Meet mother and younger sibling

Mo Family mansion

"Xiao Hui, do you want a younger sibling?" Mo Shan asked Mo Jiang Hui.

Mo Jiang Hui turned silent hearing his father's words and bowed his head down. Mo Shan was beginning to feel nervous seeing his son's reaction but still didn't urge him and gave him the time he required.

Finally, after some time, Mo Jiang Hui raised his head, looked at his father, and asked, "Does father want a new child?"

Mo Shan sighed, carried his son and placed him on his lap, and spoke gently, "It's not about me, Xiao Hui. I just wanted to ask if you wish for a younger sibling. You just have to tell me your inner feelings. I didn't ask this to burden you so, don't lie to your father, okay?"

Mo Jiang Hui fell silent again, then after some time he looked at Mo Shan with tearful eyes and asked, "Does father not want me anymore?"

Mo Shan felt a lump in his throat when he heard and Mo Jiang Hui. He looked at his son, patted his back, and asked, "How could you say that father doesn't want you anymore? You are my eldest son and did you ever feel that I don't love you? No one can take your place in my heart, okay? You should understand that your younger sibling will not take your place, okay?"

"But if you don't want that, then the father will understand you, okay? You will not have any younger sibling."

Hearing his father's words, Mo Jiang Hui felt consoled and said, "Sorry, father. I should not have questioned your love for me. I want a younger sibling, I really do. Let's bring him here, okay? And, I will give him my toys too and I will love him the most."

Mo Shan felt proud of himself as he has raised a sensible child. "Okay, you can give him/her anything you want to and I can buy you a new one."

Mo Jiang Hui fell silent for a few minutes and suddenly asked bowing his head, "Father, do I get a mother too?" His voice sounded sad.

Mo Shan froze for a moment hearing his son's words. "Why? Don't you want a mother?"

"But I read in storybooks that stepmothers are all evil. And, I don't want an evil woman to be my mother, father."

"So, you think that your father cannot separate the evil from good, huh?" Mo Shan asked him in a sardonic way.

"I know you can, father. But love can make one blind, that's what great grandfather taught me."

Mo Shan gritted his teeth wanted to scold the old man for teaching his son those irrelevant things.

"Then, how about this? I will bring you to her, then you can decide for yourself whether she is good or bad, hmm?" Mo Shan told him intending to bring his son to Yun XI so that he could see for himself and also to make Yun Xi's heart melt as he knew she loved children the most. It was like killing two birds with one stone for Mo Shan.

Mo Shan felt like he had already won before even implementing those plans.

Mo Shan felt giddy thinking about how Yun Xi and his son would bond with each other soon and how Yun XI would soon become his wife.

Mo Shan had been trying to locate Yun Xi ever since the fire incident. After some time he finally found her. But instead of going to meet her, he decided to help her without her knowing first. Thus, he created many scholarships in the high school and college she read just for her so that she could get the scholarship she wanted.

At first, he just wanted to help her for saving his life. But, then seeing her achievements and optimistic personality, he fell for her.

But, when his brother and sister-in-law died and he decided to adopt his nephew, he decided to give up on Yun Xi. He had such a large corporation to take care of and also a nephew so from then he stopped helping Yun Xi.

After all these years he finally met her and also knew about her current situation, and now he didn't want to let her go again.

He knew that Yun Xi was a strong girl and even without him, she could have all those she desired. But, he couldn't give her up now, never.

Mo Shan pushed all the thoughts out of his mind and helped his son to get ready because Xiao Hui wanted to look good to meet his younger sibling.

"Father, does this look good?" Mo Jiang Hui asked his father to bringing out his newly tailored suit.

"Why are you wearing such a formal dress? Your sibling is not born yet, so you don't have to dress too well. Anything is okay." Mo Shan's helpless sound could be heard.

"Father, how can you say that? Of course, I should look good. But you are right. I should not wear a suit. I will wear my new t-shirt grandma had recently bought for me."

Mo Shan shook his head looking at his son running here and there.

"Okay, let's go now. It's already 6 pm. We have to buy her food too." Mo Shan told his son.

"Mmmm. Let's go." Mo Jiang Hui raised his arms as if telling his father to carry him.

Mo Shan sighed looking at his son's cute expression and carried him anyway.

Mo Shan walked towards his car carrying his son.

Old Master Mo, who was playing chess with Old Butler Li in the garden saw his grandson and great-grandson walking out so he called them and asked, "Where are you two going at this time?"

Before Mo Shan could reply, his son beat him to it. "We are going to meet mother and my younger sibling, great-grandpa. Take care of yourself and be good at home, okay grandpa?" Saying this, Mo Jiang Hui waved his hand at his great grandfather.

Mo Shan wanted to silence his son, but before he could do so, he had split all the beans.

Mo Shan closed his eyes and sighed. Now his grandfather wouldn't let him live in peace so, before he could bombard him with all the questions, it was better to run from there. So, he increased his speed towards the car seeing his grandfather's dazed look.

Mo Shan sat his son in the back seat where a child's seat was connected already. Then, he quickly sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

Only after his grandson had driven out did Old Master Mo came to his sense. Even now his great grandson's words were ringing in his ears.

He looked at Old Butler Li with a dazed look and asked "Old Li, did you hear what our Xiao Hui said? Or did I hear it wrong?"

"No Master, you didn't hear it wrong. Little Master Hui did say that he was going to meet his mother and younger sibling." Old Butler said emotionally.

"That brat, how could he leave so fast without giving us the explanation? But, judging from his reaction, it must be true right, Old Li?" Old master Mo talked to Old Butler Li.

"Yes! it must be true, Master. I have never seen Young Master Mo so flustered until now."

"Was he hiding this until now, then? Could it be that he doesn't want to marry that girl, Old Li?" Old Master Mo sounded worried.

"I don't think Young Master is like that, Master. He is not the person who would run away from responsibilities." Old Butler Li replied.

"Then, what is happening? Does no one know about it? No, I think I should send someone to follow them." Old Master Mo said.

Old Butler Li stopped him in hurry. "I don't think that's right, Master. You know Young Master well, he would know if we send someone to tail him and he wouldn't like it. I think we should wait for him to come back."

"How can I wait? And who knows if he will return back or not. No, I should do something. Right! Mo Sheng, I should call him. He would definitely know if his elder brother has some girl or not."

Old Master Mo quickly took out his cell phone and dialed his youngest grandson's number. Old Master Mo failed to notice that his hands were trembling while dialing the number but Old Butler Li noticed that and smiled to himself.

"If it was really true, then finally there will be a ceremony here after Eldest Young Master's death," Old Butler Li thought to himself.

The phone rang for a while before a sound came from other side. "Hey, old man! You finally miss me, huh?"

"Who are you calling an old man? I am stronger than you and can even win you in the fight, hmph." Old master Mo shouted on the phone.

A laugh was heard from other side of the phone. "Hahaha… you really know how to joke huh, old man? Only my granny would fall for your joke."

"Of course, because my wife is the best unlike you, punk." Old Master Mo shouted in the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, you only have your wife in your eyes. We all are irrelevant. Anyway, why did you call me? Could it be that you really missed me?"

"Shut up. Now, just tell me does your brother have a girlfriend? Tell me the truth! Is your brother seeing anyone?" Old Master Mo shut his grandson off.

"What are you talking about, old man? How can my brother have a girl? And even if he has, I would be the first one to know." Mo Sheng replied proudly.

"Dumb!" Old Master Mo said on the phone and just hung up the phone without saying anything else."

On the other side, somewhere in Country F, Mo Sheng heard the tone on the phone which meant that his grandfather has hung up the phone.

The word 'Dumb' was ringing on his head. He contemplated for a moment. "Could it be that Second brother really has a girlfriend now? But how come he didn't tell me about this? No, I have to find out myself whether it is true or not."

He then hurriedly dialed a number on his cellphone and as soon as it was picked up, he ordered, "Book me the earliest flight to Country C. Now!!" With that, he hung up the phone and began to pack his belongings hurriedly.