
As of today my time in hell will end, I will finally be able to go home. The doctors have all cleared me. I am back to normal. At least that's what they tell me.

Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Patricia. My friends used to call me Trish. I am seventeen years old today. I am four feet eleven inches tall with long dishwasher blonde hair. I have blue green eyes, and full lips. I am of average size. Considering how I was found and raised that's a personal accompaniment. I was found in a train station locker and ended up in foster care hours after birth. No one ever found my parents, at least that's what I have been told. For the first five years I lived with a nice family, until my "mom" ended up pregnant. Then I went back to the orphanage. Next I went to the Douglas's house, I was there till I was ten. Mr. Douglas died and his wife didn't like me so I was sent back to the orphanage. Then I went to Claude and Cindy's family. Things were going good there. I was actually adopted. I went to school and had friends and everything. But when I turned fifteen things went bad fast. Two days after my birthday I started hearing a voice in my head. I should have kept it a secret but I didn't. I freaked out and told Cindy. She set me up with a therapist who in turn had me committed to the nut ward at the hospital in a state that I have never been to. I have been here for two years. It has been pure Hell. I have been drugged out of my mind, I have been tortured every way they could think of. I have been beat, I have been nearly drowned, I have been electrocuted. Finally six months ago things went quiet. After watching and waiting they are sending me home.

The sad thing is I don't know where home is. I have not heard from Claude or Cindy since I was put in here. I guess they couldn't handle it, They live or lived in California and I am in Missouri. I decided I would just leave this place and start my own life. I had a job in California so I know how to work, I will go to the next town and settle down there. I will leave everyone and everything behind like they did to me.

So here it is 10:30 a.m. I have my duffle bag packed. I have my person belongings in my pockets. I even have the five hundred dollars I was givin by Cindy when I left so long ago. I am just waiting for the doctor to come in with my release papers then I am out of here. He finally shows up and of course he sits down and tells me what I should do now that I'm healthy. He asked me what I was going to do now. I lied and told him I was going back to Cindy and Claude. This made him happy. Once all the paperwork was done he walked me to the door. He put in the code and my door to freedom was open. He shook my hand and I walked outside. I ran down the steps and jumped into the taxi that was waiting for me. When he asked where to I didn't hesitate when I said," Bus station please."

Then we were off and I was finally free.

Once we got to the bus station I sat down on a bench next to a couple of girls and started looking at a map. I needed to figure out where to go next. While I was looking at the map I was listening to the girls. They were on their way to college and so very happy to be getting out of their dinky little town. They were complaining about how bored they were and how nothing exciting ever happened. After listening to this I decided this would be the perfect place for me. So instead of getting on a bus I got into another taxi and went to Reed Spring.

I was surprised that it was an hour away and cost me eighty dollars to get there but in the end I didn't really care. The girls were being honest when they said it was a small town. The taxi dropped me off at the motel and was gone.

After I rented a room for the week I went out to explore the town.