
When we got to the bed and breakfast the first thing you notice it that it is the same color as the bakery. The most prominent color is the light pink, while the windows and doors are trimmed in the light purple.

The funny thing about all this is when you walk through the door the whole area is in light shades of cream and white. For some reason it made me smile. Anne saw my smile and looked over at Elizabeth, who was watching me as well. Elizabeth shook her head and stepped forward.

"We are empty right now so you can have our best room. Since you work for us we won't charge you rent. But there are a few conditions we do have. Would you like to discuss it now or after you get settled?"

I think about it a second and say," Let's do it now in case you decide I shouldn't be here."

I sit on the couch Anne points to and the ladies look at each other. Then Elizabeth starts talking again.

" Okay so my sister and I have discussed things and we want you to stay here. We would be honored if you would think of us as maybe your grandmother's. We are not expecting anything from you except working at the bakery, you will be paid. And you have to go to school. You have to graduate high school. You said you were adopted and then abandoned so we would be unable to adopt you but we always wanted a granddaughter. We will help you get signed up for school and help with clothes and things. So what do you say? Will these terms work for you?"

I stare at both of them for a minute. A thousand different things running through my head but in the end all I could think about was I have a new family. As long as the voice doesn't come back. I looked at both women and hugged them both. They looked at each other over my head and then Elizabeth asks," So does this mean you agree?"

As I pull back I smile at both of them. Shaking my head yes I say," I don't know how I got so lucky. I came into the bakery looking for a job now I have that as well as a home and a new family. Thank you both, yes I accept. But I'm not sure about the whole school thing. Over the last two years school hasn't been steady."

"That's okay dear our school is small, all twelve years in the same building. There are several kids who have only gone part time. Don't worry you will fit right in. Since today is Thursday we will sign you up on Monday. Untill then you work at the bakery and we will show you around town. Of course we don't have much of a town to show off."

Smiling at them both I agree to everything. Then they show me my room. It's huge, there is a beautiful cherry wood four poster bed. with matching dresser and end table. They showed me that I had a walk in closet and my own bathroom. It is all beautiful and I tell them so. I hug them several more times then they tell me to clean up and put my stuff away then come down for dinner. They go downstairs and start dinner.

I am amazed, how did I get so lucky? They seem like good people. And I was seen by several dozen people today so someone might ask if I disappear. At this rate who would really care if I did. Right then and there I decided not to question it and just enjoy these nice people. After I put my stuff away I go take a shower.

"Anne you know I'm right, she is one of us. We need to find her mate. She only has a year before she changes. I wonder who her family was and why she was abandoned. How do you tell a child she is a werewolf after everything she has been through."

"I don't know Elizabeth let's get her in school first then work on the rest later. One piece at a time. We don't want to overwhelm her."

Then they started talking about the bakery as I came down the stairs. We had a nice dinner as we talked about the plans for tomorrow. We apparently have two big orders first thing in the morning. Then they are going to start teaching me how to bake. That gets me so excited. I can't wait to learn to bake. I also ask if they can teach me to cook. I would love to learn to cook. They agree and then we talk about going shopping on Saturday. On the weekends we are only open till noon. I tell them I have money but they tell me it's a grandparents right to spoil a grandchild. I smile and for the hundredth time wonder how I managed to get so lucky.

After a while We all went to bed.