An Old Lady

"At least I could hear his voicedone last time." Jake clutched tightly on to his phone and whispered in a low and dry voice as he stood by the empty street, all alone with only a small black bag as his friend.

There was nothing more nothing less with him that could be counted as his very possession. He was already thin and frail but looking at his current condition and position, one could easily see how really weak he was.

Even a thief would have hard time making up their mind to rob him if his valuable belongings. The question was, did he even have the so called valuable belonging that they were seeking?


Probably not!

An old lady, who was crossing the road carrying a small grocery bag saw the sad and depressed face of the young youth and got curious at what could make such a young sapling look as if his whole, world was crumbling down, bit by bit.