Such a bunny(Side story 3)

[This chapter is irrelevant to the main story and is last side story of Lucia in parallel world. This will be updated in a later date. Thank you.]

Hey, wake up." Ryan patted her on her cheek to make her wake up but to no avail. she was already wasted to the point she could not even support her own body.

Ryan looked at the carefree girl who was leaning on him as if he was some kind of chair or an arm rest.He felt a vein pop up on his forehead in anger. He placed his index fingers on her forehad and pushed her away with a slight force.

"Nngg...let me sleep a bit," she mumbled in a slurry vouce as she made herself more comfortable on his shoulders. She was literally treating his arms and shoulder as her personal bed.

He wanted to push her away but he could not.

He could not be angry at her... he could not even think about getting angry at her.

A helpless smile was all he could give to her.

"Sleep well," he said as he patted her on her head.