
Yun Xi was feeling intimidated because of Old Master Mo’s presence. He was one of those figures whom she had only heard of. But now that figure was sitting and talking with her which made her surreal.

She could have never thought in her dreams that one day she would be chatting with one of the most influential persons of the country, that too in the hospital ward.

Sitting in front of Old Master Mo, Yun XI was feeling scared and did not even know what to talk about. She thought that he was there to warn her to stay away from his grandson. That’s what rich people are best at, she thought.

She was trying to think about his reason for visiting her when she suddenly remembered her encounter with two strange persons earlier.

Her eyes widened in the realization that they could have been sent by this Old Master Mo.

Her fear and awkwardness turned into anger when she realized that. She thought that they had no right to do that to her and she hated it when someone tries to enter her privacy even if that person was so influential and powerful.

Yun Xi squinted her eyes and asked in a cool voice, “The two people I just encountered outside, were they sent by you? To test me?”

Old Master Mo did not expect that he would get caught so easily and was feeling a little bit guilty looking at Yun Xi’s face. He could tell that Yun Xi was really angry from her expression. He diverted his eyes from her and started to cough awkwardly. “Miss Yun, you know that many girls want to be the daughter-in-law of Mo family and almost all of them want the power, money, and prestige that comes from the marriage. And me, as the eldest of the family cannot let that happen. So, I had to test you a little bit.”

He continued with a sigh, “I know you are not happy with our behavior and even my grandson may be angry with me if he knows about this, but for me, it’s my duty as an elder. I don’t need my granddaughter-in-law to be rich, smart, or anything, but she just needs to be a nice girl. You know the one who believes in loving people, not their materialistic things. And I can tell now that you are the very one.”

When she heard him, Yun Xi knew that she did not have any reason to continue being angry because if she was in his place, she would have done the same. She also would not have accepted any girl or boy to be her daughter-in-law and son-in-law respectively.

But she could not understand one thing. She has not agreed to marry Mo Shan yet, so why would anyone want to come to test her? Moreover, if anyone from Mo's family knew about the truth behind her pregnancy, would they still accept her?

Instead of dwelling on her thoughts, she decided to be straightforward and directly asked, “Sorry to ask you this Mr. Mo, but who told you that I am marrying your grandson? I mean I have never agreed to that. Furthermore, I don’t think you know me much closely. Maybe you will dislike me when you get to know some truth.” Yun Xi said referring to the truth of her pregnancy.

Old Master Mo also knew what she was referring to, so he smiled and spoke gently, “Are you talking about the child in your belly, Xiao Xi? And yes, let me call you Xiao Xi, okay? You don’t mind right?”

Yun Xi was shocked to the core when she registered his words in her mind. She was stupefied by the reason that even if he knew about her pregnancy, he was talking to her so gently and even accepted her.

“Huh? And you still want me to marry into your family? Don’t you think I will bring disgrace to your family?” Yun Xi asked Old Master Mo.

Old Master Mo shook his head and spoke, “Children are never a disgrace, Xiao Xi. And don’t worry. Every member of Mo family is modern, they won’t mind this.”

“Moreover, my wife was also a divorcee when I married her.” Old Master Mo winked at Yun Xi as if telling her a huge secret.


Old Master Mo’s flashbacks:

And yes, it was actually true. Old Master Mo and Old Madam Mo were childhood sweethearts. But after Old Master Mo went to the military, Old Madam Mo’s family married her to another boy despite her unwillingness. But she got nothing in marriage except abuse from her husband and in-laws. Even when she returned to her home to tell them about her life in her husband’s home, none of her family members were willing to help her.

After serving in the military for about 3 years, Old Master Mo returned intending to marry his love (Old Madam Mo now). After he returned, he found out that she has already been married. He was truly heartbroken at that time. He wanted to return to the military right after that but he thought of meeting his love for the last time. He decided that if she was really happy with her marriage and husband, then he will leave her and never meet her again.

With this intention, he gathered her in-law’s home address and set off there. But the scene he saw when he reached there made him completely shocked. He actually saw his Shen Yuluo (Old Madam Mo’s name) being dragged by her hair in the corridor by none other than her husband.

When Mo Jing Shen (Old Master Mo) saw this scene, he could not bear it and went inside the corridor hurriedly and without thinking, he started beating the man who was dragging Shen Yuluo by her hair.

Shen Yuluo felt that her husband had loosened up her hair and when she raised her head to check what had happened, she saw Mo Jing Shen beating her husband. When she saw his face, she could not control her tears and finally broke down with tears in front of him.

When Mo Jing Shen heard her crying, he pushed the man he was holding to the ground and himself walked to Yuluo. Without speaking a word, he just hugged her tightly in his arms and began speaking, “I am sorry luoluo for leaving you alone. I should have never left. But now I am here, okay? Don’t cry.”

Shen Yunluo hugged him back tightly and began to cry really hard which was breaking Mo Jing Shen’s heart.

Suddenly he felt Shen Yuluo trembling in his arms and moaning in pain. He loosened his tight grip on her and looked at her but found that she was turning pale. He hurriedly checked her to see if she was injured when he saw the blood trickling down in the ground from the inner part of her thighs. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly carried her to the hospital.

There he found out that she had suffered a miscarriage. When Shen Yuluo knew about this, she broke down into tears. Mo Jing Shen wanted to take away her pain but could not do anything except hugging her in his arms.

You quickly fell asleep in his arms tired from her sufferings. Mo Jing Shen did not move an inch from her and sat there the whole time looking at her. If he got the second chance, then he would have never left her here alone.

After few hours, Yunluo opened her eyes and saw Mo Jing Shen beside her. Mo Jing Shen also saw her awake and the first thing he said to her was, “Luoluo, divorce him and we will marry soon, okay? I promise that I will never leave you alone again.”

Shen Yunluo had also missed him a lot during these years and always wished that he would get her out of this hell soon. But now she thought that she no longer deserved him. So she said, “Jing Shen, I no longer deserve you. I am not that pure girl anymore.”

When he heard her words, he became angry and scolded her, “Luoluo, what are you talking about? No matter what happens, you will always be the same Luoluo for me.”

Shen Yunluo was so touched by his words but she hardly believed that they would be together because she knew her husband very well. He would never agree to the divorce. Mo Jing Shen knew what she was worried about so said, “Luo Luo, you don’t have to worry about that bastard, okay? You just rest here. I will talk with him and we will move to my place after you get discharged.”

With that, he left the hospital to meet that bastard who abused his Luo Luo. But before leaving he asked the nurse to take care of Shen Yunluo.

He directly went to Yunluo’s house and threatened her husband with a gun to agree to divorce. Seeing the gun in his eyes, that man could only agree to it.

A few days later, they got divorced and after her discharge, Mo Jing Shen brought Yunluo to his house. A few months later, they eventually got married too and were inseparable.