The Mall

I wake up to sunlight from the window hitting me right in the eyes. I realize I'm in my room but don't really remember coming in here. I guess I was really tired last night. I get up and shower, then get dressed. As I open the door I smell eggs and ham. I run downstairs to see if I can help.

"Oh good your up dear, we were going to wake you in five minutes. We have ham, eggs, potatoes and toast. We also have bagels in you want that instead."

"Wow I have never seen so much food. I was lucky if I got eggs and potatoes let alone all the rest. You guys are wonderful."

I couldn't help but give both of them a big hug before we sat down to eat. While we ate we talked about what we would do.

"First things first young lady you need clothes and school supplies. Once we feel you are properly prepared we will look into things you want. We are telling you now things you need we will buy but if you want books or things to entertain yourself that's up to you."

Once again I hug both of them. Then I say," I am so glad I listened to what those girls were saying. Otherwise I never would have met you guys. I know we have only known each other for a few days But I love you guys."

They smile at me and hug me again then we go grab our things to leave. Fifteen minutes later we are pulling up to the mall.

The first place we go is Macy's. When I would have been happy with a couple shirts, pants and underthings Elizabeth got me ten different dresses, While Anne got the same amount of pants, shirts, t-shirts, and sweaters. Then we went over and got three bags of socks and underwear. Then we got a mix of regular and sports bras. We also got four pairs of shoes as well as three pairs of dress shoes. Then we go over to the accessories and they get me a decent brush, some hair ties, a new toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as a wrist watch.

Once we paid for everything they told me to go to the bookstore and see if I find anything I like they went out to put the clothes in the car.

I was excited to go to the book store it had been a few years since I had been in one. I couldn't wait to see what's new. While I am lost in book heaven I don't realize someone has come up behind me. Then the person touches my hair and I swear I jumped about a foot.

"Easy sweetheart we didn't mean to scare you. Dean has wanted to touch your hair since day one. Personally I just want to taste your lips."

"Sam, Dean back off. Leave her alone we will talk about this later. GO NOW."

"Yes aunty."

The Twins walk away looking hurt then Anne comes over and wraps her arms around me.

"Honey are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No, they startled me is all. I didn't hear them walk up. I guess I was to absorbed in the book. I knew they were not going to hurt me. And I hate to say this but when Sam said he wanted to kiss me I swear that's all I could think about. Talk about crazy right. this is the first time they have talked to me and I fantasize about kissing one of them.Whats funnier is I have never had a boyfriend so I have no idea what I would do. I think I need to sit down."

I plop down on the floor right there. I take a couple of deep breathes then begin to calm down. Meanwhile Anne and Elizabeth exchange glances with each other. "Okay let's get her interested in some books then we need to go talk to the elder and the twins. We have to get things under control now."

After a minute I am relaxed enough to go back to getting some books. Anne and Elizabeth do their best to help me find things. I end up with six books and two puzzles. Then we head home.

After we get everything in the house we take off all the tags and wash the clothes. After they are going we have lunch. Then Anne gets a phone call. I'm not sure what's going on but both her and Elizabeth have to leave so I finish cleaning up. Then I go upstairs and start working on one of my puzzles. I also change the clothes from the washer to the dryer then somewhere along the way I end up falling asleep.