
The twins come in at almost three in the morning. They undress and climb into bed with me. I was still asleep but smiled and wrapped one arm around one and my other hand in a shirt.

At five a.m. my alarm went off. Sam turned it off and rolled back to face me. Then he says," We are not going to school today. We need to talk."

Dean pulls me into him and says," Yes even though I want to love you I think we need to wait till we are done."

We get up and take a shower then go downstairs to meet up with Anne and Elizabeth.

Dean looks at both and says," You guys won't be going to the bakery today. We will all be going to the pack house. Patricia you will be meeting our parents and we have some things to talk about."

" Are you sure this is a good idea Alpha? Is this our only option?"

"Yes Anne it needs to be done. We have to do it now we have no other choice."

I step up to Anne and hug her," What ever is going on I need to know. People have told me I'm crazy for years, someone just tried to have me kidnapped, Anne I have two mates. I'm not sure what all of it means but I need answers. So let's get going so I can get my life under control again."

Anne gives me another hug. Elizabeth gives me a hug then Dean says,"Baby I love how you look at things. Just keep this open mindedness okay."

I nod my head and then we get ushered out the door by the twins. There is a car parked in front of the door, four men are standing guard. I look up at Sam and Dean, but all they do is point to the car. I get in followed by Anne and Elizabeth. Then Sam gets in and Dean takes the front seat. Then a large man gets in the driver's seat. Patricia this is Mark from now on he will be your guard. Wherever you go so will he."

"Hello Mark, no offense but do I really need a body guard?"

"No offense taken Luna but I was at the school yesterday. They got to you rather easily so I will stop it from happening again."

"Do you think it's going to happen again?"

"We are hoping it doesn't but we can't be sure. We will explain more when we get to the pack house."

We drive for fifteen minutes trough a small forest. Then a large house appears in front of us. We pull up directly in front of the door. We all file out. There is an older man and woman waiting on the steps. Once we are all out of the car they introduce themselves.

"Good morning honey, we are Emily and Miles. We are the twins parent's. It is nice to meet you at last."

"Good morning, my name's Patricia. We had originally planned on meeting you this weekend but it's been and interesting week."

Yes, we have heard about that. We are glad you made it home safely. Now I understand we have many things to talk about, everyone come in please."

We all go inside. Many people say hello to Sam and Dean as we go upstairs to talk. Miles takes us to the second floor. We go all the way down to the end of the hall to a large conference room. The part that was strange was the table

was pushed all the way back to the wall. There is a knock at the door, Miles opens it and in walks Ashley and Tim as well as the doctor. After miles closes the door again I look at the twins wondering what it going on.

"Okay we are going to start this little gathering by having the doctor explain to you what he found in your blood tests. Doctor please."

"Okay so as always I ask is that no one interrupt or ask questions till I'm done. Now you were asked to come in last week for shots and a blood type test. For us when you do a blood type test it means more that just finding out if your A+ or B-. With us it tells if your partially human or wolf or a mix of something else. Now I want you to know that you are not crazy, you never were. We are also not crazy. We will show you in a minute. But you need to know Shimmer is real not just a voice in your head. She is your wolf. First you need to know you are a true born Luna. This means one of your parents is a true born Alpha or Luna. For some people their wolf makes itself known early like she did for you. But others wait till they turn eighteen. Shimmer has been protecting you for a long time. She took the worst of the electroshock therapy for you. Also drugs that would have killed you she was able to get rid of. Now from what we know you were abandoned at a few hours old in a train station locker. Try as the might they could never find video footage of who dropped you off. I believe that is because one of your parents are fey. Fey is another name for fairy. In this case a royal fairy. There is no way to prove this side of your heritage to you because we have not seen any fairies in years. They cut themselves off from the rest of the Super natural world. What I can tell you is on your eighteenth birthday Shimmer will be free to come out. It will be your first shift. Not I can't tell you anymore But we can prove we are not crazy watch."

I am stunned as one by one all of my friends change human to wolf and back. Then I watch Sam and Dean change as well. They are the most beautiful shade of blue black I have ever seen. As Sam and Dean are pulling on shorts I have to say," Excuse me I need a minute." Then I walk out the door. I walk down to the other end of the hall. In my mind I register that Mark is waiting by the door I walked out of. At the other end of the hall I look out the window without seeing the grounds. Then I start talking to Shimmer.

"So your really my wolf. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Can you tell me anything they haven't"

"I understand you were young. I wasn't able to come out and prove you were not crazy so I did what I could to help you. I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about your other side. But now that you know the truth you need to be marked by the twins. I can't tell you how it will help but it must be done before I come out. Also if anything like yesterday happens again being mark opens a pathway for you to call them and allows me to talk to their wolves. I have a very bad feeling about those men. I don't believe they will be the only ones."

"Okay maybe we should go back now I'm sure there is more we need to know."

"Lets go then. And start standing up for yourself more I can't do it all. Your a Luna act like one."

So I head back to the group. When I open the door everyone seems to be relieved. I grab one of the chairs and sit down.

Okay guys I don't want to sound rude so bare with me okay. First of all doctor after you took blood last night did you learn what the injected me with. Because to be honest I am still a bit light headed today. Second why didn't you guys just come out and tell me this sooner. Third Shimmer doesn't think these people are finished trying for me do we know who they are or why they are doing it. Fourth I don't want to be putting people in danger I need to start training in self defense. I was able to outsmart those idiots but the next ones might be smarter. Finally we need to do the marking thing Shimmer says it will make the next attack harder for them if I can contact both of you through that link."

Emily smiles and walks over to hug me then says"Listen to her talking like a Luna already. Boys she's right you need to mark her. I think it would be a good idea to do that today. Next I think you should tell her what you found out last night."

Both Sam and Dean come over to me, each of them take one of my hands. Then Dean starts out by saying,"Thanks to your information baby we went back to their room and found that they were planning to take you to New York. Someone in the Super natural world has put out a bounty on you. We don't know if they are wolves or what. We did learn from the good doctor that someone has set up a trust fund that will pay out two months after your eighteenth birthday. What we don't know yet is who or why. The pack lawyers are looking into it for us. As far as marking you we are all for it. We will do it today if your ready."

Sam picks it up from there by saying," We met Shimmer the day you got the shots and blood drawn. She warned us about the nightmares that would start. She also told us about the hospital. We knew you were on overload already we didn't want to make it worse. To be honest we had planned to show you Saturday but we didn't get that far. As far as self defense classes for you we think that is a great idea. Now for the next few days we would like all three of you to spend the night's here. During the day work is fine. We will post guards. Don't argue you are members of this pack. We found pictures in their room they have been watching you all for the last three days. We need to prep the B&B to make sure you all will be safe. After we are done here you will go pick up your stuff and come back out here. Tomorrow we will go back to regular schedule. Are you guys okay with that?"

Everyone shakes their head yes then when all the talking is done we go down to the dining room and eat. After we eat we go get our stuff. We have four body guards and Sam and Dean with us. After we get in the house I turn to Anne and Elizabeth and say," I'm sorry about all this, I never ment for you guys to be pushed out of your home because of me."

"Calm down honey we don't blame you for this besides you have to get used to this kind of thing when rogues attack we get moved to the pack house all the time. It's just a part of our lives. Besides as the Luna of our pack your protection is very important. Now let's get packed so we can go back. And make sure to grab things to keep yourself entertained. And don't forget to lock your doors when your done."

We get our stuff and get out in ten minutes. Then we head back out to the pack house. Once we are back Anne and Elizabeth head to their rooms while the twins take me to their room. When we walk in the room there is a giant king size bed in the middle of the room.

"Sweetheart you can put your bag over here and Dean and I can show you around. First of all the bathroom is over here."

We walk in the room and my jaw dropped. there is a beautiful large Jacuzzi tub on the left side of the room. On the right side of the room is a large shower and the toilet. In the center of the room is a double wide sink. Personally I want to try the tub. But I know it has to wait we need to do other things. So we head back downstairs.