Sleeping together?

Anyway, he was grateful that there would be no lightbulb present. But he forgot that the biggest lightbulb was his son himself. He realized it later, but it was already late.

When he had finished laying the foods on the table and turned back to call them for food, he saw his son laying in Yun Xi's arms blushing and smiling at her. Even Yun Xi had a smile while talking to Xiao Hui. One look could tell that they really liked each other's company.

Mo Shan just sighed and told them that food was ready. Hearing his father, Xiao Hui jumped down from the bed and offered his hand to Yun Xi as if he was the prince and Yun XI was his princess.

Yun XI's heart melt when she saw this and readily put her hand on his. She then got off the bed and they walked together towards the table set by Mo Shan.

After reaching the table, Xiao Hui bowed down and put his hand forward as if to tell Yun XI to take a seat first. But, instead of sitting down directly, Yun Xi took his hand and pulled him with herself to take a seat together.

Xiao Hui was blushing really hard now. Seeing his rosy cheeks, Yun XI felt as if biting them. He looked super cute like this.

On the side, Mo Shan's face turned darker with each passing second. He felt as if he was the third wheel between them.

Finally, after some time Mo Shan cleared his throat to attract their attention towards himself, to tell them that he was still there.

Yun Xi blushed lightly when she realized that he was seeking their attention, but Mo Shan was so into his jealousy that he failed to notice her blushing.

Yun Xi quickly diverted her eyes from his face when she saw Mo Shan turning to look towards him.

"Oh, I like the foods. They are all my favorite. Thank you, darling." Yun XI said looking at Xiao Hui warmly.

Xiao Hui's eyes lightened up when he heard Yun Xi thanking him. "Really, pretty sister? Then, you should eat more since there is now baby living in your stomach."

"Mmm, you eat more too. Children should eat more so that they can grow up healthily." Saying that she put some vegetables in Xiao Hui's bowl from her chopstick.

Xiao Hui also mimicked her movements and put some vegetables in Yun Xi's bowl and replied, "Thank you, pretty sister. I will eat it well." With that, he began munching on vegetables.

Mo Shan's raised his eyebrows when he saw his son eating vegetables as if they were his favorites. But only he knew how much picky he was towards foods. He especially hated eating vegetables. But here he was, munching on them so happily.

He felt surprised but was jealous too. No one offered him food and did not even turn their head to look at him. He kept munching on his food while looking at his son's blissful expression jealously.

Once they had finished all the food, Yun Xi joined her hands together, closed her hands, and chanted, "Thank you for the food."

When Xiao Hui saw her doing this, he mimicked her and also joined his hand together and chanted the same thing.

Yun Xi laughed when she realized what the lad was doing. "Good boy. You should always thank god and your ancestors for providing you food." She patted his head and praised him.

Yun Xi stood up to clean all the dishes on the table but Mo Shan was one step ahead of her. He took all the bowls, chopsticks, and plates from the table and brought them to the adjoint bathroom to clean them.

"Mr. Mo, I will do this." Yun Xi said reaching out to take the dishes from his hand. But, he avoided her and replied, "It's okay. I can do this. You are still weak, take a rest."

"Yes, pretty sister. You rest here. I will go help my father." Saying that he followed his father.

Mo Shan realized that his son was calling Yun XI pretty sister instead of a mother. So, when they reached the bathroom, he asked him, "Xiao Hui, don't you like Yun Xi?"

"I like her a lot dad. I can see that she is not the type of evil mom from fairy tales, father. She is sweet and beautiful as a princess." Xiao Hui answered Mo Shan.

"Then, why didn't you call her mother? You told your great grandfather that you were going to meet your mother but you called her pretty sister when you met her, why?" Mo Shan asked him again.

"Father, she does not like you, right? You are pursuing her. When she accepts you and marries you, I will call her mother. Till that, I will help you." Xiao Hui replied seriously while helping his father clean the dishes.

Mo Shan sighed hearing his words. Having a smart son was really annoying. How can he say straight out that Yun XI does not like him? Even if it was true, he did not have to voice it out. But, he himself never thought that his son was such a thoughtful and sensitive person.

After cleaning all the dishes, both of them came out together.

Yun Xi was praying for them to leave quickly so that she could think about what she was going to reply to Mo Shan tomorrow.

Mo Shan could tell what she was thinking from her expression. So, he looked at his son and told him to say goodbye to Yun Xi.

Xiao Hui's expression was clearly telling that he did not want to leave. Even Mo Shan himself did not want to leave but he did not want Yun Xi to feel uncomfortable. So, he tried to grab Xiao Hui's hand to drag him out.

Xiao Hui saw his hand coming towards him from the corner of his eyes. But before Mo Shan's hand could reach him, Xiao Hui quickly dodged it and ran towards Yun Xi's bed.

He raised his hands as if to tell Yun Xi to pull him up as he could not climb the bed by himself.

Yun XI could not bear his cute looks and quickly carried him to bed.

After successfully being in Yun Xi's arms, Xiao Hui raised his head and looked at Yun XI with teary eyes. "Pretty sister, can I stay here tonight? I don't want to return home."

Yun Xi hesitated seeing his puppy eyes.

Mo Shan knew that Yun Xi wanted to be alone so he said, "Xiao Hui, your pretty sister is tired. We will come again tomorrow. Let's go."

But Xiao Hui was having none of it. "Father, pretty sister is sick. So, we have to stay here to take care of her." Then he looked at Yun Xi and said, "Pretty sister, please. I really don't want to go. There is no one in-home. My grandpa, grandma, and uncle all are abroad. And, father is busy. I want to stay with you."

Yun Xi was weak towards children from start and she really could not reject such a cute look, so she said, "Okay, fine. You stay here tonight. Your father can return, you stay here with me."

Mo Shan was stupefied at that. How he let his wife, no to be wife stay alone with a man? Even if the man was his son, he did not allow that. So, he quickly began to think of some excuses he could use to stay there too.

Before he could implement any of his excuses, he heard his son's voice, "If you don't want my father here, then I will tell him to go home but pretty sister, I cannot sleep without my father."

That's a good excuse. Mo Shan's eyes lit up. That's my boy, he thought. Then, he quickly replied, "Yeah, me too." But realizing that he replied hastily, he coughed lightly and said, "Well, he really cannot sleep well without me. I am afraid that he will give you trouble if he stayed with you. So, I will accompany you both."

Xiao Hui tsked at his father's shamelessness.

Yun Xi's eyes also widened up hearing his answer. If he stayed here then I will not be able to be sleep, she thought.

"Yes, pretty sister. Father will sleep on the couch and we can sleep in a bed." Xiao Hui said excitedly.

Before Yun Xi could say anything, Mo Shan shouted, "NO!!" When he felt Yun XI's and his son's eyes on him, only then did he realized that he was a little bit too loud. It was the second time in a few minutes that he has lost control.

He then coughed softly and said, "I mean, your pretty sister is carrying the child in her stomach. What if you move in your sleep and something happens to her? So, no you are not sleeping with her."

Xiao Hui looked visibly upset at that and blinked his tearful eyes while looking at Yun Xi.