A White Lily huh??

"Good afternoon."

The florist hurried over to welcome the new customer who had arrived just in time to interrupt Lucia and her.

She would have loved to chat with the girl but customer service came first. After all that was her business and she had to do business to help her earn money and raise her kids.

"Hello." The new man gave a polite bow.

"The lily you have ordered…Err…" the lady florist hesitated and looked at Lucia as she was about to hand the flower the person who had arrived just now.

Seeing the hesitation in the action of the florist the man who had appeared there followed her gaze which landed upon a beautiful girl, her featured almost similar as if he had seen her somewhere before.

'Where have I seen her?' The man contemplated for a while but he was unconsciously staring at her.

When his eyes met the black eyes of the girl he realized he had been looking at her for too long which must have made her feel uncomfortable.

'Isn't that obvious when a strange man eyes her all of sudden??' The man face palmed inwardly.

"Is there anything wrong?" the man averted his gaze from the girl and asked the lady florist.

"Its not that big of a problem but you see.." The lady halted before she continued speaking.

"This lady here says she too wants this flower but this one was exclusively prepared for your boss….ufff…." The lady florist let out a long sigh.

"She even has an important day today." The Florist lady concluded with a sigh.

"But there is only one….."

Without her completing the sentence the man had understood the whole picture.

The man looked at Lucia and asked, "Hmm..is that so young lady?"

"Ahh yes.....I wanted the flower but I did not know it was a pre-ordered item." Lucia spoke politely.

"But well you don't have to worry about it.." Lucia gave out a low and nervous chuckle, fiddling with her fingers unconsciously.

"If I can't have it then its fine.." Lucia was not going argue and fight over a flower like a little kid. "I can manage no worries.."



"If you say so then young lady…"The man was about to take the beautifully wrapped flower when his phone rang.

"Excuse me for a second." He gave an apologetic look to the florist and went to receive the call right there.



"Hello boss, do you need something?" The man spoke in a low voice.

"Jack, how long is it going to take you to bring one single flower?" A deep and husky voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"You have been gone for more than five minutes." The man clicked his tongue showing his irritation.

"Ah boss, I will be there soon." Jack hurriedly cut off the phone.

"The remaining payment will be sent through the online payment just like before." HE took the flower and informed the lady about the payment of flower.

"Then have a good day, both of you." He gave a polite bow and went out of the shop closing the door silently behind him.



Lucia's eyes remained fixed in the parcel he was holding even though she did not want to. She looked at the flower until it was finally out of her sight.

"Offf…." She let out a short snort of disappointment.

"Tch….lucky rich people." Even though she said it was okay only she knew how unwilling her heart was to let the flower be taken away by someone else.

"I am sorry for not being able to let you have one." The florist could see the sadness in the pure black eyes of the young lady especially considering how she looked at the parcel that was being taken away.

Coming back to her senses Lucia gave a 'it's okay, I am fine' type of smile and walked towards the exit door.

"Thank you for having me." Lucia gave a deep bow.

"Please have a nice day." Giving a bright smile she strutted out of the door.

"I can always try another flower shop." Lucia was not going to sulk over one flower. There were plenty of other florists in the city.

"But I don't think it will be as pretty as that." Lucia felt it was such a waste for the man to take away the flower.

"They won't even put it to good use..humph.." She walked towards another shop before heading home.

In her mind, the boss was a fat bald man who must be a pervert and likes to deliver white lily to flirt with young divas.

After badmouthing about the figure "boss" who stole her flower away, Lucia felt a little bit happiness.

"Hah…I am sure he must be a lecherous old man."



"Sorry boss, there was a situation in the flower shop." Jack kept the flower in the seat beside the one of driver while he put on the seatbelt ready to drive.

"What kind of situation?" Ryan asked, his gaze fixed at the flower that had been brought in just now.

"There was this young lady who said she too wanted this flower but you know this is an ordered piece.." Jack continued speaking.

"But she said it was okay…Apart that nothing much happened seriously."

Jack was about to start the car when Ryan suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, is it that girl?" He motioned his head outside the window and pointed at Lucia who was walking with her head bowed down, giving her a depressing vibes.

Jack turned to look at where his boss had pointed and nodded his head.

"Ahh yes, that is the lady." Jack confirmed his guess.

"But boss, don't you think that girl kind of looks familiar." Jack tried to trace back his memories, going over them one by one but before he could complete his recalling ceremony Ryan interrupted him.


"No, that girl is a complete stranger." Ryan spoke coldly.

'But your action says otherwise.' Jack looked at his boss who was staring at the girl the moment she had entered the scene, without taking off his eyes even once.

'Is boss being a tsundere?' Jack had his doubts and wanted to confirm it.

"Boss.." Jack spoke smugly.

"Ahemm…I was not looking at her." Ryan coughed when he realized he had been staring at the girl for too long.

'I didn't even say anything…' Jack wanted to let out a laugh but he didn't. His job was important for him.


"Pfffttt.." A small laughter escaped his mouth.

"Do not expect bonus this month."

Ryan spoke coldly.

Ryan was indifferent all the while but inside his heart he was beating himself till he bled for acting like a stupid.

"Boss….." Jack could not believe his boss had just cut off his bonus for the month.

He had no choice but to try and see if he can talk him into forgiving him.

"Boss…" Jack tried coaxing him back by acting pitiful.

"Drive to the company." Ryan spoke coldly without giving him a place to even speak and refute a little bit.

Crying tears of blood, Jack started the car and went on the road passing by Lucia as they headed towards the ST Entertainment.

Looking at the receding figure of the girl Ryan murmured silently, "A white lily huh?"

Without even him noticing a smile left his mouth.