
After dinner we all sit in the family room to talk. They say they want to know everything about me. so I tell them all about my life. They tell me about my new life. I really love Emily and Miles, they are so cool. You can tell they really love each other and I hope the twins and I have that kind of love.

After a while everyone starts going to bed. Then the twins both take one of my hands and pulls me up from the couch. Then we walk up to the bedroom. Even though we have been together before I still start to get nervous about everything. We decided I should mark then first because no one know what will happen when I get two marks.

Once we get inside the first thing the boys do is run me a bath. They add lavender bubbles and salts then they undress me and put me in the water. Then I watch as they both strip for me. Once they are naked they join me in the waters

We start out with simply touching and kissing. As things progress Dean's fingers are inside of me while I start licking Sam's chest. He is rolling my nipple in his fingers as I kiss my way up to his neck. He turns his head so I can reach his marking spot. I lick it a few times then I bite down. As I do I feel an invisible line connecting us. Then I start feeling his emotions. I can feel how much he wants to mark me. Then I hear Shimmer saying"Yes,Yes,Yes I can hear him."

After a bit I lick the wound closed and he kisses me. He smiles at me and turns me to Dean. Dean's fingers come out of my hole and moves up my body. As we start kissing I feel Sam's fingers move down my body. As they slide inside me I start kissing Dean's chest and his abs then I start moving back up Once I get to his neck I start licking and sucking until I get to the right spot. As I sink my teeth into his neck he pushes his fingers inside me with Sam's fingers. As they finger fuck me to the point I cum I continue sucking on the spot. As I feel the connection form between Dean and I that's when I cum a second time so I close the pin picks in his neck then I kiss them both.

After a few more minutes we get out of the water and move to the bed. Once again they start licking and sucking me everywhere but on the neck. Dean is licking my clit and sucking it like a sucker while Sam alternates between my nipples. They bring me to the brink of a climax so many times to back off and start all over again. Next both of them put their fingers inside me. They are driving me crazy. Just when I think I can't take it anymore they both move up and both of them bite down at the same time. I cum so hard I cry out. Meanwhile both of them continue to slide their fingers in and out. Once I climax the final time they close the holes in my neck. They watch me for a moment then Sam flips me over to where I am on my hands and knees, then he gets between my legs as I feel his cock enter me Dean gets under me. I take his cock in my mouth and start sucking his dick. It doesn't take long for both of them to cum. After a second the boys trade places as Dean is Fucking me I am now sucking Sam's dick. This time we all take a little more time As Sam cums for me I swallow it all then I feel Dean cum in me as I hit My climax as well. As I collapse on Sam Dean gets up on the bed and rolls me over. I grab Dean's arm and pulls it as close as possible then as Sam Pulls a sheet over us I grab his hand. After that we fall asleep.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for but all the sudden I need to get up. The boys can feel my need, they are out of bed and get me in the bathroom within seconds. They stand me up against the sink when all of the sudden wings sprout from my back. I drop to the floor and Dean calls for the doctor as Sam gets a robe around me. The doctor as well as everyone else comes racing into the room.

I can't seem to focus I can hear them all talking but I can't make anything out. I call to Shimmer and she is just as worried as I am. She doesn't know how to help me. Then I hear a voice in my head.and since I don't understand how the bond works yet I am open to both Sam and Dean so they can hear it as well. They open to the other five in the room and this is what we all hear.

"My daughter you seem to have come into your wings early. I had intended to have you here with me before that happened. This means those Damn Alpha's have marked and mated you. Now you are no longer pure I won't be able to sell you. Rot there with those vermin. I'll warn you only once never come to New York or you will be killed."

After that monologue ended another voice can be heard saying," Breathe my daughter you might be wolf but you are also elf. I'm sorry I didn't know until a few months ago. I would have raised you had I known. I want to help where are you?"

"I can't answer so Dean answers for me," She is with her mates and family in the Blue Mountains pack. What is your name?"

"I am Prince Alexander of the Shimmering waters. And you are?"

I am Alpha Dean Sanders. My brother Sam and I are your daughter's mates. Now help your daughter, she is dizzy and her wings are out how do we stop this?"

"Two mates? You must both take her hands, you are now all connected so you must visualize her wings going back see only a bare back. She needs your strength to complete the ceremony. No elf has ever had two mates her body is on overload."

After a minute the wings disappeared and the room stopped spinning. But I passed out after that so I don't know what happened next.