The Movie Empress

"Sam!" Lucia could not help but call out in excitement when she saw Sam. Dressed in a well-tailored suit, Sam's tall slender body stood out perfectly. Like always he looked like a prince, cold and charming.

By his side was another man of an athletic build, intimidating and tall. That was Harith, Sam's and Lucia's university friend.

"Been quite some time huh," Lucia smiled as she looked at Harith. He never stopped growing and now he was taller than before. He even surpassed Ryan in height by a few centimeters.

After getting injured in international Basketball championship, he was forced to retire by his coach.

It was around the time when Sam's manager was caught in an illegal act. To take his mind off of the pain, he decided to accept the offer of being manager for Sam.

And now here he was, a platinum grade manager in the whole entertainment industry.

"We came back from Paris as fast as we could after wrapping up the shoot," Harith chuckled.