They have met before

Anyway Seeing his tearful eyes and sad look, Yun Xi immediately said, "It's okay. You can sleep here with me., the bed has more space than a normal ward bed. So, I guess there won't be any problem."

Mo Shan wanted to reject her idea but his son beat him, "Pretty sister, do not worry. I won't harm you and the baby. I will be very good and won't move in my sleep too. I can just sleep at the edge of bed too."

Mo Shan knew that his son was serious when he said that and will do as he said, so he did not speak anything. Anyway, he was also staying there, so he can look after them.

Yun Xi's heart melted at his words. She hugged him and said, "Thank you, darling. You really are the best." She then kissed his forehead and patted his head.

Xiao Hui blushed at that and quickly dived into a blanket to hide his face.

Yun Xi saw him blushing and exclaimed, "Aww! Are you shy, darling?"

But, she did not hear any word from Xiao Hui. Even after few minutes passed, Xiao Hui did not come out.

Yun XI became worried that he will suffocate, so she quickly spoke, "Darling, how about I tell you a bedtime story or sing you a song?"

And as she expected, Xiao Hui raised his head from the blanket and looked at her expectantly as if to tell her that he wanted to hear them.

Yun Xi chuckled, laid down, took him in her arms, and began to narrate a story, "Once upon a time, ....."

Yun Xi knew all the bedtime stories and children's rhymes because she used to narrate and sing them in an orphanage for other children. It was always her who used to calm children when they were first brought to the orphanage. So, she slowly learned them all.

Yun Xi heard soft snoring sound and realized that Xiao Hui has fallen asleep in her arms. She patted his head and kissed him on the forehead again. Then, she whispered, "Goodnight" and arranged the blanket for him to sleep comfortably.

Only then did she realized that Mo Shan was still there. She turned her head to look at Mo Shan who was sitting on the couch and spoke, "Goodnight, Mr. Mo." After wishing him good night, she quickly dived into the blanket and closed her eyes.

Mo Shan chuckled at her behavior and replied, "Goodnight, Miss Yun." He then turned off the light and laid down on the couch looking in the direction of the bed. He could see two lumps on the bed and his eyes turned gentle at that.

Yun Xi thought that she would not be able to sleep that night, but maybe because of the presence of a warm baby in her arms or maybe because she was feeling secure enough because of their presence, she quickly fell into a deep slumber.

Xiao Hui too slept peacefully without moving a bit as he had promised.


Mo Jiang Hui's dream

"Oh my look, that child is so cute. His mother and father must have been very beautiful and handsome too for the child to look that cute." He could hear the murmurs around him.

Everyone was praising his looks and all.

But, he also caught some displeasing comments.

"Shhh. Don't talk about his mother. He only has a father, no one knows about his mother. No one knows if she is alive or dead. I am telling you, if he hears these things and makes him sad then the entire Mo family will come after you." Someone was whispering in the crowd.

He knew that his father and mother were dead. No one in the Mo family hide this information from him. Every year his father would bring him to their grave to worship them.

But, still, he did not like when someone talked about his mother. Even if they were unaware of who his mother really was, they have no right to talk about his mother like that.

In the midst of his thoughts, he again heard the whispering of the crowd, "But, his father is Mo Shan, right? He will have to marry one day. I really pity the child. What if he got some evil woman as a stepmother? The first thing she will do is to separate father and son."

When he heard this, he tightened his grip on his father's hand.

Apparently, Mo Shan heard those words too. He glared towards the direction of the sound and all the chatter around them stopped.

Even if Mo Shan protected him, Xiao Hui was afraid that he will abandon him one day when he had his own children. That's why he never wanted his father to marry. He was afraid that he will be alone again if his father abandoned him.

Xiao Hui had all those insecurities bottled up in his heart but never said a word about it to his father. He was afraid that his father will find him annoying. Maybe that's how he got so sensitive towards outsiders, mainly girls.

So, when Mo Shan suddenly asked him if he wanted a younger sibling, he blanked out for a moment and wanted to shout that he didn't want them. But he was afraid that his father would be disappointed in him.

When he asked his father if he did not want him anymore, his father told him that no matter what happens, he will always be his first child. Xiao Hui really felt happy that time. He decided to trust his father and agreed to meet the girl his father liked.

When he reached the hospital, he was afraid that Yun Xi would not like him and tell his father to separate from him. He clenched his fists and just kept taking deep breaths.

But when he finally saw Yun XI, his all insecurities flew away. She looked at him with those clear eyes, which were different from those scheming looks which he had received before. He knew that she liked him straight away when he heard her whisper, "Cute."

As soon as he saw her, he recognized her right away. It was not the first time he had met her.

About 6 months ago, there was a jewelry exhibition by an anonymous designer. His grandmother really liked that designer, so she took him with her to that exhibition. But, there was so much crowd there so he got separated from his grandmother.

He knew that his grandmother would find him soon since they had brought bodyguards with them. As long as his grandmother called his father and told him that they got separated, he knew that his father will find him soon.

But still, he was a child and was really afraid at that time. He kept looking at the crowd passing by, but no one came to him even if they could see that he was alone there and was nervous. Everyone behaved as if they did not see anyone and went their own way. No one came to help him, instead, all were looking at him with suspicious eyes.

He began to feel more nervous as time passed. He was praying that his father will find him soon. He was getting teary as time passed.

That's when a lady came to him and asked him if he was lost. At first, he was afraid to talk to her but then she became to talk herself, "Hello young friend. My name is Yun Xi. I got lost too. Did you also get lost?"

He slowly nodded his head without looking at her. He then heard her chuckle and was startled when she took his hand in hers. "Come. I will help you. Who did you come here with?"

When he heard her still talking softly with himself, he replied, "Grandma."

"Oh, so you came here with your grandma. Come, I will help you find her." She told him.

Then, she brought him to a room and said something to the people present in that room. He saw them nodding to her.

Then, she knelt down to him and asked, "What is your name?"

"Mo Jiang Hui" he had replied.

Then he saw her putting headphones in her ear and speaking on the mic, "Hello. I am speaking from the broadcasting room here. Please pay attention to this. I found a child lost here. His name is Mo Jiang Hui. So, Jiang Hui's grandmother, if you are here please come to the broadcasting room." He heard her repeating that three times.

Then, she came to him and said to wait and that his grandma would be coming soon.

As she said, his grandma came there crying and hugged him as soon as she got there.

He looked at the pretty lady and saw her smiling at him. He smiled back and thanked her.

His grandma was also thanking her repeatedly.

"So, now you have found your grandma. I am leaving now. I have lots of work to do. Bye." With that, she left.

At that time, he hoped to see her again soon. When he saw her again, he was really pleased but she seemed like she had forgotten their encounter. Even though, he still felt happy to see her again.

He felt so blessed that he even smiled in his sleep.