
"What are you looking at?" Lucia hit Harith on his head who instead of going back to his own department was looking at the form as if he was the one who was going to take part in the audition.

Rubbing the spot where she hit Harith gave a pitiful look. "Can't I even take a look? It's not like I am going to eat it.."

Ignoring his whine Lucia looked at the contents of the form.

Everything was as same as in the last life. Everything from the way the words were written to the clauses, everything was the same except one thing.

The only difference in this life and her previous life was none other than Lucia.

The Lucia of this life was not so naïve and easily fooled like the Lucia from her past life.

"Heh…this audition is going to be a piece of cake." Lucia gave a smug smile but little did she know the challenges were going to be much more than she had expected.

But this is for the future….

Lucia widened her eyes as she remembered something and she hurriedly got up from the place she was seated on.

"Guys, I am going first." She picked up her bag. "I have something important to do."

"Wait, what about the classes??...." Sam's voice drifted over but Lucia was too busy to hear him.

Lucia rushed out the door without even caring to listen to what the two boys were shouting behind her.

"Sheesh man, what's gotten into her." Harith supported his chin with hand looking at the receding back of Lucia. Sam who also was looking at her go shook his head.

He always had this gut feeling Lucia was acting different but people actually did change when unexpected situations was forced on to them.

Even the people she knew were someone a normal people like them would never cross their path with. Take for example the gangster was totally not a person Lucia would get acquainted with but the reality was different.

She not only knew the gangster but seemed to be on friendly terms with him as well.

Sam contemplated over his discoveries of Lucia.

"Let her be….uufffff.." Sam let out a long sigh and raised his hand giving a bump on the head of Harith. "And you lazy bone, go and take your own class."



"Damn….how could I miss today." Out of the university gate she was scolding herself for forgetting something so important as that.

'Maybe because it's been too long since we celebrated it.' Lucia felt a tinge of pain in her heart as she remembered the last time she had celebrated it together.

Lucia was walking towards the bus station when she felt someone was following her. From the corner of her eyes, she saw someone in a bright colored dressed right behind her.

Lucia decided to increase her pace and so did the person behind her.

Lucia decided to decrease her pace and so did the person behind her.

Lucia decided to walk in zig zag pattern and so did the person behind her.


One step...

Two step...

Three step…..

And Stop.

Lucia halted on her step and so did the person behind her.

"Is it a paparazzi?" She wondered but quickly discarded the thought. There was no way she would be followed by some paparazzi especially when she was not even a famous T.V personality.

Forget about T.V and what not people did not even knew she existed.

With a sharp turn she looked behind her and the one who was following her immediately hid behind a telephone pole which was too small to block his body from her.

The person who was following her neither had the talent nor the skill of a paparazzi or a stalker considering how he easily gave himself away.

'At least hide yourself properly..'

'Is that person serious about stalking me?' Lucia felt a little pity growing in her heart for the poor guy who was found out by her with in less than a minute.

'Or wait, am I just too good then?' A smirk left her mouth.


Once she reached an open and empty street with lots of houses around, Lucia stopped once again.

"Come out." Lucia stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

The person who was hiding behind the pole flinched when he heard the voice calling him out.

"I know you are in there." She added when the man tried shrinking instead of coming out clean. "If you don't come out I will make sure to call the cops on you."

Lucia added taking out her brand new cellphone.

'Although I am not sure the number I have to dial.' Lucia spoke inwardly. Well it was fine as long as the threatening worked on the stalker.

"Wait, do not call the cops!!!!" A figure whose face was hidden by mask, eyes by black sun glasses and head by a black cap jumped out from behind the pole.

"I have no ill intentions." The man guiltily raised his hands in the air as if showing sign of surrender.

"Oho, no ill intention you say??" Lucia was not going to buy it.

"Take off your mask and goggles." Lucia demanded.

"Who are you??"

The man hesitated a little bit but seeing Lucia raise her phone once again in a threatening manner he gave up trying to hide his identity. He could not risk going to a jail after all.


The man slowly took off his cap, revealing a golden blonde hair. He removed the mask and sun glass simultaneously but all the while his hands were shaking in nervousness as if he was taking off his clothes.

And for some reason Lucia felt like she was bullying him but she had to so that.

Once the man was completely naked…Ahemm I mean his face was naked….Lucia pointed at him stuttering.

"Y-You….." She gasped clasping the hands on her mouth.

"You are the one who has been stalking since morning??" Lucia could not believe it. Even when she went for her daily jogging she felt someone was following her.

When she came out of the coffee shop after repaying her debt, that someone was still following her.

"Sorry for bothering you like this miss." Scratching his hair in embarrassment the blonde guy looked at Lucia, his pure blue eyes reflecting the sun as he looked at her.

"I did not want to meet you like this but…" He gave his signature professional smile.

"We meet again; I am Ash the scouting agent from ST company." Ash bowed down in courtesy as he greeted Lucia who was looking at him stupefied and surprised speechless.

"May I have a bit of your time?"