Getting A Job

Once I grabbed my wallet I headed out to explore the town. There were several shops in this area. I saw three clothes stores, one book store, and a crystal store in the first five blocks. I went into each place to see if they were hiring. most said no. I did put in an application at the book store. Then I went further down the street. Next I came to the diner and had lunch. From there I went into the bakery. It was a cute little shop. It was painted in light shades of pink and purple. There were two elderly women running all over. It looked to me like they were doing the jobs of ten people and they were busy. I got in line to get a donut and see how things worked. I chose a raspberry filled and strawberry filled bismark. After things slowed down I walked back up to the counter.

"Hello, my name is Patricia and I was wondering if you had an openings. I am new in town and could use a job."

The women at the register reached over and shook my hand and smiled at me. "Hello deary my name is Elizabeth and that's my sister Anne. We own this bakery. We actually could use some help, Can you bake?"

My heart sank as I said," No, but I would love to learn. I can run the register and clean the tables though."

Elizabeth smiles at me then looks at Anne. I'm not sure what's going on but when she turns back to me she smiles and says," If your willing to learn and work hard we will teach you. Can you be here tomorrow at five a.m.?"

"Yes, yes I can."

Then Anne comes over and says," You said your new in town, where are you staying?"

"Um, I'm not sure what the place is called. it's the little hotel at the end of the street. The blue and white building with the nasty green doors."

The sisters look at each other and smile, then Anne says," The Blue Moon hotel. I tell you what why don't you go back and get your stuff. I will call Jed and have him give you a refund then come back here. You can stay at our bed and breakfast. This way we can all come to work together. It's also safer than you walking around town by yourself."

I was in shock then finally came back to my senses and agreed then I ran back to the hotel.

Once I got there Jed was already waiting at my door. He handed my the money I just gave him back. I opened the door grabbed my bag and gave him the key. I told him thanks, he told me good luck, then I went back to the bakery.

Once I walked through the door I sat in the first booth. Then Elizabeth came over with some paperwork for me to fill out. After I finished we talked for a few minutes. Then she took the papers and went back to the office.

A few minutes late Anne came over and sat with me. She just stared at me for a minute before saying," Child how old are you?"

I didn't think anything of it when I told her I was seventeen. Then the other questions started. Elizabeth came back over when I started telling them my story. I told them everything up to the point about hearing voices and being committed. Instead I told them that I was sent away again and ended up here.

I don't know why I told them everything after just meeting them, but for some reason I felt safe with them. Almost like they were my grandmother's. I don't know why I just did. We talked a bit more then the next rush came in. Anne pulled me over to the register and work began.

Since it was around four the schools were getting out. We had teens lined up around the building. As I took the orders and called them back the sister's boxed the donuts. Everything was going smoothly when all the sudden I heard the voice again. It said two words, Mate, Mate. Then silence. I froze for a minute then I heard it again but the voice wasn't in my head it was a girl calling her friend. I guess I panicked for nothing.

The next group of people consisted of two guys and three girls. They were all the typical popular pretty people. Of the three girls the short little blonde was the one who caught my attention. She had an arm wrapped around both guys. Like she was afraid if she let go they would run away from her. He voice bothered me the most. It was high pitched to the point that every time she spoke it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Both of the guys were cute. They were twins. They were almost identical. They were both tall, both had plenty of muscles, both had wavy brown hair that went down to their shoulders. I wanted to sink my fingers in and play with it. I could only see one difference, it was their eyes. They guy on the left had blue green eyes, the color of the ocean. While the guy on the right had light blue eyes, the color of the sky on a bright sunny day. I knew I was starting because the girl Barbie yelled at me for looking at her men and not paying attention to her. But they were staring at me as well. Maybe they didn't like an unknown crazy person looking at them. I could totally understand that. I apologized to them all and got their order done and moved the line along. They all went over and sat in the largest booth. For the next half hour I stole small glances at the boys. Once Barbie noticed me looking that way she pushed her little group out the door.

I stayed at the register for the rest of the night. We closed at six and I helped clean up. Then Elizabeth and Anne took me to my new home.