
"I am here to meet my mother and younger sibling." Hearing Xiao Hui's words, Mo Shan wanted to stop him from speaking but he was one step too late again.

"Aren't you my mother, sister?" Finished. Everything is ruined now. That was what Mo Shan thought when he heard these words slipping from his son's mouth.

He really wanted to curse at himself second time that day for bringing Xiao Hui there. He really should not have brought him to meet Yun Xi this soon. Now, Yun XI must be confused and mad, even afraid of him.

As expected, hearing this question Yun XI was looking towards him but he really didn't know how to give her an answer about it. He knew she was hoping that he would clear the misunderstanding but he really could not do so.

Now, he could only make Xiao Hui go out of this room so that he could explain to Yun Xi. So, he suggested Xiao Hui bring dinner for Yun XI. He could see that his son really liked Yun XI and knew that if he brought up the topic about her being tired and needing food, his son would easily do anything for Yun XI.

And just as he expected, Xiao Hui didn't need to be told twice. He readily agreed and even urged him to call Wang Lei.

MO Shan nodded, called Wang Lei, and told him to come into the ward quickly. After Wang Lei arrived there, Mo Shan told him to bring some food for dinner with Xiao Hui.

Wang Lei could feel the tense environment in the room, so he readily agreed to go and bring the food. He took Xiao Hui by hand and brought him out.

After they left, the room fell into complete silence.

Yun Xi was looking at Mo Shan with an accusing eye as he had not cleared the misunderstanding about them in front of Xiao Hui.

Mo Shan sighed and sat on the chair near Yun XI's bedside. He then looked towards her and seriously spoke, "Miss Yun, today I am here as a father, not a businessman or anyone else. You have seen how much Xiao Hui likes you. He does not have a mother, so he has always been wishing for a loving mother."

"So?" Yun Xi asked bewildered. What has that got to do with her?

"So, I hope that you could be that mother figure for him." Mo Shan spoke seriously.

"What? Are you crazy, Mr. Mo?" Yun Xi asked agitated.

"Don't be so agitated, Miss Yun. You are carrying a child, think calmly." Mo Shan hurriedly told her.

Yun Xi took a deep breath and replied, "So, you know that I am pregnant, right? Then how could you ask me of this? Don't you know your own family background? Who will want a pregnant woman to be the mother of their heir?"

"I don't see anything wrong in that, Miss Yun. I don't mind it. As for my family, you don't have to think about them as long as I am there. Also, when they see that Xiao Hui really likes you, they will welcome you wholeheartedly. As for the society, we will just tell them that the child in your belly is mine, then they won't dare to talk about it."

"Are you joking, Mr. Mo? Can you even believe your own words?" Yun Xi did not want to have any connection with rich people. They lived in separate words from her world. They even had many deep secrets rooted in their house. She didn't want to come across any of those.

"Miss Yun, think carefully about it. It is also very beneficial for you." Mo Shan told her.

"How so?" Yun Xi asked sarcastically. "Hah! Did he mean that I would get to live in luxury? Did he take me as a gold-digger? I knew it, the rich people were full of themselves." Yun Xi thought in her head.

Mo Shan knew that she was being sarcastic but he didn't mind it. Instead, he replied calmly, "First of all, the child in your belly will get complete family, Miss Yun. She will get the protection from her father and love from her grandparents."

"You don't have to worry about that, Mr. Mo. I can provide my child love and protection myself." Yun Xi replied, her tone aggressive.

"Oh? Really? Does that man know about you being pregnant? Will, he let the child be with you after knowing about it? Or rather, if that man's fiancée comes to know about the child, are you sure that she will not harm you and your child?" Mo Shan asked.

He did not even want to address Song Kun as Yun XI's ex-fiancee, and instead used 'that man' to address him. Even if he didn't take his name, Yun Xi understood that he meant Song Kun.

Yun Xi felt silent after hearing Mo Shan's words. She knew that he was not wrong. She did not know what Song Kun would decide after knowing that he is going to be a father, but she was sure that Xie Zhi would do her best to try to harm herself and her baby. She really would not be able to forgive herself if something bad happened to her child because of herself.

She knew all these things. But she really was not ready to be tangled in some sort of relationship again. She was not ready to face those all again. Moreover, it was the great Mo family they were talking about, what if they threw her and her baby out after using her? What if they never accept her child? She was really insecure and did not want all these.

Yun Xi could not decide all these in a short time, so she looked at Mo Shan and asked, "Can I get some more time to think over it?"

"Fine. I will be with you one day. Till that time, you cannot be discharged and should stay here. I will come here again tomorrow at the same time to know about your choice. For now, don't let Xiao Hui know about it and just behave with him as you did earlier." "Please" Mo Shan added.

"Xiao Hui… is that his name? He is such a cute and innocent child." Yun XI murmured.

"His name is Mo Jiang Hui. We call him Xiao Hui, you can call him the same." Mo Shan replied.

"By the way, Mr. Mo, I know it's not my place to ask this. But what exactly happened to Xiao Hui's mother and how did she die?" Yun Xi asked.

Actually, Xiao Hui was closely protected by the Mo family, so outsiders only knew about him being the crown prince of Mo family but no one had seen his face.

People did not even know that he was not Mo Shan's biological child. There was news about Mo Shan fathering Mo Jiang Hui and everyone thought that they were father and son. Only the families closely related to Mo family knew the truth, but no one dared to say a word about this.

Mo Shan was about to tell everything to Yun Xi when the door to the ward opened and in came Xiao Hui carrying a bag.

Mo Shan stopped his mouth and instead walked to his son and took the bag full of foods and fruits from him. "Where is your Uncle Wang?" he asked.

"Oh, Uncle Wang was coming with me, but he said that he has a stomachache and ran away after leaving me here." Xiao Hui replied while walking to Yun XI.

Actually, the truth was that Wang Lei did not have any stomachache but it was just his excuse to avoid the atmosphere in this room, and Mo Shan knew well about this.

Anyway, he was grateful that there would be no lightbulb present. But he forgot that the biggest lightbulb was his son himself. He realized it later, but it was already late.