Liam is getting weird

'Parents? They were probably good as dead for him...or maybe they really were dead since no one came to search for me all these years..' Liam shook his head grimacing at the sudden occurrence of this thought and started to pick up the glass shards as if nothing was wrong.

Ryan parents were the only one who treated him like their own son but they too had already passed away without him getting to repay them for their kindness and love.

He wondered if he really was getting weirder now a days like his subordinates said. He kept on having unpleasant thoughts about things he did not want to think about, the more he tried to ignore ans erase them.

Mrs. Sovuyer noticed the bitter smile that appeared in Liam's face for a brief second before quickly fading away as if there had been nothing.

She quickly realized she might have spoke something hurtful in an impulse.