Sleeping beauty

"Hey, we are back. You can come out now." Ryan called out Lucia as he knocked on to the door of the car but to no avail. Neither did Lucia reply to him nor did she come out from her car.

"Hey.." Ryan knocked again but on not getting any response once again, decided to invade the personal space and drag her out of the car.

Light and soft snores filled the air and a small figure was huddled like a fur ball on the seat. Mumbling something in her sleep, Lucia was wrapping her arms around her to keep herself warm but was still slightly trembling.

The rain had not stopped, so it was still cold outside.

"Silly girl, at least wear something warm!" Ryan wanted to flick her head but decided to refrain himself.

"Hah, you had me worried silly." He shook his head and let out a sigh.