Chapter 17 Waking Up

I woke up to hear screaming and yelling between a small group of people. Jade was red-faced and upset as Aron stood there calm, but a little annoyed. The others seem to be worried about how I was doing. They must have thought I was a zombie, but I held out a hand towards them.

"Give me a pain reliever." I groaned as they looked at me in shock.

"You're not turned!" Ben cried in joy.

"Not so loud." I sighed and gotten up, but Jade held her gun towards me. Knowing that she would shoot, but didn't have to guts to do it then and there. So I grabbed her hand and placed it on my forehead. Showing that my fever broke and that I was fine. But she didn't move, and I had to do the other ways to prove I was fine. Removing the bandages to show the scar of the bite from before. Fear ran into their eyes, because before it was bloody and was never a scar.

It gave me a chance to leave with my life. As I went to get something for my head, as they asked about what was I. I didn't know the answer but knew that I was different from before. So it didn't take long for Jade to ask about doing some tests on me. I let it happen as she held a knife to my arm. Soon as it cut and blood fell to the floor, but it slowly healed.

"This is so useful." she smiled, but I knew she wasn't done. She grabbed me outside to see if I could lift the bus. But I see it was fully done and Hayhay had her name signed on the side. Knowing that she just made this into her baby. But I didn't think I had the strength in me, so I told her that I couldn't.

"Maybe you just need to be upset about something," she said and looked at the other. All I hear was not it as one stood there upset.

"Dammit!" he groaned and walked towards me, knowing what could make me mad. So he tried calling me names and did stupid stuff towards me, but nothing. But it drew to and ended as he whispered 'Fucking Nerd' into my ear. I didn't want to stay around them, so I went to the back, where the old oak tree stood.

"Fucking asshole!" I screamed as I punched the tree, leaving a hole where it stand. It fell forward toward the road and I knew Jade had more in her belt. It all came to my stamina, how long I can live in both heat and cold, and holding my breath. Those weren't that bad, but she made me cut off a finger to see if it grows back. But when I did and regretted it right then and there.

"What the hell Jade!" I screamed at her.

"You did it willingly," she replied and stepped back away from me. But lucky that Ben put me back together with stitches and told me to wait a day or maybe an hour for it to stick together again. I was pissed as she thought of more ideas to test my new abilities. But I wasn't going to let her do anymore as I walked towards the bus. We had to leave soon, but I had thoughts of what was missing in my life.

"How's being a super soldier?" Aron asked with a laugh.

"Hell." I groaned as I opened the bus doors.

"Your lucky she didn't shoot you yet," he replied.

"Yeah, and I'm still pissed about her cutting my finger." I groaned as he looked at me with a smile. It made me feel calmer and in place with the others.

"I never thought that they would forget to feed you for three days in the freezer." he sighed as he has gotten a bit closer.

"Idiots," I answered and looked at him with a smile. I felt weird being around him, but it was nice that he cared about me. He kept it a secret for a while about my bite but made me feel okay. I worked on most of the plans, but he gave me pointers in the right direction. The thought of him not being in the group hurt me a bit. We would have been dead if he wasn't here and I would have been alone.

"You still the same person as before," he said as he placed his arm around me. I felt safe as his heartbeat was ringing in my ear. Making the feeling of being different disappear. I looked into his eyes to see a happier emotion there than before. Knowing that I was leaning closer to him, maybe I'll get to know this emotion from him. All he did was smiled as he closed the gap with a sweet kiss on my lips. The feeling of being warm made it better. But remember the words the voice said about making sure that they don't get bitten.

God wasn't here to save us or anything, but I knew who I was. I was Lize Rockwell, a high school student, who was in love with a soldier. I wasn't going to let this happiness be taken by anything or let this virus take my friends away. But I knew I had to see if Dawn's family was still alive. They needed to know that their son was gone and knew that they would blame it on me. Life was unfair to most, but all we could do was move on.