Jeff followed his eyes and found a girl hiding behind a pole.

"Hah…We have a little spy here." Liam chuckled slightly in his low voice feeling amused. That was the first time Jeff had seen boss excited and lively apart from when fighting.

'Is that girl special?' He looked at Lucia again but something inside him did not feel well. There was a tight knot inside his stomach but why he himself did not know.

"What are you looking at you?" Sam amused by Lucia's detective pose whispered to her from behind. "Shhhhh….." She placed her fingers over her lips asking him to be silent. "He might see us."

"And who is this he person may I ask?" Liam appeared right before them and asked her smiling.

"What….What…??" Lucia stared at the devil that appeared right before her. "H-how did you find me?" She thought her detective skills were top notch. She could not believe she was found out this early.

"Good thing you are here." Liam took her hand and pulled her with him. "Let's eat together." He turned back to look at her smiling like a small kid who had found their best toy.

"What??" Lucia could not believe she was once again caught in the trap of the shark.

"Who are you and what are you trying to do?" Sam caught his hand staring at him.

"Ohhh…we have a third wheel here." Liam glanced at his hands where Sam had caught him slowly trailing to look at the insolent brat who did that.

'What is this situation?' Lucia looked at this unusual development with eyes wide open in shock.