Curled up in a ball

Lucia stood in front of her room and placed her hand in the handle. She was hesitating whether to enter or not.

"Whatever, I  will take a quick walk around instead." With a long sigh, Lucia let go of the handle and turned away from the door.

The building looked as same as ever, not a thing was different as compared to her past life. Walking through the familiar hallways, she felt a bit nostalgic.

Walking on the corridors of the fourth floor, Lucia stumbled upon the familiarly unfamiliar places she had not noticed in her past. It was an adventure in itself.

Walking for around five minutes, she reached the  back garden of the dormitories.

"I didn't even realize its already the time for pansies to bloom." Lucia looked at the garden full of pansies blooming happily in all colors and shapes.