Talks, Shots, And Blood

When Anne and Elizabeth got home I finished my clothes and was hard at work on my puzzle. I had just put the final piece of the border in place and was celebrating when they came to the door.

" Oh my goddess Elizabeth she does the same thing you do when she finishes the border. I thought you were the only one to do that."

Everyone starts laughing and Elizabeth shakes her head then gives me a high five. Then says," Sit down we have to talk a minute. No don't worry it's nothing bad."

So everyone sits down. Anne pulls some paperwork out of her bag. While she is separating them Elizabeth starts talking.

"Okay so we went and signed you up for school. A friend of ours works in the records department so we got everything early. The bad news is you have to get your seventeen year shots before you can start school. And they want to do a blood type to have it on file in case of emergency. So that means they have to take blood as well. We will take you into the clinic tomorrow morning to get it done. The paperwork Anne is going through you need some of it and we need some of it. How do you feel about that."

"Well I understand that I need the shots but it all makes me nervous. I have no idea what my blood type is. And fair warning I really don't like needles. I hate to sound like a baby but will you guys be with me?"

"If you want us there then of course we will be. We understand moral support when it comes to needles. Elizabeth needs three nurse's in the room when ever they take blood from her. We will be with you the whole time."

"Thank you both. I can't believe I met you both. You are such wonderful people. I love you both."

Then I give both of them big hugs. Then we all work on the puzzle until Anne's stomach starts rumbling. So we stop and go downstairs to eat. Shortly after that we go to bed.

The next morning we all get up bright and early. Once everyone is dressed and ready to go we all get in the car. The clinic is supposed to be about twenty-five minutes from our house but the way Elizabeth drive we are there in twelve minutes. We got there early so we could get in and out fast, we only waited in the lobby for a few minutes before going to the room. I was doing okay till we got to that little room. I started getting nervous and shaky. I know they noticed. So trying to distract myself I started babbling.

"So umm I have a question, What should I call you both. Calling you by name seems to be rude. Can I call you grandma or aunty or Grammy? What do you think? I don't want to be rude or disrespectful after you have helped me so much."

The ladies look at each other and then back at me then Anne says," Sweety you can call us grandma if your more comfortable with that or aunty if you prefer. You have not been disrespectful in any way to us. We just want you to be comfortable."

"Thank you. Look I don't know why but this room makes me real nervous. When will the doctor be here. Can someone please check?"

Elizabeth walks out to find the doctor and get help set up. She calls the twins to see if they can home down and help.

Elizabeth walks back in the room and says," if it helps they are going to move us to a bigger room. The doctor had an emergency they say another five minutes. How are you doing honey?"

"Maybe a bigger room will help. I never had this problem before."

So the nurse takes us down the hall to a family room. It is twice as big as the other room and I start pacing. It scares me because I hear the voice in my head telling me to calm down and relax. But hearing the voice scares me, I don't want to be sent back to the hospital. I don't want to be tortured anymore. Then the voice starts yelling Mate Mate Mate and I loose it. I am couched in the corner panicking. The next thing I know the room goes black.

The doctor and nurse walks in the room I stand up. "You need to back away. You won't hurt her anymore. She is not crazy, she doesn't know. She's not strong enough yet."

The Twins walk into the room. Sam steps forward."Sweetheart we know she's not crazy. We also know you are just trying to protect her."

"They tortured her. They gave her electroshock therapy because they didn't believe her that I was there. I won't let anyone else hurt her because of me."

"Sweetheart you know we are your mate. We will protect both of you. No one will ever hurt her again. Will you let the doctor take the blood and give her the shots she needs?"

"She has not had any shots since her fifteenth year so get everything done now. Then to make her feel better tell her she passed out when she saw the needle. Just don't stress her anymore please."

"Before you rest Sweetheart what is your name?"

" My name is Shimmer. I have told her my name before so she should believe you when you tell her. Grandma's the nightmares will start tonight. Usually for three days. She won't wake no matter how hard you try. She never remembers. Then they are burried for a while longer."

"Thank you Shimmer we will help her. You can rest now."

As our eyes close the boys catch me and put me on the bed. The doctor gets the needed shots and then takes the blood. Before the boys leave Anne says," Thank you both. We all know that could have gone much worse. We will talk to you both later. If your free at noon we need to talk to Elder Johnathan about all of this."

The boys agree then they kiss me on the forehead and leave.

After about ten minutes I start to come around.

"What happened? I remember the doctor walking in the room the everything went dark."

"Honey you took one look at the needle in his hand and passed out."

"Oh my God I am so embarrassed. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay Honey we got a couple of nice strong guys to put you on the bed then the doctor did what he needed to do. Now when your ready we can go."

"Um yea let's go. I am so ready to get out of here."

Anne went and spoke to the doctor then we all left. I was happy to be back home. I was so embarrassed because I passed out like that. I guess the stress was to much. I'm just glad no one else saw it.

At about 11:30 Anne got a call. She said they had to go out for a while so I went upstairs to work on my puzzle.