
Once we got home we told Patrica she was cleared for school tomorrow them we made dinner. We spent a good hour looking for the perfect outfit for her first day of school. Have way through the search Patrica started asking us questions.

"So I don't know why I can't stop thinking about them but do you think the twins will be in any of my classes. Do you think they will like this outfit? Oh my god I can't believe I just said that."

"Now honey why would you be upset. It's a perfectly reasonable question. You want to look good and attract your mates. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Oh my goddess I don't even want to think about that. Yes I am attracted to them, although I think it's crazy to want two guys at once. But I don't think they even know who I am except from the bakery."

"Well Honey maybe you should try talking to them. It's the only way your ever going to know."

"Oh I can't do that. I would be way to embarrassed to talk to them. I wouldn't even know what to say. I don't know either one of them. Besides I don't think Barbie would like me talking to them."

"Honey Barbie has nothing to do with this equation. You have to be strong and fight for your mates."

"Why do you keep calling them my mates? We are not friends that I know of. We are not dating. Besides you can only be with one person at a time so wouldn't it just be mate?"

"Lets just wait and see what happens. I am getting ahead of myself. So are we all set for tomorrow? I need some sleep."

"Wow I didn't realize it's almost nine. I guess I need to get to bed to. Good night, See you guy's in the morning."

After Patrica drifts off to sleep we go to the door. The twins are there waiting.

"For now everything is calm in case we need you we will leave the front door unlocked and shorts by the door."

Sounds fine to us. We will be in the backyard. Don't hesitate to contact us if Shimmer is right it's going to be bad."

"We can only hope for the best. By the way you might want to get rid of Barbie, she won't come near you till she is out of the way. She also thinks your both cute and she chose tomorrow's outfit with you both in mind. It sounds like the bond is working hard on her even if she has no clue."

"Thanks for the heads up Aunty I will send Barbie away. Actually I have been trying to get rid of her for a while but won't take the hint."

"If you want Sam I will take care of it. Everyone knows we are your godmother's and not to mess with us. I have no problem with telling that prissy little upstart where she can go.

"I tell you what let me talk to her tomorrow morning and if it doesn't work she is all yours Aunty."

"Okay I will be waiting for your call. No one gets in the way of the mate bond, not when it comes to my boys."

Elizabeth don't talk like that. What about Patricia? No one will mess with her either. And if either one of you boys hurt her I will punish you to."

"But we are the Alpha's Aunty, we would never hurt her. But you can't exactly punish us either."

"I don't care if your kings, you step out of line I will punish you both."

"Okay Aunty, we are going outside now good night."

After the boys go to wait in the backyard we go to bed. But at 11:30 p.m. we are woke up by the most blood curdling screams I have ever heard. We run into Patrica's room to find her cowering in the corner. Her arms are out in front of her, like she is trying to keep someone away. She starts talking," Stay away. Please stay away. No more. I swear I haven't heard her anymore. Please don't hurt me again. No please."

We try to get close but she starts swinging at us. Elizabeth calls the boys in. They call to her to get her to calm down. After a few minutes it works. The get her to lay down and once she is asleep again they start to leave. They don't even make it to the door before she starts getting upset so I decided to have them get in bed with her.

"Boys you can't leave. I want you to stay in the bed with her. She knows you will protect her. She feels it. But she is so lost in the nightmares she has no clue your here. Don't be thinking sex just comfort her. I suggest you leave before she wakes up but you have to stay. Shimmer said it goes for three days so you will come back after she falls asleep and just protect her. Do you understand what I am saying?"

They both look at Patricia then back at me and say yes before climbing into bed with her. She calms down as soon as they lay down. I notice one hand curls into Sam's shirt while the other hand curls around Dean's hand. They look at us then we turn off the light and everyone goes to sleep.

The next morning Elizabeth and I get up at five as always, We go check on Patrica and see the three of them just the way we left them last night. We quietly wake up Sam and Dean then we go downstairs. Once all four of us are in the kitchen Sam says,"Aunty you were right she was calm all night. We will be back tonight."

Dean says," Let's get a move on we need to get ready for school. Besides you need to talk to Barbie before she gets there."

"Just remember if she doesn't listen to you let me know and I will set her strait. Now scoot boy's she is getting up."

The boys rush out the door just before we hear the water come on in the shower.