
Once I got the call from the doctor telling us the results were in he asked us to come to his office. He also said he was going to call the twins and Elder Johnathan to join us. Both Elizabeth and I were worried. To call us all in this can't be good.

We made sure Patricia was relaxed and comfortable then we headed out. As always with the way Elizabeth drive we are there early. When we get in the office we see the twins waiting as well. They both stand up and come over to us.

"How is she doing? We can't believe someone could be that cruel. We are heartbroken for her."

"No Sam as her mate and Alpha you have to move beyond this and help her to understand who she is. How do you feel Dean?"

"To be honest Aunty I have been on a tight rope since we met Shimmer. All I can think about is killing anyone who would do that to our mate."

"I like the way you think Alpha. But for now you can't let her see that. She will read it wrong and think you blame her."

"Then how do we handle it Aunty? Because all I want to do is hurt the people who hurt her."

"Believe me son I want to do the same thing. No one should treat a child like that. How about once we find out the who, what, when, where,and why's to this mess you and I go hunting?"

"Elizabeth don't talk like that, your can't talking about killing people."

"Come on Aunt we never once said we were going to kill anyone. Just make them pay for what they did to her."

"As long as it's just you venting and not planning on hurting humans."

"Excuse me what's going on here?"

"Nothing Sir the aunt's are just making sure we remain respectable Alpha's and not murder the humans who abused our mate."

"And how do you know this?"

"Because we spoke to her wolf for a few minutes today. She pushed herself to the front to protect Patricia. She was afraid the doctors would use electroshock therapy on her again and Shimmer refused to have that happen. Once Sam and I spoke to her she accepted we wouldn't allow them to be hurt her she let Patricia have control back. But before she went to sleep she told us we had to tell Patricia the truth soon. The poor girl believes she is crazy."

"Okay, busy Sunday I see. So we are all here because the doctor has the results for her blood tests already. Isn't that fast?"

"Well here he comes so let's find out"

Everyone goes into the Doctors office. They are all quiet as they sit down in the chairs. Then the doctor starts to speak.

"Thank you all for coming. I have one request. Please let me finish my findings before you all start asking questions. I know there will be many questions."

Once everyone nods their heads in understanding the doctor begins.

"Okay I am assuming they filled you in on the issue we had today. Well after hearing everything I did some research. She came to us from The Mitchell Psychiatric hospital in the next town over. She has been there for two days shy of two years. It seams Shimmer started talking to Patricia on her fifteenth birthday. I know that's a bit young but let me finish. Apparently the adults freaked out and had her committed. I am assuming Shimmer was not strong enough to come out and that is a good thing but they did what they could to cure her. They drugged her. Using several experimental drugs. Whenever she started showing side affects they changed the drugs. After that they moved to electroshock. It was after six months of that that Shimmer stopped talking. I think she kept quiet to get them out of there. The records state she stopped eating and was nearly comatose at one point. Shimmer managed to save her. They were also surprised that it only took a month for her to fully recover. After all that they released her as fast as they could. Going back to her birth information was a bit harder. She was found in a New York bus terminal locker. No matter how hard they looked there was no video proof of anyone putting that baby there. What she told you about her upbringing was right on. She was always very smart. It might take some time to resurface but she is very smart. She also has a photographic memory. The last family who actually adopted her were the ones to send her away. What bothered me the most is why they did it. Alpha's this is where you will be needed. Two months after she was committed someone did a search for her. The foster parents were informed that a trust was set up for Patricia and will be released two months after her eighteenth birthday. But this whole time they never even visited or called. So we need to find out about that. I will give you all the information I collected on that. Now on to the medical aspect of all this. When I ran the tests I found out our future Luna comes from a long line of Lycan blood. Not only that but she is an Alpha. But she is not pure, she is a hybrid. She is also a member of the Royal family of elfs. At this point her wolf side is stronger than the elf side and I don't know when elves come of age So we will have to look into that as well. I don't want to draw attention to her So we have to be careful. I can ask a few of my friends to see what we can find out but I can and have to do it without giving out to much information. So after learning all of this I can understand why Shimmer introduced herself. Now what questions can I answer?"

The room was silent for a minute then Sam started the questions.

"Okay Chris how long will it take for you to get all the information together? We need to get these things taken care of. We need to know who set up the trust fund. And get it transferred to the pack attorneys."

"I have all that and her past history here. Take it and do what you will with it."

"How can we make her feel safe. She has been through so much already."

"Anne you have done a lot to help her. Just make her feel loved. And if she mentions hearing Shimmer tell her the truth."

"Chris we need to know why the trust is set up for two months after her birthday. I'm hoping it's something simple but did anything catch your eye on that?"

"Sorry Johnathan I didn't see a reason for it. Maybe the lawyers can find out more. Alpha's maybe you should carefully make your intentions known to her. Show her you care for her but be careful. Shimmer knows you both are her mate but Patrica doesn't. She grew up in the human world. We have to remember that."

"When you know anything about the Elf side of things please let us know."

"Of course Alpha,"

"Okay I believe that is everything for now. Let's wrap this up. We should get back and make sure Patricia is okay. It still worries me that Shimmer said the nightmare will start tonight."

"Aunty we will be outside tonight if you need us just call."

"Yes Alpha, we will talk later."

After that the Alpha's went to do what they could while we went back to Patricia.