Shhh...Behave yourself

"Why are you here with us?" Liam glared at Sam who was also looking back at him with same amount of hate and irritation.

"My question is the same. Why are you here with us?" Sam threw the menu he was holding on the table making it land lightly.

"Tch…Third wheel." Liam wrinkled his brows looking away from Sam.

"You are the third wheel…TSk.." It was Sam who spitted it out glaring at him.

Both of the man were not willing to back down as they continued their cold words war. Lucia looked at these childish men shrugging her shoulders. 'Better I do not give any attention to them.'

"Are you a minor?" Lucia turned her attention to the young silent boy who was timidly seated on the corner of the table.

Jeff was looking out of the café uninterested in the bickering of his boss. He was silent but he was having a mental breakdown inside. 'How can boss act like that? He is always so serious but now….' Jeff peeked at his boss who was still bantering with the new man.

"Me?" He pointed at him to make sure Lucia was talking to him. Lucia nodded her head in approval.

"I will turn 17 this year so I am not a minor anymore." Jeff replied to her in his usual cold and unfriendly voice. He had always been a loner so he was lacking basic skill of communication and conversations.

"Ohhhh..." Lucia nodded her head. "That means you are minor." Lucia realized something. "What are you doing with this man?" She pointed at Liam drawing the attention of all three people.

"He is a gangster…a shark.." Lucia leaned towards him whispering in his ears all the while eyeing the man who was giving her 'what are you saying' look from the other side of the table.

"I know." Jeff replied without much of a reaction. He being a gangster was the one part he admired about his boss. He looked cool.

"Then why are sticking with him? Is he threatening you?" Lucia whispered again. In her mind the boy was a minor who was caught up with the dangerous loan shark. Before he could answer her she added again, "Tell me if you have any need…..I will help you."

"No miss, you got it wrong." Jeff looked at her with a frown between him eyes. "He is nothing like that. I am with him willingly. Please look at what you say and speak." Jeff did not like the way Lucia spoke about Liam.

"See I am not a bad guy..Why do you always make me look like one?" Liam who overheard their conversations looked at Lucia with a pitiful look but that was giving her a smug feeling.

Lucia rolled her eyes and did not speak anything further. 'In this world no one wants a good suggestion huh?' Lucia shook her head sighing in disappointment.

'Good job boy.' Liam looked at Jeff giving up a thumbs up where only they could see. Jeff did not know what he did to get it but he gave a slight smile knowing he had helped the boss with something. He was happy as long as his boss was happy.

"I am hungry." Sam who was left out form their talk pouted as he grumbled in his low voice. He really was hungry so he broke out of his comfort Zone to announce his hunger to Lucia. Looking at Lucia he gave a hungry look.

"Hungry!" He repeated at Lucia who was looking at him in surprise.

"What is with that look?" Sam raised his eyebrow at Lucia.

"My bad Sam.." Lucia laughed a little before she called for the waiter. "I will order right away."

The waiter in the café who had been waiting for them to make their orders finally smiled. Waiting for them to finish their gaff he had been standing there for almost half an hour.

"What would you like?" He maintained a professional smile while taking the orders but he was cursing them even more.

'If only you were not a regular customer here I would have already kicked you out and thrown some salt to prevent bad lucks in future.'

After giving her orders she looked at Sam asking him to order next.

"What do you guys want to eat?" She looked at the minor boy. Jeff looked at Liam first before answering who mouthed 'Order whatever you want' at him.

"Then I want this and this." Jeff pointed at the menu showing his preferences to the waiter with his eyes shining brightly like that of a little kid.

"Pfffttt.." Liam gave a slight laugh in his slightly hoarse but deep voice. He was amused at the little boy who acted all excited like that if he saw something new for the first time the whole day. Thinking he must have done something wrong Jeff bowed down his head, his ears turning red.

'Did I embarrass the boss?' He was worried if he had made a bad impression of himself and his boss in front of the new people he met that day.

"Damn, this kid is so cute." Lucia said after thanked the waiter who was leaving with their orders.

Sam and Liam looked at her with 'Are you serious?' look. Although Lucia was an eighteen years old girl in their eyes, in actuality she 'WAS A 28 YEARS OLD LADY.'

"What?" Lucia glared at them. "You are just 18 remember." Sam grimaced at her with Liam nodding his head.

"How old are you?" Lucia realized she had never asked him anything since she was always trying to avoid him. Since she was going to get entangled with him for a long time she thought why not know one or two things about him to exploit them in future.

Lucia thinking this had a evil grin on her face.

"I am 25…far older than you young brats." Liam maintained his sense of superiority among the minors and kids.

"Tch…you are just a kid. What's 25…geezz.." Lucia who was a 28 years old lady in her soul replied smugly.

"You are a kid yourself..who are you calling a kid?" Liam looked dangerously at her with his eyes giving a slight dangerous glint.

Lucia felt a bad premonition looking at him but the deed was done and already set on the stone. As if coming for her rescue the waiter returned with their orders.

"Please enjoy."The new waiter was a girl and she placed the trays on the table.

The girl was in a slightly bad mood since she was scolded at her part time job that morning so she was not careful when she placed down the coffee making it fall on the lap of Lucia who was seated at the open end of the table.

"Owwww…." Lucia hissed in pain feeling the hot coffee scalding her skin on her thigh.

"Ohh I am sorry, I am very so--…." She suddenly stopped when she recognized Lucia's face.

"You…." She even forgot to hand her the tissue and bring ice for her.

"What are you doing? Go and bring something to cool off her skin." Liam suddenly stood up from his seat in the corner hurrying towards Lucia.

Seeing the waitress still standing on the spot Liam gave her a deathly glare.

"NOW" He hissed between his teeth while grabbing Lucia's leg and moving up her skirt revealing her fair skin which was smooth as white jade.

But he did not have time to appreciate the beauty of her thighs. He frowned looking at the scalding skin on her body which was turning red.

"O-Okay. I will be back right away sir." Ella hurried towards the kitchen sprinting as fast as she could.

"Hey—what are you doing?" Lucia was startled when he suddenly lifted and moved her skirt revealing not all but the scalded region. But it was embarrassing after all.

"I can take care of it myself." Lucia tried to take her leg away but her strength did not match that of the shark.

"Shhhh…Behave.." Liam spoke in his slightly husky and deep voice and somewhere along his voice, one could hear a worried sound.


Liam did not even let her speak up silencing her with only one glance.

'Whatever..Might as well let myself be pampered.' Lucia decided to enjoy the service she was being given free of cost.

Or Was It?