Luna Ceremony

As I wake up I remember the Luna Ceremony is tonight. I lay in our bed thinking I have to keep everyone I love alive. Then I get distracted by the hands roaming over my body. As Sam and Dean touch me I get wetter and wetter. This morning I am facing Dean. I reach out and touch his face. I smile at him as his hands roam over my body. i lean forward and kiss him. As my tongue slides in his mouth and our tongues fight for dominance I can feel Sam's fingers sliding in and out of my body. The fingers stop and Sam's dick replaces them, I cum instantly. Then Dean starts sucking on my nipples. He leaves love bites on my neck and chest. Then he kisses his mark and the dam breaks inside me. Moments later Sam cums for me. When he pulls out Dean takes his place. Then Sam's hands roam over my body. As his hand slides down and starts rubbing my clit I feel the pressure building again and I cum a moment later. As Dean fucks me I cum again. This time I tighten around him and he cums as well.

After we lay there for a minute Sam gets out of bed, then he helps me up. Once I am standing the room starts spinning. I sit down quickly. Both Sam and Dean come to me. They can feel the room spinning but then it stops. I open my eyes and see the worry on their faces. I think quickly and say,"Chris said this might happen remember. He said I might have dizzy spells until both side were in perfect harmony."

They think about it for a minute then they let in go. They help me to the bathroom then give me a few minutes to relieve myself. Once I'm done I go to the shower. They come in when I start it. After our shower we get dressed and go downstairs. Their mother is in the kitchen cooking. I sit down as the boys get ready to go do errands before the ceremony tonight.

"Are you ready for the ceremony tonight? I have the whole menu planned. Anne and Elizabeth are helping me cook. Is there anything special you want us to make for you?"

"No just make what you usually make for these things."

Mind to mind I say," I'm not sure about being able to eat anything anyway. I got up dizzy and slightly sick. I'm doing my best not to throw up in front of the boys."

"I will call Chris for you. You need vitamins and minerals the baby is taking yours. As soon as The boys leave we will go get them."

Out loud she asks me," What do you want for breakfast then."

"To be honest not really hungry. I think I'm a bit nervous about tonight."

The boys come over to me and kiss me then they look at their mother," Please get her to eat something. She was dizzy this morning. Can you take her to see Chris just to make sure she's not going to be sick before tonight please."

"Sam I'm fine it's only been a week Chris said it would take a little while for the dizzy spells to stop. Besides that's only the second one. I think I'm doing pretty good."

"Baby humor us we just want to make sure your okay."

"Boys, boys calm down I will take her to see Chris. Maybe she just has a vitamin deficiency or something. After all her system has gone through so much already I'm not surprised she is still having dizzy spells."

They smile at their mom then kiss me again and tell her thanks. But just before they get to the door I blurt out," Oh my God she is here. I can feel her in town."

Everyone turns to me as I say, "MY mother is here. I don't want to see her. You know what call my dad he needs to see her but keep them both away from me. I just want to get through the ceremony without anymore stress."

Just then we are linked by Mark telling us,"A women claiming to be the Luna's mother is here and wishes to see her. What would you like done Alpha's?"

"Take her into custody. Make sure you have all of her people as well."

"Yes Alpha's right away. Do you wish me to stay with the Luna once I'm done?"

"Yes she is with our mother at home bring a squad with you. And Chris will be coming to the house. As well as Ashley and Tim. We are on our way."

They kiss me again and give Emily a kiss before. saying,"Stay inside no matter what I have everyone coming to you."

We both nod and they leave. I can already see they are both pissed. I link both of them and say," Be careful I don't trust her. Please come home to me."

They are upset by my outburst but they promise to be careful. They also call my father on their way to see her. He meets them at the cells.

Two minutes later mark and the squad of hunters show up. They take up their positions outside and wait. Then Chris shows up. I tell him about the dizzy spells and he hands me a bottle of vitamins. Emily gives me a glass of water and Chris hands me two vitamins. He tell us after today only take one but my system needs a boost. About that time Tim and Ashley walk in. Ashley hugs me and says," We are here as secondary security I here we have visitors."

"Yes the women who said she would kill me if I ever went to New York is here. The Alpha's also called my father so he can confront her. To be honest I don't want to see either of them. All I want to do is get through the ceremony and reception then go to bed."

"Yea I completely understand, girl I know you have had a hard week. It will all be over soon."

"Not soon enough with all this drama. When will the ceremony start?"

"It starts at dusk. To be honest it only takes a minute or ten depending on the speeches but your part only lasts maybe five minutes."

"I think I'm going to go take a nap."

"Sounds good hun I'll wake you later."

"Thanks Emily and thanks guys for watching over me. I'm sure you had other things planned."

"Are you kidding I might get to kick some ass if anyone comes around. I can't wait."

I laugh at her and head upstairs. Once I'm in our room I ask Shimmer," Why am I so tired? I feel like crap."

"Just hold on. Rest now, we only have to do this for a few more hours. Then we can drop the shields and rest. After that Sam and Dean can protect us."

"Okay sounds like a plan. Talk to you later."

I wake up five hours later. Sam and Dean are arguing about how to wake me up. When I sit up they turn around. They crawl up the bed toward me and start kissing me. As their hands move over my body Dean's hand stops on my stomach. I call to Shimmer asking if the shields are in place and she verifies they are so all I can do is wait.

As his hand sits there Sam puts his hand there as well. I lay back on the bed and put a hand over both of theirs. When they look up they see I am crying and move up the bed. As they both pull me into a sitting position they wrap their arms around me. I hold onto both of them then Dean asks,"Baby aren't you happy? We are very happy."

I smile at them but say," Yes I am very happy but scared to death as well."

Then I tell them about the dream from Friday and how Emily and I confirmed it. And the fact that my crazy mother is here to try something. And if we are not careful people will die. Then I look at Dean and say," If she finds out she tries to take me and you get killed. I don't know how you managed to feel it but Shimmer and I have been shielding it from everyone. How did you feel it today?"

"Baby as the father's and your mates after two weeks we can feel the change in your body. This morning we were a bit distracted so we didn't pay attention."

"Sweetheart we will not let on we know about the baby. We will protect you both and make sure nothing happens to anyone."

I pull them both to me and hug them. They cuddle with me for a few minutes while both of them rest a hand on my stomach. We lay that way till Emily opens the door. She sees what's going on and closes the door. She comes to the bed and sits down."I forgot after a few weeks when your father touched me he could tell. You both have to bury this knowledge deep. No one can know tonight. She must be sealed to the pack first. They both shake their heads and kiss me before getting up. Once they leave Emily comes over and says," Okay so it's time you get ready. We have a half hour before it starts. Your mother will be staying in her cell till it's over. We will change as much as we can so we don't loose anyone."

I smile and shake my head as she helps me get ready. The boys liked the Royal blue dress so that's what I put on. After she does my hair we go downstairs. Half way down I get dizzy again. As Emily holds my hand Sam and Dean come over. The help me to a chair and I wait for it to pass. When it does we go to the back yard. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I see Mark and Tim and wave. Then I look around to see Ashley. She waves as well. After we walk around the yard for a few minutes the boys introduced me to a lot of the pack. Then I hear someone say it's time. We walk up to the podium and the guy starts talking. I kinda zone out until Sam nudges me and we walk up the three stairs. We recite our vows to the pack. I swear to protect these people with my life. And I promise to give the pack an heir. Then the Elder cuts both of my hands as well as each of the boys hands. As our blood mingled I feel the connection to the pack. Then something strange happened I feel pain and my wings come out. If the boys weren't holding me up I would have hit the ground. Shimmer pushes to the front as I keep a hold of their hands. Everyone is connected to me. They feel it all as The pain gets worse. I ask Shimmer if she can tell what's wrong. She says it's an external attack. "Someone felt The shield protecting the baby and they are trying to destroy it. They can't verify its a child being protected. The pain is getting worse. Then Shimmer yells at Mark," Kill that Bitch in the cells or your Luna is going to die." He runs off and does as she commands. We all know when she dies because the pain stops. The doctor comes over to check us out. Sam and Dean both have a hand on my stomach And say,"The baby is fine. The shield worked."

Dean picks me up and takes me to the house. I tell everyone," I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." Then I close the link. Same goes and check on Mark. Emily gets the party moving. The ceremony was already completed when she started the attack.

Once Dean got me out of the dress he put me in bed. Then he stripped and got in next to me. I'm laying on my back while he is on his side. He keeps one hand on my stomach as the other one is sliding up and down my arm. Then Sam comes in. He strips as well and gets into bed. His hand goes to my stomach as well. I put a hand over each of theirs and fall asleep thanking Shimmer for her help and realizing we made it through without loosing anyone.