Is it that psychopath again?

"A new artist?" Anne exclaimed in surprise. It was her first time hearing Roy was getting another artist under him.

"Yes, one of the new recruits is under him." Jack politely replied to her.

"But I though the one who was suggested already rejected him as her manager." Anne knew only Lucia was the one who was going to be given Roy.

Who is it? She felt her position threatened once again.

"I have brought her here. She is waiting outside." Jack motioned at the outer room when he answered Anne.

"Since you are also here, go and say hello to her. She will need lots of help from you." Jack hoped Natalia could actually do well under the guidance of the top manager and also one of the top artist in the agency.

"I will. Thank you." Anne answered back, her face full of friendly smiles.

  It had been a long time when she was the only one under him that she had forgotten Roy was a manager, a well trained and efficient one.