Getting Sold ain't fun(Side story 2)

[ This chapter is irrelevant to the novel and is more of a side chapter (2). It will be updated at a later date. Thank you.]

"This is not good." Lucia took a good look at the surroundings but the darkness his almost everything.

"It hurts, let me go." She used her leg to kick the man only to fail and get a resounding slap in return. "Your mom asked you to obey me, didn't she?" He snarled back irritated. Remembering the kind and pale face of the woman, Lucia felt pity for her. She was really a fool and idiot slaving herself away, selling her body just for such an ungrateful man.

"Take her." She was thrown by the man. She landed on a pile of hay and she could smell the piss of goats and sheep.

"Now give me the seven coins you promised." She heard a clink of metal and stared in disbelief at the man who was counting money hungrily. "I can win and pay back my debt again." He sounded sincerely happy.