Finally Satisfied with the ending: The End

With slightly trembling hands, Lucia took the mic from the hands of the MC. Although she was trying her best to stay calm, her body did not follow through. The award felt way too heavy in her hand as if it was going to make her tumble down.

The entire venue and the event were being live-broadcasted in the entire world. Liam watched with pride as his sister took step after step towards the center spotlight, the place which he deserved after all the effort she had placed in her career.

"She is the only artist who ever accepted me despite my lack of awareness and experience," Ash who was leaning back on the couch with a cup of the green tee on his hand said with a smile as he looked at the screen. She was 18, a small girl who was stepping inside the movie industry when he first met her. Their meeting was not a good one, but it was a fateful encounter.