Liam and Mrs.Sovuyer(2)

"Why do you, a loan shark keep buzzing around Lucia, your debtor like a honey bee??" She raised her eyes in a questioning manner.

"Are you by chance..." She leaned forward, her gaze did not leave his face, not even for a second and spoke in almost whispery voice.

" Are you by chance, in love with Lucia?" She eyed him, trying to take in each and every of his change in expression.

On the other hand, Liam looked at the zoomed in face of Lucia's mother while he unconsciously distanced himself, as if in anticipation of something wrong about to happen.

" I...I...Lucia.." Liam was taken aback by what she just said, making him stumble upon his words and stop mid way.

Mrs. Sovuyer had already straightened herself up and was waiting for his answer.

Did he love her? Liam questioned himself. No, he did not believe in love.