The Meeting

As we are cleaning up from lunch Dean calls me demanding to know why I stopped them from messing with Patricia. I tell him to give us fifteen minutes and we will be at their house to explain. Since I know elder Johnathan lives right next door I call him and ask him to meet us there. He agrees and I tell him I'll see him in fifteen minutes. When I get back in the kitchen I tell Patrice that Elizabeth and i have to go to a meeting not sure when it will end so just remember to change over the clothes. We both give her hugs then we go to see the twins.

Ten minutes later we pull up outside their home. Dean is at the door waiting for us. He is looking in the car for Patricia.

"We left her at home, you to need to know a few things about your mate before this goes any further. And I have questions for the elder. Now let's go."

Once we get inside Sam hands out drinks. Then we all get as comfortable as possible before I start talking.

" Thank you elder for meeting us here. We asked you here because of a unique situation that has fallen in our lap and we need you advice and guidance."

He nods his head but remains silent. So I start my story.

" Okay early Wednesday afternoon a young girl came into the bakery asking for a job and we hired her. Both Elizabeth and I noticed something odd about her. We could smell that she is a wolf but she has no idea. She could not tell what we were. Elizabeth thought that it would be a good idea to keep an eye on her since she just turned seventeen that day. So we decided to let her move into our house. This young lady has had a very hard life. She was found in a locker at a train station just after she was born then she went into the system. From what we understand about every five years she gets sent to a new home for one reason or another. At the age of five she was sent away because the foster mom got pregnant. At the age of ten the foster father died in a car accident but since she lived the foster mom hates her and sent her away. Then at the final foster home she thought she had it made. She was adopted after a year but when she turned fifteen they turned on her. The foster mom started saying she was getting to strung out and her therapist sent her to a mental hospital for teens. After two years they let her go. That's when she showed up at our door. Her education has been spotty at best. But she loves to read. This young ladies life has been nothing but hell you boys say she is both of your mate but she has never had a boyfriend so she has no idea what she is doing or what to expect. I will say that she does feel the bond. She does not understand what it is or why. But she told us she was fantasizing about kissing both of you before she collapsed on to the floor. What we are asking is that you please take it slow and be gentle with her. We won't even add into the equation that you both are Alphas. That is far to much for her to take on right now. What we are asking from you Johnathan is what do we do to help her and how do we ask her what she knows about herself without making her run back to the nut house? Whatever made her foster mom think she was strung out might happen again and we don't want that if we can stop it."

" Okay so give me a second, I can tell you two ladies have been dealing with a lot since Thursday. Do you plan on sending her to school?"

"Yes she will be enrolled on Monday. We already got her school supplies. We are listing her as our granddaughter. We have already started introducing her as such to our friends."

"That is fine. We will back you up on that. As far as signing her up for school, since I'm on the board we can do that now. I want you to take her in to the pack clinic tomorrow for shots and to get her blood drawn. The shots are for school but the blood will be tested to see if we can figure out where she came from. Let's me go to my house and get the papers we need."

After Johnathan walks out the twins start asking questions.

"I can't believe a wolf would be so heartless as to leave a child in the human world. She has gone through so much. But now it makes sense I mean when we first saw her I thought it was a bit strange when she asked who we were. Every wolf can feel an Alpha.

True but it didn't help that Barbie laughter at her either.

How can we help? All we can think about is mating and marking our mate."

"Your sure she is both of your mate?"

"Yes aunty she is our mate. We both feel the pull very strongly."

"Well I think we should as Johnathan about this as well."

"Ask me about what?"

"Sir how is it that she is both our mate? We both feel the connection to her. We know she is our heart and soul."

"Well I will say on one hand it doesn't surprise me. Having twin alphas is rare but it happens. And them sharing the same mate has happened to. I only know of one other case where twin alphas share their mate. As far as I know it has worked out well. They learned and adjusted to the situation. But what is most important for all three of you is helping her to adjust to her new life. We should not rush her into anything. Let's take it slow. You two can gently show her love and affection but keep in the front of your mind she was raised human and has had a shitty life on top of that."

"We understand sir, we will do everything in our power to help and protect her."

"Good now give us just a minute to fill out this paperwork then we can come up with a strategy to help our future Luna."

The whole time we have been talking about Patricia all I can think about is how glad I am that she walked into the bakery that day. Now she will be safe thanks to us. I can't believe how attached I am to her already. I swear if anyone tries to hurt her I will rip them to shreds. Anne is our diplomat I am the hammer and I won't take anyone's shit. Once we get the paperwork done we head home to let Patricia know about school and tomorrow's plans.