First Doctors Appointment

It has been a week since I became Luna. It has been very uneventful. I'm not sure if that's normal or if the twins are keeping me out of the loop so I don't get stressed or what. What I do know is I am bored out of my mind. And I am frustrated as well. We have not had sex all week. The twins are afraid of what might happen to the baby. I love the twins and Emily dearly but I have nothing to do. Emily shows me how to cook to pass the time but that only goes so far. They won't let me go back to school for fear that I might get dizzy, but I haven't had any spells in three days. I have to wait for school to end so they can bring me my work. I get so excited when they bring me my homework that they always laugh. I can't help it, it gives me something to do. Ashley comes over and helps me with math so I have someone to talk to. She catches me up on everything happening daily at school. For example Barbie finally found her mate Bute she is pissed because not only is he a transfer student her is also an omega. She feels she deserves better and is thinking about rejecting him. I have always hated sitting idle when I could be doing something. But even though I have only had one dizzy spell in the last week they still will not allow me to do anything. I have read both of my books more than once. Both of my puzzles are completely finished. I just have nothing to do. I can't wait for my doctor's appointment tomorrow because I get to get out of the house. The twins are taking me, I'm hoping to talk Chris into telling them to let me out a little bit. Also I want to hear his thoughts about sex because I am just way beyond frustrated with everything this week.

The next morning....

I wake up extremely frustrated as well as excited. I slide my hand down Dean's stomach until my hand wraps around his hard cock. I feel the precum on the tip and want it inside me. Since Dean is laying on his back I sit up and suck on him for a minute. Then I decided to take matters into my own hands. I straddle him then I slide him inside me. I start rocking gently but just before I hit me peak he puts his hands on my hips and stops me. He slides me off and puts me back on the bed. I am so pissed, they are treating me like I am going to break and I can't handle it anymore. Before they can say anything I get off the bed and go take my shower. I ignore both of them as they come in and join me. I leave the shower then go get dressed. I take my vitamin before I go in search of Emily. As always I find her in the kitchen. I sit at the counter and she hands me my plate. I thank her for the food. The twins quietly come downstairs and stop at the kitchen door as finally get up the courage to ask," Emily I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful but when you got pregnant did your mate stop having sex with you?"

She puts the dish down and turns to me," Oh honey I'm so sorry. How long has it been?"

"They haven't touched me since my Luna Ceremony. I am way beyond frustrated and anytime I try to start something they move me aside and tell me NO like I'm a bad dog or something. I can't take it anymore! Compound that with them not letting me do anything and I'm going nuts. They laugh at me because I get excited over them bringing me home my homework. It gives me something to do. They stand over us while Ashley and I talk because they don't want me to get to worked up or stressed out but let me tell you I am already there. They say they want to keep me safe and protect the baby but I am going crazy here. I have talked to them a few times about how I feel but they keep shutting me down. Hell Ashley has talked to them about it and all they say is they are my mates and they know what's best. We have both asked them to let me go to the book store at the mall so I can get some books but all they say is we have a library here. I'm sorry I've been through the library. I have already read the good books I need something else. Emily can you please talk to your sons because at this point I just want to leave. I don't care where I go I just don't want to be around them. I would ask that you take me to see Chris today because I don't want to be around them. I know it's their baby and they should be there but right now I just can't do it.i can't handle being around them." And with that I burst out in tears. Emily comes around to comfort me. She looks up as the boys come in the room, she shakes her head and tells them to go talk to their father. Emily let's me cry it out then she tells me she will take me to see Chris. She has me go in and sit on the couch as she goes to get ready. Once she changes her clothes she steps into Miles's study. The twins turn to her and Dean says," Mom we are just trying to protect our mate and baby. How do we fix this. We don't want her to leave us."

"Then I suggest you relax the restrictions you have on her. If she is smart enough to figure out how to shield the baby three days after getting her wings give her a little credit that she would know if Is she was doing something wrong. So far your mate has been open and honest with you both and you have chosen to ignore her. You have made her feel like a nonperson. She is not feeling loved by either one of you and you are driving her away. If anything you to are causing her more stress than she would get at school or spending time with Ashley. Besides don't you think Ashley would be smart enough to know when Patricia had done enough. I mean you told her she couldn't even go to the book store. So you boys will stay home today. You will think about what complete and total asses you have been to her and you need to figure out how to fix this. Miles it is your job to explain how you screwed up just like this but was smart enough to listen to me the first time I brought up the issue with you. And give them some fatherly advice So they don't drive their mate away. Now I am going to take Patricia to her appointment, when we get there I will open to all three of you so you know what is going on. We will all follow Chris's orders on how to proceed forward with this. And if he does not put any restrictions on her I don't believe you should either. No wait, I like the one about her not going to school. I don't trust Barbie and her group not to hurt her. Now listen to your father while we are gone. And when we get back you had better fix this."

After I walk out of the study I get Patricia and we go see Chris.

Even though the clinics is only four blocks away. Emily drives us over. We get inside and only have to wait a minute before it's our turn. Chris makes sure to take me into the largest room.First He weighs me. I weight 125 pounds. He says my weight is fine. He asks Emily how I am eating. She tells him good. He asks me about the dizzy spells, I tell him I have only had one this week. He asks about morning sickness and I tell him my stomach has been upset but I haven't been sick so far. His last question is about me sleeping. I tell him I do tend to nap during the day but it's usually to kill time rather than me being tired. Finally he has me lay on the bed and he takes measurements. The he pulls over the ultrasound machine and checks things out. He takes pictures and decrees we are at three weeks five days. He says everything is looking good. Then he asks if I have any questions.

"Actually Chris I do have a few. You said everything looks good, what exactly does that mean? Do I need any restrictions placed on me right now?"

"I don't call them restrictions, one you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. And two I ask that you not go back to school. At school you spend a lot of time on your feet. We need to watch for preeclampsia. Basically if you spend to much time on your feet they will swell up and can cause unneeded water weight. So I guess you can't go back to work either. if you can do your classes at home do them. Other than that I see no reason for you not to get out and do some light walking. No more than fourty-five minutes if the twins take you to the mall. No heavy lifting either. Max weight is ten pounds. You are still okay to shift. And for now sex is still okay. But nothing hard or demanding. Any other questions Ladies?"

I look at Emily who shakes her head and I tell him no. Then he gives me another bottle of vitamins and the ultrasound picture and says," Okay we will see you next week. And remember any issues or questions let me know."

I shake my head yes and we say good bye then we go back to the house.

Once we get back to the house I see Ashley coming up the driveway.

"Yes schoolwork, So Emily can you pass on to the boys what we were told by Chris please. I know they won't listen to me. But since your their mom I'm hoping they listen to you."

"Don't worry honey I will get them back in line. Soon they will be the same Alpha's you fell in love with to begin with."

Once we get out of the car I give her a big hug and run down to Ashley. As we walk to the house I tell her about my appointment and what Chris said and I show her the ultrasound pictures. Then we go in the house and do our school work. Once we finish that we go hang out in the kitchen with Emily. A little later Miles comes in and I show him the photos of his grandchild Then we sit down to dinner. Not once do I ask about the twins or call out to them. This has Emily and Miles worried. After Ashley heads out I go up to go to bed. Meanwhile Emily and Miles sits down with the twins and tells them they had better fix things fast before the pack realizes something is wrong between the Alpha's and the Luna.