Lunch together

Old Master Mo told Yun Xi in short about how he got to marry his wife to show her that Mo doesn’t mind the truth of her pregnancy. As long as Mo Shan really loves Yun XI and Yun Xi is a nice girl, they would welcome her with their open arms.

After listening to Old Master Mo and Old Madam Mo’s story, Yun Xi was touched and she had tears in her eyes. Maybe it was because of her pregnancy and hormones, she was deeply touched by their life story. But on the wholesome, she was glad that they were finally together after years of longing. Now, she also wished for such love and companionship.

Even Old Master was feeling a bit nostalgic now remembering all those memories. But he still failed to protect her later.

When they got the news of their eldest grandson’s accident and that he was no more, Old Madam Mo got a stroke and went into a coma after that. It has already been more than a couple of years but still, she had no sign of waking up. But he was not willing to give up till now. He had a belief in his heart that she would surely wake up someday.

He did not realize that he had some tears in his eyes as he was lost in his thoughts. But, Yun XI could see his tearful eyes and his heartbroken expression. Still, she did not ask him anything as she was afraid that she would double his pain unknowingly. She just gave him time to return to his sense.

Old Master Mo finally returned into his sense after some minutes. He saw that Yun Xi just looking at him with worried eyes but did not disturb him. He was grateful that she did not ask him anything because if she did, he would not be able to answer her without feeling emotional and guilty of not being able to protect his Luo Luo.

Pin drop silence could be felt in the room and both of them feeling awkward. Old Master Mo decided to break the silence. He coughed awkwardly and spoke, “Let me call you Xiao Xi from now on, okay? You would not mind this old man’s words, right?”

Yun Xi also badly wanted to dissipate the awkwardness in the air as quickly as possible. So, when she heard him ask that, she just nodded politely.

Old Master Mo felt good when he saw her nodding. Then he said, “Xiao Xi, you should know by now that I am not lying and that, Mo's family will wholeheartedly accept you. So, just accept my bratty grandson, okay? I can see that he really loves you. You may think that he is just willing to marry you for Mo Jiang Hui’s sake, but that’s not the case. If he only provides Mo Jiang Hui a mother, he would have already married someone else. So, give him a chance, okay?”

Yun Xi was not sure of what to do. She was afraid that she would get betrayed once again. So, she replied, “I will think about it Master Mo. May I ask who is Xiao Hui’s mother, sir? I don’t want to sound rude or anything like that, I just really want to know about her.”

Old Master Mo was once again lost in his memories and replied after few minutes with tearful eyes, “His mother was a very nice girl just like you. She came from a high-class background which perfectly matched ours. Xiao Hui’s father, my eldest grandson, and she were childhood sweethearts and later married each other. They were leading a happy life and even every family member was satisfied with them. They soon had Xiao Hui too but only after few months of Xiao Hui’s birth, they had a car accident on the way home.”

Yun Xi was shocked when she heard this. She realized that Xiao Hui was not Mo Shan’s son but his brother’s. She was sad to hear that such a great family had gone through such pain. She remembers her colleagues telling her that they were such a great pair and how they were perfect for each other.

Yun XI herself was an orphan, so when she just learned that Xiao Hui also suffered the same fate as her, she suddenly felt a pang in her heart. But she was glad that he had his whole family behind him to love him, take care of him and support him. Her respect for Mo Shan also increased by folds in her heart.

Her thoughts were disturbed from Old Master Mo speaking again, “Sigh! The whole Mo family was saddened by the grief after their death. At that time, Mo Shan was in the military. He was urgently called back. He did not even get the time to relieve his grief as, after his elder brother’s death, all family responsibility and company’s responsibility fell into his head. He had to rule the company with an iron fist just to fulfill his brother’s duties and hopes.”

He continued, “Mo Shan was afraid that even if Xiao Hui got all the love from his family, he may still feel that he was different from other children when realizing that everyone else had father and mother. So, he decided to adopt him formally. Even if he had no idea about how to take care of children, he learned everything for Xiao Hui. And as you can see now how happy Xiao Hui is and how strong their bond is. Now, it seems he also likes you very much. I know it may be too much to ask you of this, but this old man pleads you to give Xiao Hui the motherly love he deserves.”

Yun Xi now had her eyes full of tears. “Stupid hormones” she blamed her hormones in her head for making her want to cry.

At first, Yun Xi was not sure of her decision but now hearing all those words, she decided to marry Mo Shan, mainly for Mo Jiang Hui. She already knew the pain of not having a mother and father figure in her life. So, she was adamant about giving her all love to Xiao Hui. So she nodded at old Master Mo indicating her acceptance.

Old Master also smiled politely at her and nodded his head with satisfaction.

Just in time, someone knocked at the door. Both of them looked at the door and Yun Xi spoke, “Come in.”

The door slowly opened and someone peeked her head inside with a sheepish smile on his face. It was none other than Mo Sheng.

Mo Shan, Butler Li, and Wang Lei had been eavesdropping on the door ever since Old Master Mo and Yun Xi entered the room. It has already been over an hour but still, there was no sign of them coming out.

Mo Sheng could not hold his curiosity anymore, so knocked on the door despite Butler Li and Wang Lei’s objection. After opening the door, he sheepishly smiled at people inside the room and hurriedly said, “Old man, aren’t you done yet? Sister-in-law must be feeling tired and hungry after all the talks. Shall I order lunch for all of us?”

Yun Xi was stupefied when she heard him calling her sister-in-law. She did not know how to react to that. On the other hand, Old Master Mo was satisfied with his way of greeting Yun Xi. He then replied, “Alright. Your sister-in-law must have been hungry. Hurry and order some nutritious food which is suitable for her and baby.”

Before Mo Sheng could take out his mobile phone to place an order, Butler Li interrupted him and said, “Third young master, before coming here, I have already informed our chef to prepare some nourishing foods and have it delivered here. The food must be here soon. So, you don’t have to order them from outside.”

Old Master Mo nodded at Butler Li feeling satisfied. Actually, he knew that it was his duty to remind the chef but due to his excitement of meeting Yun Xi, he totally forgot about it. He was glad that Butler Li remembered it and praised him, “Old Li, you did a good job. Now comes everyone seat here.”

Before anyone else could take a seat, Mo Sheng hurriedly ran towards Yun Xi and sat beside her. He then spoke cheerfully, “Hello, sister-in-law. I am Mo Sheng, my brother’s only younger brother. I will stay loyal to my all life so speak some nice words about me to my second brother, deal? Nice to meet you.”

He spoke so many words at a time so it took a while for Yun Xi to understand him. She then coughed lightly and nodded to him while smiling awkwardly.”

“Stop your nonsense. You are making your sister-in-law awkward.” Old Master Mo chastised his grandson.

At the same time, servants from the Mo family reached there with lunch. They then organized the dishes on the table neatly and after serving, all stood at the side.

Yun Xi could see that the dishes they brought were all very nourishing and must have taken some hours from them to make all those. There were even two bases of soup. Seeing all those foods, her appetite increased greatly, and began to gobble them without caring for anything.

Old Master Mo was contented seeing her enjoying foods so much. He decided to give the chef a raise this month. Everyone began to enjoy the food which included Wang Lei too.