Live Or Die

Miles calls repeatedly to the twins they don't answer him. After an hour Miles gets in contact with Tim, he tell him to contact the Alpha's. Tim does his best but has no luck. Finally Miles goes to the trackers to see if they know where the twins are. Mark says they have been going out to the family cottage for the last week and a half. Miles thanks him tells Emily where he is going and heads out to the cottage.

Half an hour later Miles pulls up in front of the cottage. He sees the twins car so he goes up to the door. He tries really hard to compose himself but when he opens the door and sees them sitting at the table eating sandwiches he loosed it.

"What the Hell is wrong with you two? Open your barriers we have been trying to get a hold of you for the last three hours. Or is Patricia right and you don't love her. You really do think it's a mistake you made her the Luna. And you don't truly give a damn about the babies she is carrying?"

"Dad what are you talking about? We have been out here fixing this cabin up for almost two weeks. We wanted to bring Patricia out here before she had the babies."

"Sure that's why you leave before she gets up. You come home after the whole house goes to bed. You stop talking to pack members. You conveniently forget to leave your pregnant mate her vitamins. None of us could find them. Her wolf is almost dead because she has been keeping them alive. You two have been careless, heartless, and total dicks to that girl, If you want her and the babies dead congratulations she is almost there. Or have you not felt the mate bond breaking? Hell the whole pack has shown more care and concern for your mate than the both of you. I warned you about this. I guess she was right you really don't love her. I am so disappointed in both of you."

With that Miles walks out the door slamming it behind him.

The boys are both shocked and confused. As they listen to their dad drive away Sam says," How could we have messed up again. Let's go Dean we need to help our mate."

Dean shakes his head in agreement and we race back to town. Thirty minutes later we pull up in front if the clinic. Once we open the door we realize just how much we screwed up. Not only can we not feel our mate through the bond but Ashley,Tim, Anne,Elizabeth, our mom and our dad all turn toward us and just glare. Elizabeth walks up to us and says," I warned you both not to hurt our girl now look at her. They don't know if she will make it through the night. I thought you loved her how could you?" Then she slaps both of us across the face. After that she goes back to her seat.

Chris comes out to see what the yelling is about," Oh good Alpha's your here. I need to see you both to follow me right away."

As Chris leads us into the room I am truly shocked and horrified by what I see. Our mate is laying in the bed with wires and tubes coming from everywhere. She has an IV in each hand. She has some kind of belt wrapped around her stomach. She has things connected to her fingers. She has a cuff wrapped around her arm and she has several bottles of fluid hanging above her bed. I turn to Chris and say," How can we fix this? Tell us what we have to do."

"I need both of your wolves to talk to Shimmer. I want them to use their Alpha voice to order her to stay with us and get stronger. You guys screwed up again. Now you don't have long to fix it before we start loosing them all."

We nod our heads. Sam goes to her right while I sit at her left side. We let our wolves come forward. We both put all of our Alpha power into it when we call Shimmer forward. We barely convince her to hang on. But she says she will for the pups. We see how tired she is and our wolves are mad at us.

After Chris checks things out he walks out of the room. We hear him as he updates our family and friends. I can see how broken up Sam is and wonder why I'm not crying. I am upset about it but it's like I'm seeing it from across the room. I feel so disconnected from everything. Sam and I talk to her all night. I keep apologizing for being a total dick. We both tell her she has to get better because we have a surprise for her at the family cabin and she has to see it. We keep asking her to open her eyes. At one point I saw them flutter but then nothing. I raced out to get Chris but when he came in he said there was no change.

The next morning....

I look at my watch its six in the morning. Sam is pacing the room right now because of the stress. I think I finally know how she felt for the last few weeks. Once again I tell her I am sorry. I tell her I would gladly trade places with her if I could. Then I kiss her. When I kiss her I feel a spark. I don't know what to make of it so I tell Sam to kiss her. I am assuming he feels it to because he jerks back. When we hear beeping change on one I the machines I reach over and kiss her again. This time even though it it stings I keep kissing her. After a minutes I can't take it anymore and pull away. Then Sam does the same thing. When he can't handle it anymore he steps back. Next thing I know he is on his ass on the floor. I yell for Chris, I don't have the energy to open the link.

I yell a second time and everyone comes in. Chris looks at every monitor and says,"They are coming back to us." Then he realizes Sam is on the floor and I am draped across the bed.

"Mom is looking at us as well."What did you boys do?"

"To be honest I'm not sure mom. I kissed her a felt a spark, Sam tested it and felt the same thing. When we noticed the wavy lines got stronger we kissed her again, but we held it much longer and now they are doing better."

But why are you like this?"

Just then Alexander walk in the room."This is the reason elves do not like mating with other species. It's not that we are superior it's because we can kill you. This is why her mother wanted her before you marked her. She was going to sell her to a rival and Patricia not knowing she could do it would kill her mate when she got pregnant. That's why I said she needed both of you. That you would be able to balance her. Why is she like this?"

"First of all you should have fully disclosed this information in the beginning. Second we have spent the last week and a half cleaning and fixing the family cabin so we could propose to her before she was put on complete bed rest, but we didn't know lack of physical contact would cause this kind of damage."

I notice mom smiles at us before I went on.

"Now she might be your daughter but she is our mate give the doctor ALL the information he will need to make sure we don't screw up anything or loose our mate and our twins."

"Your having twins? Fine doctor come with me. You both need to stay in constant contact with her. Since I'm assuming you share the same bed that is why they have been able to last this long. She might hate having you around but you need to be with her. I am sorry for not sharing this information."

Then we are all shocked as both Anne and Elizabeth walk up to Alexander and punch him in the face.

They say," that's for putting our girl in danger. And for letting us think and feel the worst of our Alpha's. You will also be the one to honestly tell her why her and our grandchildren nearly died. Now you can start making it right and tell the doctor everything he needs to know or we will hunt you down and cut off your manhood."

Alexander nods his head and follows the doctor out of the room.

Mom comes over to me dad helps Sam off the floor and they both apologized for thinking bad thoughts about us and to say we should have told them our plans so they could at least reassure Patricia. After that they hug us mom say," We will be waiting outside and if anything changes let us know. And please for the love of the goddess go hold her hand or something so she will wake up."

"Yes mother, right away."

As her and dad walk out of the room Sam goes to his side of the bed and I sit on mine. We both take her hand and wait for her to wake up.