Aren't you my mother?

Mo family home

After hanging up the phone, Old Master Mo began to walk here and there. "That punk doesn't know anything. Who do you think will know about this? I must find out about this right now, otherwise, I am going to die from anxiety."

Old Butler Li sighed looking at his Master behaving impatiently like a child and replied, "Master, why don't you try calling Young Master's friends?"

"Yes, you are right. He only has 2-3 close friends. They must know about it. Who should I call first? That punk from the Shen family? No, he is in the military so he may not know about it. Right, the one from Wang family. He must know about it. He is the most gossipy person among his friends, he must know about it. Let me call him." Old Master Mo felt giddy think about it all.

The phone was picked up in one ring.

"Hehe, grandpa Mo, is it you?" Wang Lei's surprised voice sounded through the phone.

"Why are you asking if you know that it's me, you punk" Old Master Mo scolded him.

"It's my mistake, grandpa Mo. I was just surprised. I never thought that I would receive a call from you." Wang Lei replied.

"Cut the nonsense. Just tell me one thing. Is your brother Mo interested in any girl nowadays?" Old Master Mo asked impatiently.

Wang Lei became nervous from Old Master Mo's question. "How can you ask me this, grandpa? Even if I know, I cannot tell you about this, it will be against our bro code."

"Your bro code can go to hell. Just answer my question." Old Master Mo shouted in the phone.

"Grandpa, how can you say that? If brother Mo knows about it then he will kill me. No, I can't say anything." Wang Lei was adamant in not saying anything.

"So, it means that it is true, huh? He really has a girl." Old Master Mo tricked him.

Wang Lei understood that Old Master Mo was trying to trick him. "I never said that," he replied.

"Just tell me quickly. Otherwise, I am going to talk about your marriage with your grandfather. I am serious here." When the trick didn't work, Old Master Mo started to threaten him.

The thing that Wang Lei hated the most was marriage talks and Old Master Mo knew about this.

Wang Lei sold his brother without hesitating for even a moment after hearing Old Master Mo's threat. "There is… there is one girl Brother Mo is interested in, Grandpa."

"So, it's true? Hah! That brat, how could he not tell me about this? He is going to get a good beating from me. By the way, is that girl pregnant?" Old Master Mo asked happily.

"Yes, she is. But, the child is not brother's grandpa. So, don't be so happy." Wang Lei told the truth to Old Master Mo so that he doesn't get his hopes high.

"Aahhh, so that girl is married? What is my grandson doing liking married women?" Old Master Mo sounded angry.

"No, grandpa. She is not married. Her situation is a little bit different. I think her boyfriend broke up with her or didn't want the child. I am not sure about her condition but she is unmarried." Wang Lei told him.

"Really? That boy must be a cheater to abandon the girl and child. Anyway, if my grandson really wants to be with her then help him. Say good words about my grandson in front of that girl." Old Master Mo taught Wang Lei.

"What? You are not against their relationship, Grandpa? That girl is PREGNANT! You really want her to be your granddaughter-in-law?" Wang lei asked surprised.

Old Master Mo sighed, "You know how your brother is. He rarely likes anyone and you should know that if he really likes that girl, we cannot separate them. So, better support them."

"Well, you are right. I am hanging up now, Grandpa." Wang Lei spoke.

After hanging up, Old Master Mo sighed.

"You really don't mind, Master?" Old Butler Li asked him.

"As long as the child takes surname Mo, I don't mind. You know Mo Shan, he is very stubborn. If he really likes that girl, then we cannot make him give up. Anyway if not for that girl, I don't think he will settle with anyone else. But that girl must be a good girl. Investigate about her, Butler Li." Old Master Mo ordered.

"I don't think Young Master will like it, Master" Old Butler Li replied.

"I know. But I can't have any girl out there to be my house's daughter-in-law. That girl must have a good character. If not, then she doesn't deserve Mo family's title." Old Master Mo replied seriously.

Butler knew his master was right. Even he himself could not allow a greedy woman to take Mo family's surname. So, he bowed his head towards Old Master Mo and left from there to give his subordinates an order.



Soon, Mo Shan reached the hospital with his son. He buckled off his seatbelt and got off the car, then went back to the backseat and took his son out. "You really should not have said that to your Great grandfather."

"Why? It's the truth, right? And you taught me that children should never lie." Xiao Hui replied innocently.

Now, Mo Shan wanted to slap his own mouth for saying that to Xiao Hui. He just sighed without saying anything and entered the hospital. He directly took the lift to the VIP floor and went straight to Yun XI's ward.

Just before the door, he stopped. He thought it would not be gentlemanly if he just went inside the room without knocking. So, he knocked on the door gently.

Yun Xi, who was already awake, was playing on her mobile phone when she heard the knock. She thought it was a nurse or doctor Wang so said "Come in" without thinking.

The door opened but she didn't hear any greetings even after some time, so she became suspicious. If it was a nurse or doctor, then they would always greet her first after entering the room. So, she looked at the intruder with a suspicious look.

Her eyes widened when she saw that the intruder was no one else other than Mo Shan himself. She was so shocked that it took a moment to realize that there was someone else other than Mo Shan in this room, and that was a cute little boy.

"So cute" she murmured but Mo Shan and even Xiao Hui had heard her.

Xiao Hui blushed whereas Mo Shan turned jealous. He wanted to curse himself for bringing his rival with him. She had called him handsome just like this when she met him in the hospital too but now his son has taken his place. But, he also needed his son for his plan. He sighed as he realized that he has no other way than to give up his place to his son.

Xiao Hui struggled to get down from his father's arm to go to Yun XI. As soon as Mo Shan put him down, Xiao Hui ran towards Yun Xi and struggled to climb Yun Xi's bed but couldn't climb on the bed as he was still not tall enough.

Seeing the cute boy running towards herself and trying to climb her bed, Yun Xi felt warm in her heart and reached out to help him climb the bed.

Mo Shan sighed watching the scene playing in front of him. Great, now even his own now knows to betray him. Who was the person who said that he hates evil women? Now, the same person left his dad for a girl. They even forgot his presence after meeting each other.

"Sister, you are so beautiful," Mo Shan heard his son flattering Yun Xi. Mo Shan's mouth twitched hearing the sweet words from his son's mouth. Was that really his son?

"Oh my, you have such a sweet mouth. You are very cute too." After saying this, both Yun XI and Xiao Hui giggled.

"So, you are Mr. Mo's son? And what are you doing in the hospital? Children should not visit hospitals too much." Yun Xi told him.

"Father brought me here and he said he will show me my mother and younger sibling. I came to meet them." Xiao Hui asked.

"Oh? Then where are they? Did you meet them?" Yun Xi asked.

Instead of answering Yun Xi's question, Xiao Hui stared at her and asked, "Aren't you my mother, sister?"

Yun Xi was stunned hearing Xiao Hui's question and looked towards Mo Shan hoping that he will clear the misunderstanding."

But, Mo Shan just coughed and looked in other directions avoiding her eyes. Instead, he looked at Xiao Hui and said, "Xiao Hui, don't disturb your mother too much. She is carrying a child and is really tired. You come here. Let her rest first, or you can go with your Uncle Wang and buy dinner for your mother, how is it?"

Hearing that his mother is tired and needs food, Xiao Hui got off the bed and urged Mo Shan to call Wang Lei so that he could get food for his mother.

Soon, Wang Lei arrived there and took Xiao Hui away.