The Next Morning

This morning I wake up to my mates cuddling me. I am actually surprised to find I don't want sex. The twins run their hands over my body in a loving protective manner. They both kiss me. When they are done I am just as relaxed as if we had sex. That really surprised me. They help me up. Sam grabs my vitamins and a glass of water. He hands me the water as he takes out a vitamin. Once I take it we take a shower. I lean against Dean as he washes my hair. Sam uses a sponge to wash my front. They are both so gentle with me I want to cry. Dean puts his arms around me as Sam kisses me. Then Sam puts his arms around me and we stand there for a few minutes until the water starts to get cold. The boys turn the water off and grab a towel and dry me off. They help me get dressed and when they are ready we go downstairs.

We have to stop for a minute on the stair for the room to stop spinning. Once we finally make it to the kitchen I sit down. I look around and realize Emily isn't here so I ask the twins about it.," Where is your mom? I thought she would be here."

"Don't worry baby she is just running errands this morning. She will be back later. Sam and I will cook for you. What do you want to eat?"

"We really like the Steak, eggs, and potatoes your mom makes."

They smile at me and Sam notices the note on the fridge. He opens the oven door and puts the plate in front of me. I smile and start digging in. Once I clean the plate Dean washes it. Then we move to the couch. We sit there in comfortable silence untill the doctor reaches out and asked the boys if he can drop by. They agree and he knocks ten minutes later.

Good morning Alpha's. Good morning Luna. I thought I would stop in and see how you are today? Are the vitamins working? How are the dizzy spells?"

"To be honest not sure, I had two small dizzy spells this morning. Other than that I feel okay. I am still tired, is that normal?"

"Well Luna I have been reading everything I can find on hybrid babies, and depending on the mix the symptoms of the pregnancy is always different. You yourself are a hybrid, I wish your mother would have been helpful and answered my questions. But since she wasn't we will work through this together. Now if you have any issues or questions at all I want you to call me. Now I must get back to the clinic."

Dean stands up and shakes his hand, then Sam does it as well. He smiles at me and then leaves.

After a minute or two of silence I say," Okay who is going to tell me what happened last night. I remember the elder cutting our hands and then I could hear the others then I remembered the pain. After that I have no clue what happened. Was anyone hurt. Your still here so she didn't get out of the cell right. No one from the pack was hurt right?"

"No baby, no one from the pack was hurt. But you should know Shimmer ordered Mark to kill her. She is dead."

"She was trying to hurt the baby, I did what I had to do to keep our pup safe."

"Thank you Shimmer. I knew you would be able to do it if you absolutely had to."

"So now that she is dead what happened to the men that came with her? And don't worry I'm not upset because she is dead. I am actually relieved that it's over. The dream didn't come true and that's all that matters to me."

"Once the bounty hunters knew they were not getting paid they left. But they also know they are no longer aloud on pack lands."

"So can we go back to normal then? I would like to go back to the bakery."

"Baby until we get things under control we think it would be best that you stay home. We don't want you to have a dizzy spell at work. What if you pass out while taking orders? We don't want you hurt."

"I understand, I just feel bad for abandoning Anna and Elizabeth after everything they have done for me."

"Sweetheart don't worry about it, they understand. They worry about your safety as well."

"Can we find someone to take my place. I mean they really do need help. And I just feel like I am abandoning them."

"Don't worry baby we will find someone to take your place. Now relax okay. You don't need to stress so much it's not good for either of you."

After a few minutes Emily comes in. She has several bags in her hands. She comes over in front of us and put the bags on the coffee table.

She smiles at me and says," Your mates asked me to pick you up some maternity clothes. So here you go. Also I couldn't help it, I also found some baby things that are absolutely adorable."

We all smile at her and for the next fifteen minutes we go through the things Emily bought. Everything was just so adorable. She got a bunch of gender neutral things. I was thrilled when I saw the little fuzzy ducky blanket she found. It is just to cute. I end up snuggling up with it and falling asleep on the couch.

I wake up a few hours later as I realize that I am alone on the couch. Still clutching the blanket I reach out to the boy's."Hey guys where did you run off to?"

"Sorry sweetheart we got called away. We had to take care of last night's aftermath. We will be home soon. Don't worry mom should be in the kitchen."

Just then Emily comes out of the kitchen." I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay Honey?"

After I tell the boys good bye I look at Emily and smile." No you didn't scare me, actually it's going to sound strange but I was lonely. I mean I fell asleep and you were all here, but I was alone when I woke up."

"Well honey I'm sorry do you want to come into the kitchen with me. I am making bread if you want to watch."

"Oh cool. I always wanted to learn how to make bread."

Emily helps me up and we head to the kitchen. I sit at the counter for the next few hours and watch her make four loafs of bread. We talk about the whole process. She even gives me some dough to work.

We were playing with the dough balls when the boys came home. It was a great day over all. I had fun.