You Will Get Your Answers

"Who in the world gave you that idea?" Ryan roared over the phone, making the man on the other side of the phone tremble to the point of almost falling down the bed.

"Then what is it?" After regaining back his composure, Jack asked humbly.

"I need her to take care of something that belongs to me." Ryan looked at the sleeping Lucia and nodded his head.

"Yes, definitely my property since I am paying for all of her expenses." He added in the phone.


"Err, sir what are you talking about? Are you talking about a human being or a non-living thing?" Jack thought he must have heard wrong since Ryan said that thing was his belonging but used a pronoun she to denote that thing.

"Oh, I am talking about one of our artist who is passed out cold in my car." Ryan spoke as if it was a matter of fact.