Two Weeks Later

As I wake up I realize I'm alone again. I feel like the boys are avoiding me. When I get up in the morning they are already gone. I have only seen them three times during lunch. And I am already asleep when they come in. I know they said they would be over protective but I didn't want to be ignored. So once again I am going to take my concerns to mom. Emily has well and truly become the mom I never had. She talks to me about everything going on outside. She brought Anne and Elizabeth to visit a few times. She has even gone with me for walks when no one else would or could. I have spent more time with Ashley and Tim than with my Alpha's. I am starting to get worried about them. So after I take my shower and get dressed I go to the kitchen.

Emily comes over to me and helps me sit down. She brings me a plate of food as well as a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk. After I devour half the plate I say," Mom is there something going on that no one is telling me?"

"No honey, not that I know of why?"

" Because mom now they aren't talking to me at all. They are gone before I get up. They come in after I go to bed. Dean still won't let me touch him. And I told them about today's doctors appointment and they never said they were coming. Mom I don't think they want me anymore."

"Oh honey no don't think like that. Don't cry honey. I will talk to them. Don't worry I will take you to your appointment. I will get this fixed honey. Please stop crying your breaking my heart."

"I'm sorry mom, I wish the boys cared for me as much as you do. My appointment is at ten mom I can use the scooter if you have something else more important to do."

"Nonsense honey nothing is more important to me than you and my grandchildren. Now give we five minutes so I can get dressed then we will go."

"Thank you mom. It's not like I can go anywhere though. I will be right here waiting."

As I watch mom run up the stairs to her room I start feeling funny. I begin to get worried, I ask mom to hurry through the link. She races down the steps just as I pass out. She calls to Chris and Miles through the link. They both come at a dead run.

When they come in the house they see me on the floor and mom is using a wet wash cloth on my forehead. Miles picks me up and takes me to the couch. Chris checks me out and decides I need to be moved to the clinic. Miles picks me up and carries me to the clinic.

Once we are there Chris gives me a complete exam and decides I should be admitted. He has the nurse put in an IV and then she is to give me fluids and vitamins and minerals. He draws some blood and then he calls to Shimmers to get her to answer some questions.

"Shimmer we need some help! Can you tell us what's going on? Why did she pass out?"

"She is worrying herself sick because our Alpha's are ignoring us. Sam has her vitamins but she hasn't had them in almost two weeks. They are never around. They are ignoring her. They won't answer when she opens the link. It's like they were saying goodbye to us that night we were told about the twins. I have done my best to aid her. She was hoping they would come back. I must rest. I need to rest. Take care of her. I'm sorry."

Just then the door burst open and none other than my father comes in. "She needs these vitamins now. We only have an hour or we loose all of them. She is to weak. Shimmer has been keeping her going. Where are her mates. I let her stay because she has mates to protect her, What the Hell happened?"

"I'm sorry Prince we had no idea she just came to me this morning with her concerns. We brought her hear as fast as we could. Shimmer just told us about the vitamins. I assure you Prince we will take care of this."

"See that you do. If my daughter is not well by the end of the week I will take her back to my kingdom. The baby will be raised by my people and loved. I will be back in one week."

With that he sweeps out the door.

Chris has the nurse fix up the list of vitamins and minerals to put in the IV. Mom stays with me while Miles goes searching for the twins.