You are still in debt!

"Here he is!!" Liam heard the sound of a car entering the compound of the house and immediately got up from his seat.

He placed his phone aside and went to receive him but before that he looked up the stairs and called Lucia.

His mobile phone lit up and there a notification icon appeared but he was already out of the kitchen by this moment.

"Alright, I am coming down." Lucia replied back and hurried to put on her dress.

"Perk of being rich, you can even dry clothes like this.." She let out a shrugging sigh and changed  back in to he own dress.

As for the dress she borrowed, she decided to wash it before returning so she dumped it right in to the washing machine. She took them out and kept them to dry on the drying machine.

"Much better. No need to pack it in my bag and wash it myself! Phew.." She gave a satisfied smile and walked out of the wash room.
