The Alpha's My Mates

After I go upstairs I take a shower and head to bed. I did not know that Emily and Miles were talking to the twins. If I had known I wouldn't have gotten so mad. But I was pissed. I talked to Shimmer for a while and she told me to give the twins one more chance. Between their parents and their wolves things will get better and to trust her. After thinking about it for a minute I decided that she never lied to me before why would she start now so I agreed to give them another chance. Just before I fell asleep I sent a thought to Emily," I better get some TLC from your boys soon or they really won't like me." Then she felt me fall asleep.

She breaks out laughing and warns the boys that they really need to mend things soon or things are going to get painful for them. Then she decided to go to bed herself.

Miles looks at the boys and says," You to just need to give her the space she needs. You heard Chris, he said the only restrictions are no school and no work. So give her some love and some freedom. Since tomorrow is Saturday let her go to the mall with Ashley and Tim. Give her some space. It is her body trust that she will know if she is doing something wrong. If you must follow keep it at a distance. Close enough to see but not close enough to be seen. Don't drive her away. Because once you break the mate bond it takes a very long time to fix it, if you actually can. Think about everything boys, now good night."

Then Miles goes and joins his mate in bed.

"Sam I think we need to do some major ass kissing to get our mate back."

I agree Dean, we just let it get into our heads that she is fragile. Both mom and dad are right we are just pushing her away at a time she needs our love and understanding the most. I say let's go snuggle up with our mate and start fixing things tonight."

"Wait first call Tim while I call Ashley to see if they will take her to the mall at ten a.m. Then we will go to bed."

So the twins ask and get the okay for Ashley and Tim to go to the mall tomorrow. With that done the go to bed.

Once they get into bed and look at me they see the tear stains on my face and realize that they have hurt me a lot. They vow to each other to fix this right away. Then they cuddle up with me.

The next morning...

I wake up to hands on my body. I don't open my eyes because I'm afraid I am dreaming. Then Dean leans down and says," Baby please forgive us. We are complete and total idiots. We let our fear get in the way of our love for you. We should have listened to you and Ashley when you tried to tell us what we were doing wrong. We want to make it up to you."

Dean stops talking as he gets between my legs and slides into me. It feels so good after a week of nothing that I cum right away. Then Sam takes my nipple into his mouth and starts sucking on it. My back arches off the bed as Dean starts going faster. He doesn't drive it in deeply but he still hits the right spot. I cum again for them. After a few minutes and five orgasms later Dean cums for me. They trade places and Sam gets between my legs. He slides in slowly and starts rocking in and out so gently I want to cry. Actually I think I did start crying. I missed this. I missed being loved by them. I didn't care if we could do hard and deep sex I was just happy to get sex. Once we finished they helped me to the bathroom and we showered. They washed me like they used to and when we got back to the bedroom Sam grabs the vitamin bottle and some water.

I shake my head and get the bottle Chris gave me yesterday. I hold it up to Sam and say," Chris wants me to take these now. He doesn't think those will be strong enough anymore."

They shake their heads and Sam opens the bottle. Unfortunately these taste horrible and I almost threw up when I tasted it. Once my stomach settles I tell Sam," Oh nasty I can't take these with water or I will throw up the next time."

Dean runs his hand up and down my arm and says," Don't worry baby we will bring in the mini fridge and keep juice in it so you can take the vitamin with no issue."

I lean over and kiss him. Then I kiss Sam as well. "Thank you both that would be wonderful. I think orange juice or cranberry juice would be strong enough. But it needs to be mixed like cran-apple or cran-Raspberry."

Then we all get dressed and head down to the kitchen. When Dean pulls out the chair for me Emily looks at me and raises an eyebrow. Mind to mind I say,"Thank you for talking to them. They have been wonderful so far this morning."

Out loud I say," Oh Goddess the new vitamins are so nasty. I almost threw it up. I know Chris said I needed the stronger ones but he could have warned me how bad they would taste."

"Well eat this so you won't have the taste in your mouth anymore. And I think we can get you some strong juice to hide the flavor. Maybe orange juice or cranberry juice would be strong enough."

"I agree totally. That is exactly what I told them. Let's hope if he continues to increase the strength he can find some way to make them taste better."

As I hand my plate back to Emily and tell her thank you there is a knock at the door. Sam goes over and opens it. Ashley squeals at me and says"Surprise girl, guess who's going to the mall with me. I hug her and am so excited to be leaving the house that I nearly forget my purse. Dean steps up and says," Um baby don't you think you will need this?"

I turn to him and smile I go grab it from him and say," Thank you, I love you." Then I kiss him.

Then as we head for the front door I kiss Sam and tell him I love him to. Then me, Ashley and Tim get in the car. Mind to mind I once again tell Emily thank you.

As we head for the mall I remind Ashley I can only walk for fourty-five minutes before I have to sit down. She is okay with that so we come up with a game plan. Since the puzzle store and the book store were at the front of the mall we would hit those first. Then I asked how far away the game store was.Tim tells us it's on the back side of the second floor. I don't want to push it to far so I tell them we will just skip it then. What I don't know is Tim is talking to Sam and Dean telling them our plans. He tells the boys about me wanting to go to Game stop but since it was was on the second floor I didn't want to chance it going over my time limit. So they asked him to find out what game machine and games I wanted. Tim asked me if we made it over there what games would I be interested in. either the switch or the switch lite. And I really wanted Skyrim, Sonic, and Mario. He passed the information to the twins then they told him to waste time at the book store and craft store they would get the games for me.

Once we get to the mall I start an alarm then we go to get the puzzles first. We find five of them I like and we get those paid for. The we go to the book store. I grab a basket and go to the area that I found my books in before only to find the moved things around. I killed a lot of time searching for my books. But in the end I found what I was looking for. I got the rest of the series and two other sets as well. When I got then paid for I look at the clock and see I have fifteen minutes left. So I tell Ashly and Tim we have to go. On the way out me pass by the candy store. We dip inside to get Ashley the candy she likes. I also grab some jelly beans and jolly rancher stick then we go. When we reach the car my alarm goes off.

Ashley smiles at me and says," See it's always good to have a plan before we enter so we can get in and out fast."

I can't help but smile and agree, then as I see a McDonald's coming up I ask Tim to go thru the drive thru. I will get them lunch if he will. Well just like any normal wolf he needs his red meat so we all get food and head out. By the time we get back to the house we finish our food. Tim and Ashley help me take my books and puzzles in the house then they have to go get ready for patrol.

The boys come downstairs and looked all the bags then grabbed them and took them to our room. I went into the kitchen to see about food. Before I say anything she hands me a plate. I see my favorite meal and I hug her. I sit down and she asks how my day was. I told her that we made a plan. I set up a timer before we left the car and did as much shopping as I could in that time frame. I told her about the books and puzzles I got and the jelly beans and jolly ranchers I got from the candy store. I also told her about getting McDonald's on the way home then handed her my empty plate. She laughs and says," I think I am spoiling the baby. You have had the same meal made different ways but the same meal since we learned you were pregnant. And that seems to be the only thing you can keep down and fills you up."

After thinking about it for a minute I have to agree with her on it. Then I tell her I need a nap. After being cooped up for a week the walking today wore me out. She tells me to sleep well and she starts making dinner.

Once I get upstairs I plan to put my stuff away then lay down. But when I open the door I see my books and puzzles neatly stacked on the dresser. I see my candy on the mini fridge that Dean said he would bring in. I went over and opened it to see it stacked with bottles of water, orange juice, and both kinds of cranberry juice. Sam and Dean come up behind me. I hear a bag being put on the bed, I turn into Sam's arms and tell him thank you. Then I pull Dean closer and kiss him and tell him thank you as well. Then I notice the bag and ask," What's in the bag Dean?"

He doesn't say anything just hands me the bag. I open it and start crying. I take out the switch and several games.

Sam says," Tim reached out to us saying you wanted to get this but ran out of time so we got it for you. Did you know there are about fifty Mario games. Since he didn't say what one we just got one of everything they had on hand at the store. Same with the sonic games. He never said what one so now you have several to choose from. I put everything back in the bag and say," Thank you both, I love the games. But right now I'm going to take a nap. Would you both like to join me?

They say yes and we all lay down. I am so glad to have my Alpha's back. I look at both of them and tell them I love them. Then I fall asleep.